Chapter 1237 Found out?

When Ren Yong heard that Tang Zhongzhong had killed him, his face was extremely ugly: "Okay, okay, seeing that you don't know how to live or die, then I will help you!"

Tang Zhong didn't talk to Ren Yong again, in short, even if he refined the two Jin Wei into corpse soldiers, he would not admit it.

And at this time.

At the foot of Yanmo Mountain.

The Flame Demon Guard reappeared, just arrived, and directly announced: "This time, the five guards have already reached the top of the mountain, and the commanders can also go up now!"

"How about the casualties?" Liu Tiansheng was the first to stand up and asked.

"Let Commander Liu go up and have a look at this!" the Flame Demon Guard finished speaking and left.

But at this time, on the high platform, Chu Yuan had no intention of resting, and was drinking tea right now.

Another Flame Guard hurried up.

Chu Yuan's face changed slightly, he was so anxious, did something happen again?

"Teacher Chu, something serious happened!"

"What's the big deal, tell me!" Chu Yuan said.

"Many of the poisonous beasts in the Ten Thousand Poisons Valley are missing!" said the Flame Demon Guard.

"What?" Chu Yuan stood up suddenly.

First, the flames in the weak fire bridge disappeared, and then the poisonous beast disappeared in the Wandu Canyon: "What happened?"

Because the number of poisonous beasts in the Wanpoison Canyon is fixed, many of them have disappeared now, so they are all nervous!

"We don't know, it just disappeared!" Yanmowei said.

"Then what about the video from Ruohuoqiao before? Is there any?" Chu Yuan asked, Chu Yuan had been thinking about this just now.

"I didn't find it. The temperature on the weak fire bridge is too high to take a clear video, but there are some that are far away. Do you want to watch it?" Yan Mowei asked.

"Look, take it out!" the Flame Demon Guard said, and then stretched out his arm, shining light from above, forming a light curtain in front of him.

Now a picture is being played on the light curtain.

In the distance, there is a chain bridge.

A person sat cross-legged on the chain bridge, for some reason, the flame was blown wildly, and finally disappeared!
Of course, these pictures can only be seen roughly, and they are not very clear, let alone people.

"Do you know who these people are?" Chu Yuan asked again.

"We can't make this picture clearer, so we can't see clearly at all!" Yanmo Wei said.

"Well, have those people reached the top of the mountain now?" Chu Yuan asked.

"Yes!" The Flame Demon Guard said.

"Go!" Chu Yuan said directly, he couldn't wait to know who did all this.

No matter how many internal guard assessments there are in the past, today’s incident has never happened. Now it must be because of the existence of a certain person. If there is no accident, it is the person who meditated on the chain bridge.

"What kind of person is he? What's the use of fire and that poisonous beast if you ask for it?"

After a while, all the spaceships were ready to send the five army commanders and Chu Yuan to the top of the mountain.

Ordinary spaceships cannot pass through this mountain, only this special spaceship now!
I saw the fiery red spaceship passing through the burning mountain and reaching the top of the mountain!
Finally landed on a high platform.

Five people quickly got off the spaceship.

At this time, Tang Zhong and the others had already reached the top of the mountain, and there was a cave above it, called the Flame Demon Cave!

Standing together except for those injured who were sent to be healed!
With the arrival of the spaceship, their eyes were all attracted by the spaceship, and when they saw their commander get off the spaceship, they all began to salute.

As soon as Chu Yuan got off the spaceship, he immediately stared at the large group of soldiers participating in the internal guard assessment. He recalled the scene he saw before, and that person was among them!

Those who can absorb the flames of Yanmo Mountain must have obtained some kind of opportunity. There are many treasures in the universe, and people can get adventures from them, so this is not surprising.

The reason why Chu Yuan watched it was because such a person must be cultivated well!

And Chu Yuan's eyes swept across the audience.

Jin Wei's Ren Yong looked up triumphantly.

The people next to him immediately echoed: "Mr. Chu must be looking at Captain Ren Yong right now. It seems that Captain Ren Yong has entered the inner guard properly this time!"


Ren Yong was happy to be told, but he just said: "You two don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Zhong, as the guard, saw that Chu Yuan was looking at them, and his eyes were constantly dodging. He always felt that Chu Yuan must have discovered something, or he would definitely not be able to see it. His evil eyes are huge. Secrets cannot be discovered.

But Chu Yuan glanced away, and instantly fixed on Tang Zhong's body. Others knew that he was watching, and they all raised their heads to meet Chu Yuan's gaze. This person is good, but he lowered his head, which is really strange.

"What's your name?" Chu Yuan asked Tang Zhong.

Because Chu Yuan was speaking to a group of people, almost everyone thought that Chu Yuan was calling him, and answered immediately.

"Ren Yong!"



Almost everyone said their own names, because it is definitely a good thing to let Teacher Chu Yuan use his name, and it is a proper thing to enter the inner guard.

"You answer my words!" Chu Yuan said to Tang Zhong.

At this time, several other guard captains were also attracted.

Jin Luotian was the first to smile: "What's wrong, Teacher Chu? What happened?"

"What's the name of the person at the front of the Earth Guard?" Chu Yuan pointed to Tang Zhong and asked Jin Luotian.

Jin Luotian looked at it, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "That guy is called Tang Zhong, a member of Tuwei, what happened, if that guy offends Teacher Chu, I will punish you now!"

When Liu Tiansheng heard that it was Tang Zhong, he hurried forward and asked, "What happened?"

"It's okay, just ask!" Chu Yuan said: "Let's go, continue the assessment!"

While walking, Chu Yuan did not forget to turn his head to look at Tang Zhong. Compared with other people, this person is really strange, but he is not sure whether this guy is the person in the video, let's take a look first. !

And among the people who participated in the assessment below.

When everyone heard that they were asking about Tang Zhong, their faces turned ugly, and they all turned to look at Tang Zhong of the Earth Guard.

It is a blessing to be asked by Teacher Chu Yuan for his name. The people here are eager to be favored by Teacher Chu Yuan. After all, two of the five captains of the outer guard are students of Chu Yuan. This proves that Chu Yuan Yuan's strength!
Ren Yong is very angry here.

The people next to him glanced at Tang Zhong, and said with disdain: "A trash, will be asked by Mr. Chu Yuan for his name, this is really stepping on shit!"

"Perhaps, when Teacher Chu Yuan asked his name, what heinous thing did that guy do!"

Tang Zhong heard all these words, but he didn't care about them. When Chu Yuan asked his name, could it be that what he did during the assessment was discovered?If so, bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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