Chapter 1269 Emergency Retreat! (two more)

Tang Zhong could be seen gasping for breath inside.

At this moment, everyone was trembling with fright as if they had seen the most terrifying thing!

Lei Mie, the first genius of their Galaxy Divine Guard, fought against that Tang Zhong, but lost.

This... absolutely impossible?
But the Tang Zhong over there really exists, that is to say, the current Tang Zhong is really alive.

"He's still alive!" Liu Tiansheng shouted.

Already more than 50 years old, but at this time, he is cheerful like a child.

"Senior Brother Tang, long live!" The outer guard soldiers almost jumped up at this moment.

Just look at Tang Zhong in the dust, panting heavily, exhausted all over.

At the last moment just now, with a single finger of his demon, he smashed Lei Mie's Thunder Python to pieces, and at the same time sent Lei Mie flying!

It can be said that Tang Zhong won this battle, but now Tang Zhong is completely powerless, he doesn't know what to do, he is panting heavily.

With a bang, he fell straight to the rear, and he really couldn't bear it.

He fell to the ground, his chest was bullied up and down!

At least he is alive!

Liu Tiansheng rushed forward and arrived beside Tang Zhong.

"Boy, your fate is really great!" Liu Tiansheng said happily.

Seeing that it was Liu Tiansheng, Tang Zhong grinned: "My fate is up to me!"

"You kid..." Liu Tiansheng said excitedly.

This moment is really exciting.

Liu Tian looked at Tang Zhong with fascinated eyes.

Discovered by Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong directly smiled and said: "Why, this is because you are fascinated by the handsome appearance of the younger brother?"

"You..." Normally, Liu Tian would never recognize her at this moment, but at this moment, Liu Tian nodded heavily: "Yes, I am addicted, I want to give birth to monkeys for my master!"

After saying this, Liu Tian blushed.

"But I'm not a monkey!" Tang Zhong said, the corners of his mouth pale!
The soldiers of the surrounding outer guards looked at Tang Zhong and knelt down one after another: "Senior Brother Tang, I will thank you for saving your life before!"

"Look at what you said, I should be the one thanking you!" Tang Zhong laughed.

After saying this, he was very tired, and his eyelids almost fell down. This battle made his body start to become extremely tired!

Qiao Lao and other people from the military and political department around him were shocked when they saw this scene. If Tang Zhong survived, it would be a nightmare for them. The person who can defeat Lei Mie, this guy, absolutely cannot Stay!

I saw that Mr. Qiao used a color for the people next to him, and the people next to him understood it too.

And the people in Lei Pavilion also understood what it was.

Today, no matter what, Tang Zhong must die, otherwise, in the future, they will die.

"Do it!" At this moment, Qiao Lao shouted directly.

At this time, the group of people from the Military and Political Department took up arms directly.

They don't believe that Tang Zhong can stand up and fight with them now!

"Tang Zhong, you are really powerful, but you still have to die!" Qiao Lao roared.

Immediately ordered.

The gun was aimed at Tang Zhong and the others, and the bullets were fired!
Liu Tiansheng and the others never expected that at this time, they were also unprepared, and saw the bullets coming, directly impacting on the soldiers of the outer guards.

Bang bang bang!
He was shot so many times that blood gushed out of his body!
"No..." Tang Zhong was about to fall asleep when he saw this painful scene!
But the bullets kept coming, and those people had nowhere to dodge.

I saw that the outer guard soldiers stopped hiding, and many soldiers joined hands to form a human wall!
"Go, go, senior brother Tang, this is the only thing we can do for you!"

No matter how many bullets hit them, they still carried them with their bodies!

"No..." Tang Zhong roared, he was about to cry, he never thought that it would be like this.

"I can take you away, but I can't take other people away!" The voices of ten Yanlong soldiers came out.

The ten Yanlong soldiers had already helped Tang Zhong think about the way out before.

Call the Douluo, since I entered the Galaxy God Guard, I haven't used the Douluo for a long time.

When Tang Zhong heard the words of the ten Yanlong soldiers, he almost thought of them: "No, I can't go!"

"You have to go, and I can only take you away alone, because you are very weak now, and it is already very, very good to be able to control the flight of the Douluo. Yours, I only protect your safety!" Ten Yanlong soldiers said.

"" Tang Zhong roared, but he was really exhausted and fell asleep slowly.

"No..." Finally, Tang Zhong's eyelids dropped.

And at this moment, from a distance, the Douluo flew out.


Mr. Qiao and other people from the Military and Political Department laughed wildly: "As long as Tang Zhong is dead, they have really made a great contribution!"

Just about to go up to carry out the final attack on Tang Zhong, but who knew that suddenly the wind blew up, and saw from a distance, the huge Douluo spaceship rushed out, covering the sky and the sun.

"I'm going, it's a spaceship!"

"Whose spaceship is this, it's so big!"

Liu Tiansheng and the others were also taken aback for a moment.

I saw the Douluo coming over Tang Zhong and the others, and a ray of light shot down from above, covering Tang Zhong.

Then I saw the light slowly flying up, sucking Tang Zhong into the spaceship.

Liu Tiansheng and Liu Tian didn't stop them. They didn't know what this spaceship was, but now they were going to take Tang Zhong away, and that was for Tang Zhong's good. They could die, but Tang Zhong absolutely couldn't die!

Seeing Tang Zhong's body being sucked away, the Ten Paths of Yanlong Soldier murmured: "Tang Zhong, don't blame me. To me, protecting your life is the most important thing. To me, Nothing else matters!"

I saw that the light was about to pull Tang Zhong into the spaceship.

Mr. Qiao and the others stopped shooting just now because of the fluctuation of the spaceship. At this time, they saw that Tang Zhong was actually sucked away.

Qiao boss shouted: "Look, it's their demon companions who are here to save people, hurry up, penetrate this spaceship, attack with all the firepower, and knock down this spaceship!"

The people in Lei Pavilion are also afraid. If Tang Zhong can survive, their lives will not be in danger in the future. Offending anyone should not offend a person with great potential. They are really afraid.

Then I saw that all the guns were aimed at the Douluo in the air.

But no matter how sharp their attacks were, it was of no avail when facing the Douluo. The Douluo was unscathed, and soon sucked Tang Zhong into the spaceship!
"Start!" The ten flame dragon soldiers directly started the spaceship.

I saw the huge Douluo spouting fire and leaving here, taking Tang Zhong with it. From the perspective of the ten flame dragon soldiers, it is good that Tang Zhong is alive!

(End of this chapter)

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