Chapter 1343 It's Brother Tang!

Liu Tiansheng suddenly heard a miserable cry in his ears. He opened his eyes and saw that the soldier who attacked him just now was crying miserable. The arm that was still intact just now was broken on the ground. At the same time, the wound gushed out With blood!

And beside the opponent, stood a soldier holding a sword!

"You are?" Liu Tiansheng was taken aback for a moment.

During this period of time, everyone who met him basically beat him or threatened him, and there was no one who shot for him like this person now!

The voice holding the sword looked at Liu Tiansheng. He was sent from the temple, and quickly knelt on the ground: "Liu Tiansheng, Commander Liu, come with me!"

Liu Tiansheng was taken aback.

At this moment, the logistics soldier whose arm was looked at turned red, and hurriedly shouted: "You damn guy, you dare to attack me, don't forget, this Liu Tiansheng was imprisoned here by the Black Dragon Clan, you Dare to kill, you are finished, the Black Dragon Clan will definitely kill your nine clans!"

Then the logistics soldier who had his arm cut off turned to look at his companion and said, "What are you still looking at, grab Liu Tiansheng and the man who did it!"

Those logistical soldiers were actually not ordinary logistical soldiers, but people from the Black Dragon family who stayed here to control Liu Tiansheng, and they all stood up at this moment.

At this time, the soldier who came to rescue Liu Tiansheng had cold eyes: "The Black Dragon family, is it very powerful? This time I am carrying the order of Lord Oulie, I see who dares to stop it!"

When those logistical soldiers heard the Lord Oulie, their expression did not change, and they did not dare to move.

The logistics soldier whose arm had been cut off was also stunned at the moment.

Everyone around was shocked, the person who rescued Liu Tiansheng took Liu Tiansheng and left here!

Liu Tiansheng didn't know why this man wanted to save him, so he asked, "Why did you save me? Who are you? I think we never knew each other!"

"Commander Liu, I came here with the order of Lord Oulie, because there is a king surnamed Tang to see you!" The soldier explained.

Surname Tang?

Liu Tiansheng's face changed suddenly. Of course, he thought of Tang Zhong at the first moment, but this soldier called him the lord of the country. With Tang Zhong's strength, how could he be the lord of the country?

"What's the name of that Lord Tang?" Liu Tiansheng asked.

"Tang Zhong!" the soldier said.

"What?" Liu Tiansheng's face changed drastically!

At the same time, in front of the temple.

Only then did Gao An wake up from the shock, and looked at Tang Zhong: "You mean, you became the ruler of the Galaxy?"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"The lord, the lord, you are actually the lord, your strength is too powerful!" Gao An looked at Tang Zhong enviously.

One person can actually force the entire galaxy to bow its head. Who else can do this kind of strength!
At this time, Tang Zhong raised his head and glanced at the sky. The time was almost up, but Commander Liu Tiansheng hadn't appeared yet.

Immediately turning around, Tang Zhong looked at Ole Kroll, and said, "Why, the man hasn't come yet?"

Oulie was afraid of Tang Zhong, and hurriedly said: "I've found it, I'm afraid I'm rushing this way now!"

He is so scared!
At this moment, a soldier rushed out from the entrance of the Temple Square. It was the same soldier who had been looking for Liu Tiansheng before, and now he was running while shouting, "Commander Liu Tiansheng is here!"

From the entrance, Liu Tiansheng walked in slowly, trembling all over, and saw Tang Zhong on the high platform in an instant!

To be honest, Liu Tiansheng along the way couldn't believe that Tang Zhong was actually called Tang Guozhu. It was only now that he saw the figure of the other party, and he was really relieved.

It's really Tang Zhong!
Hearing the voice, Tang Zhong also looked at Commander Liu Tiansheng, who looked much older: "Commander!"

Tang Zhong went over immediately, and when he got to Liu Tiansheng's side, his eyes became moist. Obviously because of his previous incident, the army commander suffered great difficulties, and his fists were tightly clenched together!
"Commander, tell me, who did it?"

Liu Tiansheng smiled heartily: "It's okay, it's okay!"

Obviously seeing that Tang Zhong was still alive, he was happy for Tang Zhong!
"Is it the Black Dragon Family?" Tang Zhong asked.

Liu Tiansheng nodded.

"Why are you so weak?" Tang Zhong said in shock, "Did the Black Dragon Clan do it?"

Before Liu Tiansheng could reply, Tang Zhong turned around and looked at Ole Kroll, and said, "I don't want to see anyone from the Black Dragon Clan in the future, do you understand?"

Ole Kroll just sighed, because Liu Tiansheng was finally found after a lot of trouble. After hearing the other party's words, how could he destroy the Black Dragon Family? The Black Dragon Family is a big family in the entire galaxy.

"That's not good!" Ole Kroll said embarrassedly.

"Then I will destroy this place!" Tang Zhong said directly and coldly.

Ole Kroll was so frightened that his whole body broke out in cold sweat: "I... I will destroy, I will destroy!"

In front of Tang Zhong, he said to the generals behind him who were generals among the Guardians of the Galaxy: "Lead troops to destroy the Black Dragon Clan and kill everyone!"

The faces of those generals are very ugly, the Black Dragon family is like a mountain in front of them, how dare they!

"My lord, are you really going to do this?"

"Destroy!" Ole Kroll gritted his teeth angrily.

Liu Tiansheng looked at the state of Lord Oulie, and couldn't believe it was true. When Tang Zhong said to let the other party take action, the other party didn't dare to think about it. Has Tang Zhong really become the king?
Then looking at Tang Zhong, Liu Tiansheng's eyes were full of shock.

"You... are you really the lord?" Liu Tiansheng asked.

"Yes, I am the ruler of the galaxy!" Tang Zhong said.

Shoot the galaxy!
Liu Tiansheng couldn't believe what happened to Tang Zhong after he left the Milky Way. He was able to get to where he is today, but he must have endured a lot of suffering!
"I didn't disappoint you!" Tang Zhong laughed.

", you are my best disciple!" Liu Tiansheng said excitedly, his eyes were moist.

In fact, at the beginning of helping Tang Zhong, he never thought that Tang Zhong would come to this step!
At this time, from the entrance of the square, a flying truck stopped, and saw many soldiers coming down from the truck. Those soldiers were wearing prison uniforms one by one. If you look closely at their faces, you will find them They were all the soldiers from the previous Earth Guards, Liu Tiansheng became a prisoner, and they were sent directly to the prison!

Suddenly someone took them out of the prison, and they didn't know what was going on?

And at this time, someone saw the figure on the high platform, and everyone was dumbfounded.

How could they not remember that figure, it was their Senior Brother Tang?

"Look, isn't that Brother Tang?"


At this time, Tang Zhong was even more moved when he saw his brothers in the earth guard: "Brothers, I'm here to save you!"

(bought a new keyboard,,)
(End of this chapter)

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