Chapter 1261 Start to fight back!
At this moment, I saw soldiers coming from the surrounding area.

Water, Saturn, and Phobos are just a few people.

And it is very rare to be able to help Tang Zhong at this time.

If you look carefully, you will find that these people are soldiers who were rescued by Tang Zhong during the trial in Mie Mang Pond!

Ever since they knew that Tang Zhong was the one who saved them, they all came to help Tang Zhong now, no matter what the outcome would be!
The soldiers of the outer guard finally reached Tang Zhong's side, ready to fight side by side with Tang Zhong!
"Benefactor, we are here to help you!"

Tang Zhong looked at the outer guard soldiers coming around, and was very moved in his heart. With these people here, he has hope in his heart!
"thank you all!"

The soldiers of the Earth Guards burst into flames, they didn't think that Tang Zhong had done anything wrong, so they directly picked up the weapons in their hands!
When Liu Tiansheng and Liu Tian saw this scene, they didn't think about it, and directly chose to help Tang Zhong. If everyone else helped Tang Zhong, how could they not go!
Seeing this scene, Mr. Qiao and the major forces were all stunned. They obviously didn't expect these outer guard soldiers to dare to do this!

"Hehe, it seems that the current outer guards should also be shuffled, and they were brainwashed by the devil!" Qiao Lao said first.

"Well, kill all these people first, and then recruit other people into my Galaxy God Guard!" The person next to him said.

Some people stopped them from killing these outside guards: "But if we recruit again, I'm afraid we won't be able to recruit so many talented people again!"

"Talent is not important, the important thing is to be obedient. My Galaxy Guard needs obedient people. If you don't have enough talent to recruit outside guards, then lower the requirements. I think someone will join our Galaxy Guard!" Old Joe said.

Yes, among the Guardians of the Galaxy, obedient people are needed!
This is the rule among the Galaxy Guardians!

Kill all disobedient people!
At this moment, Tang Zhong saw so many people standing by his side, he never expected it, and felt a little excited in his heart, this is enough!
"Brothers, thank you today!"

"However, I, Tang Zhong, do everything by myself, so you don't have to worry about me!"

Tang Zhong said.

"You go, we will help you. Back then we deserved to die in the Mie Mang Pond. It was you who saved us and gave us a new life!" Someone said.

"Yes, you go, I will cover you!"

Suddenly, Mr. Qiao's voice burst into a roar, and he laughed loudly: "No one needs to leave today, because you all have to die!"

As soon as his words fell, the people in the surrounding military and political departments started to fight. They saw the fighter planes in the air, the chariots and soldiers on the ground aiming at Tang Zhong in front, ready to give a fatal blow at any time!
There are also people from the various inner guard forces, all preparing to kill!
"In our Galaxy Guardian, those who are disobedient must die, and you who are deceived by the demons deserve to die!"

Old Qiao just finished speaking.

Immediately, someone directly yelled: "Go to hell, when did we get confused by the devil!"

"We are not confused, we do not believe that Senior Brother Tang is a devil, he saved us back then, if he is all a devil, then you are all devils!"

When Old Qiao heard this, he was very angry: "A bunch of damn things dare to scold me. It seems that they were deceived by the devil. Now I declare that they will all die!"

"Everyone, prepare for me to attack, surround them, and shoot them all!"

After Qiao Lao's order was spread, in an instant, the fighter planes in the air, the chariots on the ground and the soldiers were all ready now.

This was originally a pass!
The front has been surrounded.

And the back is closed!
Now it can be said that there is no escape.

"Fight with them, what Galaxy Guardian, I join this, it is my biggest mistake!"


Almost all the outer guard soldiers took out their weapons!

Qiao Lao saw it in his eyes. As the leader of the military and political department, he never put the outer guards in his eyes. In his opinion, the outer guards were trash.

"Fire!" Qiao Lao ordered directly.

I saw that the combat planes, tanks, and soldiers in the sky began to be designed.

Flames shot out from the muzzle, heading towards Tang Zhong and the others.

The bullets knocked down many people and fell directly to the ground, turning into icy bodies.

At this moment, seeing this scene, Tang Zhong had completely despaired of the Galaxy God Guard. He could even kill his own soldiers, so this Galaxy God Guard was like this.

He didn't need any loyalty anymore, his pupils started to turn red.

He never thought of killing people, but now, he thought about it!

"I want you to pay with your life!" Tang Zhong almost roared out.

Hearing Tang Zhong's words, Mr. Qiao sneered: "You are the only one who pays for your life? I'm so scared, you bunch of trash, it's not good to stand over there, and you actually follow a devil, see if I don't kill you all to kill."

Then give orders to others: "Fire more violently!"

Weapons are always scary.

There's too much fire ahead.

Liu Tiansheng and Liu Tian couldn't stop it anymore, they wanted to protect Tang Zhong from here: "Tang Zhong, follow us!"

But Tang Zhong didn't move, the blood of his companions sprayed on his face, how hot it was!

The right hand slowly took out the evil eye.

Watching the shells flying around.

He directly released the corpse soldiers, all of which were forged in the evil eyes.

If you kill, you have to kill it to your heart's content!
The number of corpse soldiers is not enough, so use corpse fire to make up!

From the evil eyes, flames continued to flood towards the human flames!

The corpse soldiers have been constantly refining in the evil fire, and they have already become extremely hard and extraordinary. Ordinary weapons will not be afraid at all, and these corpse soldiers cannot be hurt at all!
Qiao Lao was laughing crazily at first, but when he realized that the person who appeared suddenly couldn't be killed with an attack, their expressions changed slightly.

Moreover, the flames that emerged from the front were extremely terrifying, and those who were contaminated by the flames would die of spontaneous combustion all over their bodies!
"What's going on? Kill me!" Joe kept yelling.

The person who suddenly appeared was really too weird.

Just as Liu Tiansheng and the others were about to escape, they saw this scene, and saw the eye-like stone in Tang Zhong's hand, which was now shining with light. Were these powerful people released by Tang Zhong?
Originally thought that Tang Zhong only had one golden Zhan Ying as his trump card, but now the eye stone seems to be his trump card too!
Tang Zhong also moved at the same time, these guys, they shouldn't be alive anymore, they can all be refined into corpse soldiers, Galaxy God Guard, ha ha!
(End of this chapter)

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