Chapter 1235 The Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons!

Chu Yuan's face turned ugly for a moment, and he looked at the people next to him: "You say it's true?"

The Flame Demon Guard's face was extremely ugly: "It's true, I don't know what happened, I found that the flames under the Weak Fire Bridge of Soil Guard have all disappeared!"

"See it with your own eyes?" Chu Yuan asked.

"I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I saw it through remote shooting. As for what happened, I don't know, but I have sent someone to look at it before, and there will be results almost soon!" The flame demon guard next to him said.

"I want to watch the live video, get it for me right away!"

"Yes!" The Flame Demon Guard next to him responded, and quickly backed away!
Immediately, Chu Yuan's brows were tightly furrowed: "The flame under the cliff is the sacred fire in the Flame Demon Mountain, how could it be possible to say that it is gone without seeing it!"

On the other side, Tang Zhong and the Tuwei people had already started walking towards the top of the mountain.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of monsters, but in the hands of the five people, there was no way to fight back. The monsters were beaten and fled everywhere!

"Why are these magical beasts so rubbish?" someone from Saturn said.

"That's right, I thought that these monsters would be very powerful in the inner guard assessment!"

What they didn't know was that everything was done by Tang Zhong. Those magical beasts were effortless under Tang Zhong's hands. Tang Zhong almost beat him to death. That's why they thought it was easy!
All the way to the top of the mountain, it can be said to be singing all the way, without any obstacles at all!
The morale of Saturn's people exploded completely. It can be said that there is nothing in front of them.

It's not far from the top of the mountain now.

next to a rock.

The three of Ren Yong stood there, as if they were waiting for something!
"No, those two guys went to trip up the Earth Guardian, why haven't they come yet? Will something happen?" asked a person next to Ren Yong.

Before Ren Yong could speak, another person next to him said directly: "Do you think Tuwei has that ability?"

"No!" The person who spoke before shook his head directly.

"Wait, they should be here soon!"

Ren Yong looked at the distance and ordered: "No need to wait, let's go now, let's go to the top of the mountain first!"

"That's fine, anyway, they're coming soon!"

"Yes, there is still a level ahead called Wanpoison Canyon, it will take some time to pass!"

Ren Yong took the lead, and the three walked directly forward.

They hadn't gone far when Saturn's men came.

They passed the customs all the way, and they almost doubted whether this is the inner guard's assessment. This is too simple, but as long as they are fine, they can go all the way!

"I remember the Ten Thousand Poisons Canyon in front of us, there are many poisonous beasts in it, we need to be careful, we must not make mistakes!" Mimas said humanely.

Wanpoison Canyon?

Tang Zhong turned around and asked, "Then what is the Ten Thousand Poison Canyon?"

"In the Yanmo Mountain Neiwei assessment, the first is the Weak Fire Bridge, and the second is the Wanpoison Canyon. In the canyon, there are all kinds of poisonous beasts. I heard from many people that those who participated in the assessment barely passed the Weak Fire Bridge, but Every time I lose my chance in the Ten Thousand Poison Canyon, I am very sad!" Someone introduced.

"Yes, there are many kinds of poisonous beasts, and poisonous butterflies. In short, all kinds of them exist. Once they enter the human body, they will corrode the human body. But don't worry, the Galaxy God Guard has a cure. But once poisoned, it also represents an opportunity to become an inner guard!"

Tang Zhong carefully read these words, and this place.

It should be very dangerous.

"Hahahahahaha!" Who knew, the voice of the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier came out.

"What are you laughing at?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I laugh at your luck, those two Jinwei people will never imagine what his bottle of wine brought you!" Shi Daoyan Longbing laughed.

"This..." Tang Zhong said.

"Poisonous beasts, you can keep them in captivity and absorb them all in the evil eyes, because the evil eyes have absorbed that kind of fire, and the evil energy inside has been fused with the flames, transforming into evil fires. In addition to refining corpse soldiers, you can also For refining corpse beasts, those poisonous beasts are the best choice, they can be your trump card, so I say you are lucky!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong understood it, anyway, he would want it if it was good to him!

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said to the human guard behind him.

"Hmm!" The people of Earth Guard have already regarded Tang Zhong as their leader, and they will follow what Tang Zhong says now.

The entire Balrog Mountain is a huge volcano!

And this Wandu Canyon is about to reach the top of the mountain.

Here, there are many poisonous beasts!
It can be seen from a distance that there is a mist in that place!
"Be careful for a while!" Tang Zhong just reminded.

He wants to find a chance to slip away and use his evil eyes to trap these poisonous beasts!

If it is true what Shi Daoyan Longbing said, this is his chance!

The five people walked into the Ten Thousand Poisons Canyon, surrounded by mist, and it was extremely cold here!

They are back to back!
"I heard that there are many caterpillars here, and they have a strong penetrating ability!"

Someone raised the road.

"Just be careful!" Tang Zhong said.

And at this time, on the wall of the canyon, the wall was green, and I didn't know what was on it. Suddenly, the stones in the canyon moved, and then a small caterpillar came out!
That kind of caterpillar is green and emitting poisonous gas. What's even more frightening is that this caterpillar has fangs and eyes as many as spiders!

Suddenly, its whole body rushed out!

Tang Zhong was watching his surroundings vigilantly, when the voice of the Ten Dao Yanlong Soldier suddenly came out: "Be careful!"

Tang Zhong looked up and saw the caterpillar.

At this moment, the Tianling Gai that was facing him pierced through, and because the speed was a little slower, he quickly blocked it with his hands.

When the caterpillar came into contact with the human body, it burrowed directly into Tang Zhong's body. He could see traces of the caterpillar's movement on his arm. He quickly reached out and grabbed it to prevent the poisonous beast from getting into his body!
"Catch him!" Shidaoyan Longbing shouted.

"How to catch it?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Evil Eye!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Yes, I almost forgot about this!" Tang Zhong said, and quickly took out the evil eye. He controlled the position of the caterpillar with his hands, and the caterpillar could not move at this time.

Xieyan stuck to the caterpillar and pulled the caterpillar out abruptly.

Finally, he was sucked into the evil eye.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, and almost lost his life here!

In the scene just now, because of the surrounding fog, others didn't see it, but now they all saw that Tang Zhong was wrong, and asked quickly: "Senior Brother Tang, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said quickly.

Then I looked around, these poisonous beasts are really powerful, if they all belong to me, they will definitely have a very strong fighting power!
(End of this chapter)

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