Chapter 1292 Wing steps!

"How can you compare with him? You are courting death!" Ye Qingshan said.

"I know you are very powerful, but in such a short period of time, you can't beat Qin Hu!"

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong waved his hand.

"How can it be okay?" Ye Qingshan's expression changed: "In three days, you can cultivate a lot of things, but you will go to the magic platform with him tomorrow, what is the difference between that and courting death!"

"Since you know that I'm looking for death, why don't you help me practice as soon as possible!" Tang Zhong said.

" are really not afraid of death." Ye Qingshan sighed angrily, and then said: "Go, I will take you to practice!"

He needs Tang Zhong to help him now, so Tang Zhong must not have an accident.

Tang nodded, if Ye Qingshan wanted to teach him, he would naturally agree.

Ye Qingshan took Tang Zhong directly to the Feather Demon Palace. In the huge square in front of the Feather Demon Palace, only Tang Zhong and Ye Qingshan existed!

Ye Qingshan faced Tang Zhong: "Tomorrow you will go to the magic stage, so it is impossible to learn any cultivation today, I will teach you my footwork, you look forward to it!"

Ye Qingshan moved, and the huge black wings behind him stretched out. At the same time, his feet were like eagle claws. He was originally a feather demon.

"Attack towards me!" Ye Qingshan looked at Tang Zhong and said.

Tang nodded, then clenched his fists, making his strength look ordinary, and punched Ye Qingshan!
Ye Qingshan didn't move, he didn't start to move until Tang Zhong's fist was about to land on the opponent.

When Tang Zhong's fist was only a few millimeters away from Ye Qingshan.

With a swish, Ye Qingshan's entire body actually disappeared.

Tang Zhong's punch missed nothing, and he was dumbfounded.

"What's going on? What happened just now?"

Behind Tang Zhong, Ye Qingshan appeared like a phantom.

Tang Zhong suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Qingshan, deeply shocked, this speed is almost like teleportation.

Tang Zhong has seen teleportation before, but this is the first time he has seen something as fast as Ye Qingshan.

"How could it be so fast!" Tang Zhong said.

"This is my feather clan's move. It's called his wing step. It is invisible and invisible. Most people can't see anything at all. It is a very powerful footwork!" Ye Qingshan said.

"I also wanted to help you improve your strength, but I can't do it at all. It's too difficult to improve your strength. Why don't you teach you a footwork, so that at least when Qin Hu fights with you, you can still run if you can't beat it!" Ye Qingshan said.

"This..." Tang Zhong always felt uncomfortable when he heard this.

But if you can learn from him, you will naturally learn!

"this is not bad!"

"I'm teaching you the magic tricks now. You can learn as much as you can. Even if it's only one percent of my speed, you can fight that Qin Hu. Anyway, the Tianmotai is a deadly battle. You can't kill him. He can kill him." Without you, the battle will naturally end." Ye Qingshan said.

Then he opened his mouth and started chanting the mantra.

Those are Wingstep's spells!
Tang Zhong pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"People are like the wind, the wind is like thunder, and the wind is like lightning..."

"The human body is divided into molecules, blown by the wind..."

Tang Zhong listened carefully, and then began to practice.

Ye Qingshan finally finished reciting the mantra, this was the first time, and he didn't expect Tang Zhong to learn anything: "I'll recite it for you a second time now, listen carefully!"

As soon as he finished speaking, at this moment, he heard a swish in his ear, and when he looked sideways, he was dumbfounded: "How is it possible?"

I saw Tang Zhong's speed was very fast, moving like a phantom.

Swish swish!
Teleportation, although the teleportation distance is very short, but the speed is very fast!
"How could it be so fast?" Ye Qingshan asked in shock.

This is the first time, this guy has actually learned it. I think it took him so long to learn wing steps, and there was nothing in the end, and this guy is so powerful. ...

At this moment, Tang Zhong has fallen into complete cultivation.

Swish swish!
He found that this Wing Step was designed by nature for him, he is now in the body of Lei Yan, Lei Ting's speed is the fastest, and now he is a humanoid Lei Ting!
Although it is said that teleportation is possible, Tang Zhong always felt that it was not too low, and immediately turned to look at the shocked Ye Qingshan: "I always feel that there is something wrong, that is, that teleportation cannot go far."

Ye Qingshan wants to curse, what's wrong, he hasn't taught how to teleport, "You really learned everything?"

"Yes!" Tang nodded his head.

"Genius..." Ye Qingshan's eyes turned scarlet, his hopes for Tang Zhong are getting bigger and bigger, once this guy grows up, the Demon Palace will really be in chaos.

"I'm here to teach you the second move, that's just the first move of Wing Step, so you can't teleport to far away!" Ye Qingshan said!
Say the mantra again!

Who knows, the spell was just finished.

Tang Zhong started to move, he was in front of Ye Qingshan for a while, behind him for a while, and suddenly he was on the roof.

The whole person is like lightning, flashing!

Ye Qingshan was completely stunned, their Yu clan has never had such a genius, if this person is their Yu clan, that would be great, then he can rest in peace!

Tang Zhong returned to Ye Qingshan again: "How is it? Ye Lao?"

"..." Ye Qingshan was speechless, what else could he say, couldn't he say that Tang Zhong was the most powerful beginner he had ever seen?

It's so embarrassing for him.

"So-so!" Ye Qingshan said.

"Then let's compare our own speeds like we did just now!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah?" Ye Qingshan froze for a moment!
"Is this a challenge?"

"We are only allowed to use wing steps, and the others are not used. You go, I will chase after you!" Tang Zhong said.

"Then you will lose miserably!" Ye Qingshan said with a smile: "How about this, I will chase you!"

"Alright!" Tang Zhong said.

In the next second, with a swish, Tang Zhong disappeared.

Ye Qingshan froze for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhong disappeared, and he quickly chased after him.

This wing step Tang Zhong really likes it, his whole body is whizzing like lightning!
And Ye Qingshan followed behind, with sweat on his forehead, he never thought that Tang Zhong would be so fast, he couldn't catch up, he had to chase hard, if he didn't chase, then what face would he, the elder of the Yu clan, have on him? What's more, he taught this person's wing step, but now that he has won, he will be even more shameless.

In the magic palace, I saw swishing lights flickering, but I didn't know what those swishing lights were.

The disciples in the magic palace were stunned: "Did you see the light just now?"

"No, I feel a gust of wind passing by!"

(End of this chapter)

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