Chapter 1317 Magic Absorption Art!
"Did you bring me here to see something?" Tang Zhong asked.

The fire lion nodded.

Tang Zhong understood and went straight into the cave.

What he didn't know was how excited the fire lion was when he first walked in. He turned around and ran away, taking his group with him, and left the place quickly!
Tang Zhong had just walked halfway, and wanted to look back at the fire lion, but found that the fire lion was gone. He immediately knew that he had been deceived, and there might be nothing in the cave.

But in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Palace, I still have the idea of ​​taking a look!
Inside is a stalactite cave.

As expected of a demon palace, there are corpses everywhere!

And the clothes they are wearing are all the palace uniforms of the Demon Palace. These dead people should be people from the Demon Palace, but they all died here!

Going further, there is a huge cave, which can hold a lot of things!

After several turns, a high platform appeared in front of it.

The high platform is like a place of worship.

Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment, could it be that this is the place where he broke into the sacrifice?

But nothing was found. For ordinary sacrifices, there must be treasures or something, but now there seems to be nothing!

In front, is a stone wall!

"Is this gone?" Tang Zhong became distressed!

Then this cave is not waiting for Bai to enter.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong saw a skeleton lying on the ground under the corner!
The clothes worn by the skeleton are gorgeous, not like a simple person!

Tang Zhong just glanced at it, then went over to check it quickly!
"There is a lot of power in this person's bones!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said, "Before this person was alive, his strength was the strongest!"

Tang Zhong suddenly saw that there seemed to be a line of words in front of the bone, which read: "I am the master of the Demon Palace, a disciple of the Demon Palace, please pay respects to me!"

Is this person the Lord of the Demon Palace?

Tang Zhong remembered that Ye Qingshan said that the Lord of the Demon Palace had long since disappeared, so he died here!

But let the disciples of the magic palace worship?What does this mean?
Naturally, Tang Zhong would not worship!
"Hehe, the Mistress of the Demon Palace is really good, I left something for you!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Do you need to kneel down to get it? Is there any way not to kneel down!" Tang Zhong said.

"Of course, if you want to kneel, I won't let you kneel. You are a disciple of the dragon. What kind of thing is he!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said: "Now stomp hard in front of that bone!"

Tang Zhong did as he did and stepped down.


It was at this moment that the ground shook.

Tang Zhong stabilized his body and saw something popping out from the high platform behind him.

Look carefully, it is a pillar, and on the pillar, there is a cheat book!

The Lord of the Demon Palace was so cautious, without saying a word, Tang Zhong went up directly and took a look at the secret book.

"Magic absorption!"

Looking at the contents inside, Tang Zhong was deeply surprised.

This magic-absorbing skill is an evil skill. It can absorb some demon energy and enter the body. You must know that all kinds of energy coexist in the universe. Although the energy of the universe is the only correct way of cultivation, there are still many things that can be used for cultivation. Cosmic energy is harmless, if other things enter the body, it will corrode the body, and if one is not careful, it is very likely to die!
This magic absorption skill can absorb magic energy!
Then on the pillar, there is a secret letter, which seems to be left by the master of the magic palace.

When Tang Zhong opened it, he saw a line of writing.

"This is the magic-absorbing skill, which has been passed down from generation to generation in my Demon Palace. Only after practicing this magic-absorbing skill can I use the Emperor Demon Blood Sword. Unfortunately, my body is too weak, and I was injured by the evil spirit in the Emperor Demon Blood Sword. I died here. I hope that my Demon Palace disciples will practice this skill after obtaining it, and wield the Emperor Demon Blood Sword!"

Tang Zhong understood, this Emperor Demon Blood Sword is the Demon Sword!
No wonder those people from Humo Lao have been unable to recover the magic sword. It turned out to be such a reason!
But this Emperor Demon Blood Sword should be full of evil spirits!

Tang Zhong immediately started to practice. He is not an ordinary physique, but a Leiyan physique. In this world, the only people who are afraid of evil spirits are thunder and flames.

This magic absorption skill, for him, caused much less damage.

No matter what, let's practice first. In the future, he will be blessed by the magic sword. This is definitely the first time he has encountered the magic sword. If he can recover the magic sword, that would be great!

Tang Zhong immediately sat up cross-legged.

Start practicing magic absorption.

This magic-absorbing skill can absorb the magic energy into the body and use it for oneself. It is like a skill. For example, if ordinary people absorb evil energy into the body, they may die, but it is not like that after practicing the magic-absorbing skill. , can fully utilize the magic energy!
Tang Zhong began to study carefully the contents of this magic absorption skill!
I don't know how long it took.

I saw a faint black light blooming from Tang Zhong's body!

Now the power of absorbing magic has begun to take shape!

There is a lot of devilish energy in this place, and Tang Zhong tried to inhale it into his body.

Sure enough, after absorbing it into the body, the magic energy was actually purified, and fused together like cosmic energy!
"Your good fortune is really enviable!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

After Tang Zhong absorbed the devilish energy, he was a little puzzled when he heard Shidaoyan Dragon Bing's words. He didn't know why Shidaoyan Dragon Bing would say such words: "Why good luck?"

"Do you know if you don't have a Lei Yan body now, what will happen to you if you absorb this devilish energy? You will die!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong was surprised, he didn't expect the problem to be so serious.

"But you are now in the body of Lei Yan. Thunder and flames are masculine forces. Those demonic energy enters your body and are directly purified. In addition, you have practiced the magic absorption skill, so most of the absorbed demonic energy can Use, so it seems that the vast universe is arranging for all of this to happen, first let you get the Lei Yan body, and then let you learn the magic absorption skill, do you know, after you learn this magic absorption skill, maybe, you can cultivate magic!"

"Cultivating demons?" This is definitely the first time Tang Zhong has heard the word!

"What is cultivating demons?" Tang Zhong hurriedly asked.

"It's just transforming demons. Ordinary people who cultivate demons are really transforming demons, and you have the existence of Lei Yan Body, even if you transform demons, there is nothing wrong with it!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong understood that he had obtained a great opportunity, and if he could seize it, his future would be limitless.

"No... Didn't you say that absorbing the magic energy might kill people? The blessing of the magic sword is naturally to absorb the magic energy on the magic sword. If those people in the magic palace absorb it, aren't they afraid of death?" Tang Zhong Suddenly thought of a key question.

"Of course not, the people in the Demon Palace have lived here for a long time, and they have always been influenced by the breath of the Demon Sword, so they will not be afraid at all!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

(End of this chapter)

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