Chapter 1275 There are people in the Milky Way!
Tang Zhong could understand what the subject wanted to say, that is to say, this elder named Ye Qingshan used to belong to the Demon Palace, and now he wants him to enter the Demon Palace to be a shit-stirring stick!

"I understand what you mean!" Tang Zhong said.

"Just understand!" Ye Qingshan said.

Tang Zhong laughed, Ye Qingshan just liked his strength and wanted to use him, facing the other party, Tang Zhong also had confidence!
"I can agree to all your conditions, but you have to send me to the magic palace!" Tang Zhong said.

"Of course!" Ye Qingshan said.

"However, I'm afraid that if I enter the magic palace, I won't be able to do what you want me to do!" Tang Zhong said, the guy in front of him seems to have a solid background, and now he needs to be repaired. It couldn't be better!

"How do you say that?" Ye Qingshan asked.

"You also know that my current body is very weak. If I can get something to make up for it, I can enter the magic palace and not sweep away!" Tang Zhong said.

He made it clear that he wanted something, and he believed that Ye Qingshan would understand.

Sure enough, Ye Qingshan frowned slightly, obviously understood!
"You are weak, so it will be fine if you mend it, this is Xuanyang fruit, you have to try it!" Ye Qingshan said.

Immediately in his hand, a red fruit appeared with many patterns on it!

Tang Zhong laughed, and was about to reach out to grab it. This old guy seemed sensible.

But who knew that Ye Qingshan stretched out his hand directly: "This thing is for you, but whether you can take it from my hand or not, it depends on you!"

Tang Zhong knew it couldn't be that easy, so he immediately reached out and grabbed it.

Ye Qingshan also moved, put away the Xuanyang fruit with his backhand, and then pushed Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong didn't get close, he stepped back!

Tang Zhong stabilized his body, this old guy is now testing his strength, that's easy!
Immediately Tang Zhong went up again!

But before going up, he returned directly.

Tang Zhong quit: "I even said that I am very weak. If you are like this, I can't get close at all!"

"The fruit is in my hands now, so I can do whatever I want? I'm afraid you can't control it!" Ye Qingshan said with a smile.

He has never seen such a clever person, he does something to the other party, and the other party immediately asks for something from him, Ye Qingshan has never seen it before, he calls this a kind of wit, if the people of the Yu Clan can be as smart as this person in front of him If so, then he doesn't need to find outsiders to enter the magic palace.

He will give this fruit to the other party, but before that, he has to see this guy's performance!

Tang Zhong knew that this guy was not a bad person, he was just testing him, but such a testing method would not work.

"Then keep this fruit for yourself, as long as you send me into the magic palace!" Tang Zhong said.

"Now I still have a way to let you get this fruit, but it depends on whether you are willing!" Ye Qingshan said.

"I am willing!" Tang Zhong said quickly.

"Well, as long as you ask me, I will give you this fruit!" Ye Qingshan turned the red fruit in his hand a few times!
beg him!

Ye Qingshan was just talking, these young people are all young and energetic, how could they beg others!
But who knew, Tang Zhong begged directly without saying a word: "Please give me this Xuanyang fruit!"

The story develops so fast, Ye Qingshan never imagined that the begging for mercy would be so fast!

He actually begs for help!
When Ye Qingshan was in a daze, Tang Zhong stepped forward and took the Xuanyang fruit in Ye Qingshan's hand into his own.

After Ye Qingshan came to his senses, he didn't want it anymore. In his opinion, this young man has already reached the standard.

Young people are not arrogant, they would not ask for help at all, but this person is good, he just asked for help!
When Tang Zhong got the fruit, he devoured it without saying a word!

How could Tang Zhong care about asking for help, face is not that important, what is important is that he can become stronger!
As long as he can become stronger, Tang Zhong can do whatever he can, let alone this little begging for help.

"Since you have eaten the fruit, then I can send you to the magic palace!" Ye Qingshan said.

Tang Zhong was tasting the fruit, while saying: "I think, you need to tell me more about the current situation of the Demon Palace!"

Tang Zhong now knows that there are three great demon elders in the Demon Palace. They are fighting, and if they want to control the Demon Palace, they must be approved by the Demon Sword. He knows nothing about the rest!
Ye Qingshan nodded and said: "Let me tell you, the Demon Palace is the place where we hold power in the Star System. It used to be the place where the Demon Emperor lived, but then everything happened. The Demon Emperor disappeared, and the Demon Palace has since been controlled by the Four Demon Elders." , but the magic elders are constantly fighting each other, and the whole magic palace is in chaos. The Xing galaxy used to be very powerful, but because of the fight, other galaxies came forward. After our Xing galaxy became weaker, many galaxies fell Bullying to our heads, as a demon elder, I proposed to unite, but the other three didn't listen to me at all, and I left somewhere in a fit of anger!"

"Then you are going to bring me into the Demon Palace as a Demon Elder?" Tang Zhong said.

"That's right, I'm Yumo's direct disciple!" Ye Qingshan said: "You're so smart, I'm very pleased that you can think of this!"

"In the Demon Palace, there are a lot of people under the command of the three major demon elders, because in order to stabilize their power, the demon elders cultivated disciples in various ways and recovered the magic sword. They couldn't recover it. If the disciples could recover the magic sword, then It also belongs to them, so if you really want to go to the Demon Palace, the competition will be very cruel!"

"I'm not afraid!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's over!" Ye Qingshan said, originally he didn't think about anything about the battle of the Demon Emperor, he just wanted to be the elder of their Yu Clan with peace of mind, but who knew, a genius appeared suddenly, which was very important to Ye Qingshan. For Qingshan, it may be an opportunity, he must seize it no matter what, otherwise, the magic palace will be really disrupted, and after other galaxies attack, their Yuzu will not be easy!
"Send me there, I'm going to the Demon Palace now!" Tang Zhong said.

He will not forget his goal, the place in the Starwind Field Genius Competition!

"Why are you in such a hurry, you are the disciple that I, the Feather Demon Ye Qingshan, is about to accept, how could you be so hasty, when the time comes, I will notify the entire Galaxy!" Ye Qingshan said.

"But master, you have to teach me well!" Tang Zhong said hastily.

Ye Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and laughed loudly: "You called me master... Well, I will give you a martial skill!"

Tang Zhong laughed, master or something, it is not in vain to shout: "Then thank you, master!"

Ye Qingshan was just about to show his martial skills, when suddenly, another voice came from outside: "Elder, it's bad, someone from the Milky Way has come over, it seems to be looking for something!"

(End of this chapter)

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