Chapter 1271 The Yu Clan!

That is in a valley!
Tang Zhong slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sharp pain in his body!
Suddenly, I recalled what happened in the Galaxy Guardian: "Leave me alone!"

Tang Zhong almost yelled out, but he found that the surrounding valley was a flat river!
where is this?

He remembered that when he was in the Galaxy God Guard, the Saturnians used their bodies to form a human wall in order to protect him. He couldn't forget that scene, but where is this place?
Suddenly there was severe pain.

Tang Zhong stretched out his hand to cover his chest, as if his body was being pulled, the feeling was really painful.

"You're awake!" Ten flame dragon soldiers appeared beside Tang Zhong.

"Where am I?" Tang Zhong asked quickly.

"I don't know either, at least I'm not in the Galaxy God Guard anymore!" said the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers.

"Why did I come here!" Tang Zhong said.

"I decided on my own to let the Douluo take you out!" said the ten Yanlong soldiers.

"I want to go back, I want to take revenge!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists and said.

"Your body is not good right now!" Ten Paths of Flame Dragon Soldiers said, "I'm afraid you will die before you reach that place!"

Only then did Tang Zhong realize that his body was very uncomfortable, and there was severe pain all over his body. It seemed that shaking the Thunder Python abruptly caused his body to suffer a devastating blow!

"The only thing you can do now is to heal your injuries. Of course, there is a very bad thing to tell you. Now you can no longer use the dragon avatar. You can draw with Lei Mie at the price of your dragon avatar. His vitality is so gone that he can't transform!" said the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers.

"This..." Tang Zhong hurriedly prepared to transform, but found that there was no fluctuation, that is to say, what the ten flame dragon soldiers said was correct, and now he has no way to transform into a dragon clone.

"Will I not be able to transform in the future?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course not, unless other things with vitality are absorbed by you!" said the Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers.

"I know!" Tang Zhong said, now he really has nothing to say!
It was difficult to get up from the ground, and now he was really hungry and had to eat something.

Looking from a distance, there is no end in sight, and you don't even know where you are going!
As for the Douluo, it was hidden by the ten Yanlong soldiers, and it will be released when it is needed.

Don't know how far Tang Zhong walked by himself, he roared.

The voice of a monster came out.

Immediately afterwards, a huge one-horned rhino rushed out from the woods. It was so huge that the whole ground shook.

At this time, there were many scars on the skin of the one-horned rhinoceros, and now it was bleeding with bright red blood. It was obvious that it had experienced a great battle just now!
What's more, now the rhino is sprinting towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong retreated quickly, his body ached, and he had no time to escape.

Immediately, Tang Zhong frowned, and immediately stretched out his hand, grabbing the horn of the rushing rhinoceros.

The one-horned rhinoceros that had rushed down suddenly stopped, and at the same time!

Tang Zhong suddenly exerted force and lifted the one-horned rhino just like that.

It was lifted up abruptly, and then thrown out suddenly!
With a bang, the one-horned rhino was knocked down to the ground.

Although Tang Zhong was in severe pain, this one-horned rhinoceros was obviously not very powerful. If he had to deal with it, he could be said to be very easy!

Tang Zhong is a little hungry, let's eat this rhino first, then light a fire to prepare the barbecue!
But suddenly, from the bushes behind him, a voice gradually came out.

"Run, grab that one-horned rhino, and never let it get away!"


Tang Zhong looked sideways, and saw a few people wearing beast clothes coming out from inside, they looked like barbarians!

Two men and one = woman, rushing over at this moment, holding a kind of bow and crossbow in their hands!
Several people are chasing this one-horned rhino!
Suddenly, several people saw Tang Zhong.


The next few people also saw the one-horned rhino lying on the ground, and soon knew what happened, but no one spoke.

Tang Zhong saw a few people, and it was strange to say that these people were dressed in simple clothes, but they looked very good-looking!Especially that woman, extremely tall, with fair skin, blue eyes, and long ears. Of course, the man is also very good!
The three stared at Tang Zhong.

The two men walked forward slowly, raised their bows and arrows to Tang Zhong: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Tang Zhong's upper body was naked, revealing his hard muscles, and he was still injured, like a bad guy!
Tang Zhong quickly waved his hand and said: "I didn't have any malicious intentions here, I just want to know what is this place? Is it the Milky Way?"

"Galaxy?" When the three heard Tang Zhong's words, their faces changed obviously: "I didn't expect that you are actually a thief in the Milky Way, die!"

The three of them raised the bow and arrow in their hands together.

"Misunderstanding, I am not from the Milky Way. If you don't believe me, I don't have any blood from the Milky Way!" Tang Zhong said quickly, something must have happened to these people who hate the people from the Milky Way so much.

The three of you looked at me and I looked at you. After carefully looking at Tang Zhong, they murmured: "Yeah, he doesn't look like those people from the Milky Way!"

"So it's not from the Milky Way, it scared me to death!"

The three took down the weapons in their hands, and then continued to question Tang Zhong: "Then where did you come from? Tell me!"

"I'm from the solar system!" Tang Zhong said.

The three of them were stunned, and had never heard of this place: "We are in the Galaxy, I'm really sorry just now, we have been invaded by the bastards of the Milky Way for so many years, so we hate the people of the Milky Way!"

"I understand!" Tang Zhong said.

He didn't expect the Milky Way to have such a bad reputation outside, thanks to the fact that he was still proud of the Milky Way!
"Since you are a foreign guest, let's go to our tribe first!" said one of the girls, and she walked out, her skin was completely white: "My name is Mengxi, we are members of the Yu clan!"

Who knew that just after Mengxi spoke, the two people next to him quickly waved their hands to tell Mengxi not to speak, obviously they disliked Mengxi for bringing other people to their Yu clan, but they didn't say anything.

Tang Zhong didn't care if they refused or not, now he needs food.

"Thank you very much!" Tang Zhong said.

"Let's go!" Mengxi didn't care what the two companions said, and led the way ahead.

Tang Zhong followed behind, his fists kept clenched together.

The shame given to him in the Milky Way in the past is something he will never forget in his life.

In the future, he must return to the Milky Way!

Those who slandered him back then will all die!

The only thing to do now is to recuperate first.

(End of this chapter)

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