Chapter 1247 The road of blood is paved!
Today is destined to be a killing feast!
Now Tang Zhong has completely entered a state of madness.

At this time, other people around are approaching at this moment.

But Tang Zhong was no longer waiting for them to make the first move, but instead made the first move, facing the water guard, he slashed down with his sword.

The power on the sword is incomparable!
The water guards separated from the others, and just about to attack Tang Zhong, when they saw this scene, they quickly raised their swords to resist!
But Tang heavy sword is more powerful!
Directly cut off the sword in the hand of the water guard.

Then the whole person flew out backwards!
"Damn it, how could it be like this!" The captain of the water guard looked extremely ugly, the sword in his hand was actually broken, and he felt as if his whole body was about to split open, his blood was boiling, maybe it was because he was too strong just now Powerful, the blood vessels in his body seemed to explode!
But Tang Zhong didn't give him any time to think, he approached again, with a sword in his hand, and stomped forward!

"What are you going to do?" The water guard captain's face was extremely ugly. It was really the first time he saw such a strong attack, so how could he resist?
"I'll kill you!" Tang Zhong roared.

Next, a sword swept down.

The water guard had no chance to resist, and there was a flash of sword light in his eyes.

"No..." the captain of the water guard roared.

But in the next second, his voice came suddenly.

When I saw Yijian cut it, the captain of the water guard was directly seen by Yijian, split in two, and blood spilled around!
The people around, seeing this scene, their bodies were trembling.

Everyone who comes here knows who the person who was hacked to death was, and it was Shui Wei who participated in the inner guard assessment this time. There is no room for it.

They became terrified in their hearts, they couldn't hold the weapons in their hands steadily, and then slowly backed away!
In the distance, when Ren Yong saw this scene, he was also a little scared. He had experienced Tang Zhong's power when he was in the Flame Demon Cave. When Tang Zhong picked up the sword, it was like killing a god. Don't dare to approach the past!
But today, Tang Zhong must die!
The people around are backing away in fright!

"Where do you want to go? Stop!" Ren Yong roared.

Those people dare not run away.

Turning around, he looked at Ren Yong with an extremely ugly expression: "Captain Ren, we are afraid!"

"What are you afraid of? Commander Jin asked you to come here to kill people, not to be afraid. He only has one person, so there is nothing to be afraid of!" Ren Yong roared.

"You can't beat him alone, let's fight together!"

Everyone swallowed deeply.

Many people are powerful.

The other party is just one person!

All these words fell into Tang Chong's ears, and he sneered: "It's okay for many people to bully ordinary people, but it's not enough to bully the devil!"

Tang Zhong started to strike again, all the anger in his heart was ignited, and a breath of thunder condensed on the arm holding the sword!

The tip of the sword rubbed against the ground, and then swept it out!

The thunder rubbed against the ground, splashing countless sparks!

The people around didn't know what Tang Zhong was planning to do, but suddenly, there was a rumbling sound under their feet.

With a bang, suddenly, the ground exploded, and an electric light burst out from the ground, directly blasting onto the opponent's body.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen people were repelled together!

The confidence that was finally built up by other people was so frightened that they were trembling all over for a while, and they kept retreating!

"I won't fight anymore, I won't fight anymore!" Some people were covered in cold sweat from being frightened, threw away the weapons in their hands, turned around and ran away!
Ren Yong watched his people being repelled, his heart was trembling, if these people escaped, how could he beat Tang Zhong?
Immediately shouted: "Everyone, stop, if you escape, you will be dealt with according to military law!"

But no one listened to him at all. Indeed, this moment was really frightening!
Seeing that his people were so afraid of Tang Zhong, Ren Yong was really upset, and said fiercely: "You are afraid of that guy, aren't you afraid of me?"

Still no one cares about him!
Ren Yong directly took out his weapon, and killed a fleeing man with a sword: "You are afraid of him, aren't you afraid of me? Let me tell you, this time it is Commander Jin who wants to kill Tang Zhong. Who dare not follow?" ? If you are on the run, you will die!"

Ren Yong didn't care about it. Originally, everyone killed Tang Zhong together, so that no traces would be exposed, but now it seems that he doesn't want to. Since it was exposed, let's expose it, anyway, they are all our own people!

The people around stopped, they didn't dare to escape!

"Now, I say to all of you, do it for me and kill Tang Zhong. As long as Tang Zhong dies, he will be promoted to a noble, and I will reward you with a lot of money!"

The people of Jin Wei turned to look at Tang Zhong.

Someone shouted: "We don't want to die, so let's kill this Tang Zhong together!"

"Yes, as long as we kill him, we'll be fine!"


Tang Zhong didn't want to talk too much!
Holding the sword, he slowly walked towards the bad temple in front of him!
Someone rushed over in front, and Tang Zhong killed them all the way.

He was like a god of killing, the blade pierced through the chests of those people, and directly beheaded some people's heads!
Blood spewed out everywhere, there were hundreds of people besieging Tang Zhong here, and they shot at the same time, but when facing Tang Zhong, they were like trash!
Tang Zhong was the only one who killed along the way, and wherever he went, the road was paved with blood!

Hundreds of people were either chopped up in the middle, or their arms and arms were broken. Those who rushed to the front had their throats cut directly!
"Death!" There was a loud shout, like thunder.

Hundreds of people were blown away by the shock!

People falling from the sky also have arms and organs!

Ren Yong, who was originally determined to kill Tang Zhong, was dumbfounded at this moment: "This... how is this possible!"

The captain of the water guards is dead, and only the Huomu guards are left. Before Ren Yong proposed to intercept and kill Tang Zhong together, they just came to help, but now, they don't even dare to do anything, they turn around and run away !
Those Golden Guards who were repelled but did not die, fell to the ground, they didn't care about anything, they threw away their weapons and fled.

What kind of thing is Ren Yong? He is not worthy of lifting shoes in front of the god of death in front of him.

"Don't kill us, don't kill us!"

When Ren Yong saw people running away, he was about to speak out to stop him, but no one listened to him at all. What's more, Tang Zhong slowly walked over from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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