Chapter 1326 Enchanted!

At this moment, looking at Tang Zhong, he is completely a god of thunder and fire.

Everyone is in shock at this moment.

Especially Mo Yun, who was face to face with Tang Zhong, looked at Tang Zhong in horror at this moment, and really couldn't believe it.

Naturally, he also heard that in Leiyan Valley, those Leiyan stones were absorbed by someone, he didn't believe it at first, but when he saw Tang Zhong at this time, he finally understood!

"how is this possible?"

At this time, Tang Zhong's clothes flew up because of the fluctuations, and his hair also flew up. He looked at Mo Yun with a smile on his face: "I said, it's time for me to fight back!"

The voice just fell.

With a swish, Tang Zhong flashed out like a golden shadow!

Mo Yun only saw a golden light flashing in front of his eyes, which was Tang Zhong's attack. When he realized that Tang Zhong had arrived in front of him, Mo Yun raised his big knife and chopped it down immediately.

But his speed is really too slow.

After Tang Zhong activated the Lei Yan Body, his speed was really too fast, he punched heavily and blasted out.

Before Mo Yun could slash down with that knife, his whole body was directly sent flying, and then fell hard to the ground!

And all this happened while Mo Yun was still in a daze!
The people around are even more, His Highness Moyun is one of the most powerful young people in the entire Demon Palace, no one has ever blown him away, but now His Highness Moyun is blown away!

And the person who bombarded him was someone who had never been well-known!

Mo Yun held back the pain and almost stood up with a roar, he wanted to kill Tang Zhong.

But just as he stood up, another punch greeted him.

The whole person flew upside down, and then landed on the ground again, spitting out green blood from his mouth!

The surrounding onlookers saw that Mo Yun was so vulnerable to Tang Zhong's hands, they were all shocked, the scene was very quiet, and no one knew what to say.

On the stage, Ye Qingshan clenched his fists. He was really angry and hated Tang Zhong. This guy was actually the one who absorbed Lei Yanshi's heart. He really didn't see any clues before!

But he was really happy for Tang Zhong!
Tiger Demon's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

in the field.

Mo Yun climbed up from the ground again, ignoring the green blood on his face and his scarlet eyes, he yelled at Tang Zhong: "Tang Tiansha, you have given me such a shame, I will kill you!"

"Shame? You're just bringing shame on yourself!" Tang Zhong said in an upright manner.

"I'll let you die!" Suddenly, Mo Yun's black aura surged, and he raised his head to the sky and screamed, the sound was deafening like a magic sound!
The blood demon knife in his hand was raised.

But what greeted him was another punch.

This punch hit Mo Yun's forehead, and his whole body froze, he didn't move anymore!

Tang Zhong was standing right in front of Moyun, flicking his fingers!
Immediately, Moyun was knocked down again!
When this scene appeared, everyone shut up, Mo Yun was no match at all!
At this moment, Mo Yun yelled crazily: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"You are not my opponent!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

"You are not my opponent!" Mo Yun roared, suddenly, bursts of black air came out of him!

Although it was said before that Moyun also had blackness on his body, it was far worse than this blackness!

"Something's wrong!" The voice of Shidaoyan Longbing came out.

Tang Zhong also saw it.

I saw Mo Yun roaring more and more, and the black energy on his body was getting bigger and bigger, as if he had practiced some kind of magic skills. He had a tiger face before, but now the skin on it seems to have disappeared. What is it? What's the matter?
"This is a method of cultivating demons, but now this guy, because he lost to you, his whole body is not in good spirits, it seems that he is really possessed!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong heard Shidao Yanlongbing say before that a person who cultivates demons will, under certain circumstances, become possessed by demons!
Sure enough, there was a blue flame on Mo Yun's body!
His eyes became hollow, and the voice from his mouth was like a monster!
"What's going on? What happened to His Royal Highness Moyun?"

"He seems to have changed!" Everyone around chirped.

On the stage, Hu Molao could also see that, his fists were clenched tightly together, one of his disciples, Mo Feng, was killed, and the other disciple, Mo Yun, was possessed by a demon, how could he not feel sad, more importantly What's more, Mo Yun, a disciple, found a cave of a demon cultivator in the universe, and learned a method of cultivating demons, but now he is possessed by a demon!
"Kill...kill him for me!" Tiger Demon roared directly.

If one's own disciple is possessed by demons, he must kill that guy too!
I saw that at this moment, Mo Yun's body was steaming with devil energy, and he took a huge blood demon knife and slashed at Tang Zhong.

I saw that when the knife was cut out, the huge knife shadow appeared first, and fell towards Tang Zhongzhao first!
This attack strength is much stronger than before!

Tang Zhong didn't dare to resist with his fists anymore, he would definitely be injured, so he dodged quickly.

I saw that with a knife going down, the ring was chopped open at once, and it split apart with a bang.

"How can you be so powerful!" Tang Zhong exclaimed in shock.

"He has been enchanted, and the magic power is extremely domineering. It is normal to be so strong!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said: "Be careful!"

I saw the magic cloud coming again, and another knife fell directly from the sky, which shows how frightening it is!
Tang Zhong dodged again, but this knife directly swept towards the people watching the theater around. They never thought that when the knife fell, many people turned into a pile of blood directly under the sharp edge of the knife!
The crowd began to panic.

"Run away!"


The crowd began to disperse.

"How could this be?"

"His Majesty Moyun, is this crazy?"

Mo Yun is indeed crazy, and is possessed by a demon.

On the stage, seeing this scene, Ye Qingshan also became worried, he could see the signs of being possessed at a glance, and immediately looked at the old tiger demon: "It's time for the tiger demon to stop the demon cloud!"

"Why stop? The battle is not over yet. This battle was fought by Mo Yun and your disciple. None of them fell down. Why should it end?" Tiger Mo Lao said coldly.

When Ye Qingshan heard this, he knew what the old tiger meant. He just wanted to kill Tang Zhong. The magic cloud after being possessed by the demon was so powerful that it would be terrible for Tang Tian to kill him!
"No!" Ye Qingshan wanted to stop it.

"If you want to stop them, then you want to pass by me!" Tiger Demon said coldly.

He will stop Ye Qingshan.

"You!" Ye Qingshan's face suddenly turned ugly.

He and Tiger Demon can always draw a tie, but this can't save Tang Zhong, it's better not to make a move, just wait and see what happens!
But if you look at it, the battle is still going on in the field.

(Several pieces are blocked, it is difficult to solve!)

(End of this chapter)

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