Chapter 1258 Persecution!

Tang Zhong walked forward slowly, no matter whether there is a trap ahead or not, let's go through it now!
If there is an ambush, then kill it, and if there is no ambush, that's the best!

At this moment, the final hurdle.

Liu Tiansheng and Liu Tian led the Tuwei people, waiting at the last pass!

"Father, tell me, will Tang Zhong really come here?" Liu Tian asked.

"I hope he won't come here!" Liu Tiansheng said.

"Why, as long as Tang Zhong comes here, we can let him go. Now the entire galaxy center is investigating Tang Zhong's existence, and the high-level has been fully involved. If he is caught, he will definitely die. We are now sent here to carry out the investigation. Defense means trusting us, we can let Tang Zhong go!" Liu Tian said.

"Do you really think the higher-ups trust us?" Liu Tiansheng said.

His daughter was too young after all.

"Isn't it?" Liu Tian asked in surprise.

"Of course not. Believe it or not, there are many people around us who are watching us now. They are waiting for Tang Zhong to appear. We can be said to be bait, because we will not be defensive when Tang Zhong sees us. I really hope that Tang Zhongqian Don't come here!" Liu Tiansheng sighed.

Liu Tian's expression also changed, she turned her head to look around, and she found that there were many sneaky people there, apparently waiting for something.

Originally thought that they were the only breakthrough for Tang Zhong to leave here, but now they see that their place is simply a place of death!
Then Tang Zhong absolutely cannot come here.

But at this time, in front of them, a person wearing a bamboo hat appeared, it was Tang Zhong.

"Commander Liu!" Tang Zhong said.

Liu Tiansheng was checking his surroundings, but when he heard the voice from the side, his expression changed.

The person in front of him is Tang Zhong!

Really think what will happen.

He must not talk to Tang Zhong, otherwise Tang Zhong would be in trouble.

So Liu Tiansheng pretended not to hear it, but shouted to the guard soldiers next to him: "Everyone, be serious, absolutely don't let Tang Zhong leave here!"

"Yes!" The guard soldiers nodded one by one.

In fact, once the guard soldiers found Tang Zhong, they would let Tang Zhong pass without saying a word!

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, he was sure that Liu Tiansheng must have heard it, but he didn't answer him, so it meant there was an ambush around.

Soon Tang Zhong knew what to do. When he was about to press the bamboo hat very low, he was afraid of being discovered. If there was an ambush around, it would be really bad if he was discovered.

Get out of here first!

But who knew that at this time, many young people came out not far away.

Those young people are powerful one by one.

If you look carefully, you will find that the former Nanhuo Shenmu is also among them.

That's right, these young people are all from the inner guard, and they are all from Lei Ge!

The reason why they came here was because Zhuo Yang was a member of Lei Ge, and he heard that he was killed.

"Wait... everyone stop, I say everyone." Suddenly, one of the people who came over said.

Everyone in the audience stopped, and no one was allowed to go out at the gate.

Liu Tiansheng watched Tang Zhong leave with a bamboo hat, and he was about to leave from here. After passing this pass, everything would be in balance, but he never expected such a sudden change.


Liu Tiansheng's fists were clenched together.

I saw Nanhuo Shenmu slowly walking up!

Liu Tiansheng naturally knew the Nanhuo Shenmu.

"This is where we guard, what are you doing here?" Liu Tiansheng said.

Give Tang Zhong a little more time, just wait for Tang Zhong to pass by!

"Our Pavilion Master Lei Mie said that Zhuo Yang was a member of our Lei Pavilion, but he was killed. Let us catch the sinner, bring him back to Lei Pavilion, and execute him to death!" Nanhuo Shenmu said.

"We will solve it ourselves. Even if we find Tang Zhong, we will still send it to the Military and Political Department. What do you care about Lei Ge?" Liu Tiansheng said.

Then he said to the people who stopped: "Everyone, continue to leave the customs, don't worry about other things!"

"I said stop!" Nanhuo Shenmu said.

The gunpowder was ignited at once.

Everyone never expected such a result!
"Our Lei Pavilion is doing business, your outer guards get out!" Nanhuo Shenmu said: "From now on, you don't have to guard here, let our Lei Pavilion guard it, a bunch of trash!"

"You..." Liu Tiansheng became angry immediately, Tuwei is his family, how can he feel happy when he is scolded by others?

His breath surged all over his body.

"What? Is a chief guard of the Earth Guards going to fight our Lei Pavilion?" Nanhuo Shenmu sneered, "We will accompany you at any time!"

The breath on his body also surged.

Liu Tian was hiding in the crowd, she didn't know that Tang Zhong was in the crowd now, she was very surprised at this moment that her father wanted to fight against Lei Ge!

When Tang Zhong saw this scene, Liu Tiansheng must have discovered him. Now fighting against the Nanhuo Shenmu must buy him time. He can understand all these, and the earth guard does not have so many strong men in the Lei Pavilion. Zhuo Yang belongs to Lei Ge, and is also a member of the Military and Political Department. It can be seen that the people in Lei Ge are in high positions among the Galaxy God Guards, and the Earth Guards are not their opponents at all!

If Liu Tiansheng did this, he would put Saturn in the most dangerous situation.

Absolutely not!

Tang Zhong's expression was ugly, he understood Liu Tiansheng's thoughts, all of them were for him, but putting Tuwei in danger for him was something he absolutely didn't want to see.

Liu Tiansheng really thought so. Tang Zhong was the best disciple for so many years, and he was willing to give everything to protect this disciple.

"Go to hell!" Nanhuo Shenmu roared.

Immediately, the aura on his body surged, and he directly charged towards Liu Tiansheng!

"I said you are trash in Lei Pavilion, you are trash!" Nanhuo Shenmu punched out!
"Get out!" Liu Tiansheng also punched.

Immediately, the two bombarded together.

The two were sent flying out at the same time!
Nanhuo Shenmu's energy and blood were a little turbulent, obviously Liu Tiansheng was still difficult to deal with, so he winked at the person next to him.

The man quickly understood.

next second.

Nanhuo Shenmu rushed up again: "You Tuwei openly resisted our Lei Pavilion, on behalf of Lei Mie Pavilion Master, I will execute you!"

"Lei Ge is the inner guard, when will we be able to control our outer guard!" Liu Tiansheng said.

As soon as Nanhuo Shenmu punched out, Liu Tiansheng continued to bombard it, instead of fighting, now he just needs to delay Tang Zhong, and Tang Zhong just needs to leave.

But who knew, as soon as Nanhuo Shenmu and Liu Tiansheng attacked together, another person from Lei Pavilion rushed out and attacked him.

(End of this chapter)

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