Chapter 1362 Branding!

At this moment, Tang Zhong stomped that Xia Ke into blood, without even looking at the other's body!
The people around were dumbfounded and completely stunned. The Tianyang Galaxy, which was invincible in their eyes, was now killed by a person from an inferior galaxy!

Then everyone looked at the person from the inferior galaxy.

Perhaps, no matter who wins, their situation will not change!
Because this is the first world area, here, there is only killing and looting.

If the people from the inferior galaxy occupy this gathering point, they will definitely be exactly the same as the people from the Sun galaxy before that day.

At this moment, Tang Zhong turned to look at the people in other galaxies, but did not speak yet.

I saw other people directly said: "My lord, don't worry, we will pay the star wind coins to survive in this gathering point, as long as the lord protects us well!"

In comparison, everyone would rather believe that the person in front of them would protect them than Tianyang Galaxy!
Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said: "I don't need to pay Starwind Coins, this gathering point belongs to everyone, and it's not private!"

When the people around heard this, they were slightly taken aback, feeling that it was a bit dreamy. Looking at the person in front of them, they always felt that this guy was different from others, but they couldn't tell where it was different.

Not paying Starwind Coins is also very good for them.

He immediately grinned and said, "Thank you, sir!"

Most of the people here are from the lower galaxies, and they are all extremely happy at the moment, not to mention how happy they are.

It is the greatest luck for them not to pay any star wind coins!

Tang Zhong didn't care about other people. To be honest, he didn't want to have any confrontation with the Tianyang Galaxy, but the Tianyang Galaxy provoked him. Tang Zhong couldn't bear it, so he fought against it!

Now the beast tide is over.

Tang Zhong didn't care about anything else, and now he wanted to continue the trial tower assessment. As for the others, they had nothing to do with him now.

The trial tower assessment has only reached the third level now, and the third level has not passed before, so people interrupted it.

"Wait a minute, don't go yet!" The voice of Shi Dao Yan Longbing came out.

"Is there something wrong?" Tang Zhong stopped in his tracks!
"Go and dig through that person's body!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong lowered his head and saw Xia Ke's body, bloody!
"Is there something here?" Tang Zhong was surprised!
"Let you watch, you just watch!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong squatted on the ground, groped for a while, and suddenly found a small box, which was now full of blood!
"Yes, that's the one. This is the treasure box of space. It can hold a lot of things. Quickly tell me what's in it. This thing is for the owner. This person is dead. Now you can definitely open the treasure box!" Ten Dao Yan Long Bing said.

Sure enough, Tang Zhong easily opened the treasure box and poured out all the contents.

There are more star wind coins in it, and some scrolls. Money is naturally accepted with a smile, but what is this scroll? When Tang Zhong opened one, he laughed. Unexpectedly, these things are actually It's martial arts!

Of course Tang Zhong wanted everything, these are good things!

Suddenly, Tang Zhong opened a scroll, and saw that there were four large characters of Tianyang Golden Soul written on it.

Thinking of the martial arts that Shake used before, could it be that thing?
Tang Zhong opened it immediately, and there were all kinds of strange runes in it, which made up a piece of cheats, which seemed to be correct!
Tang Zhong vaguely remembered that this Tianyang Golden Soul could summon a huge golden man, and that golden man was very powerful!
Good stuff, learn it anyway!

"It's just a defective product!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said: "To be precise, what Shake cultivated just now is only a defective product. I guess, this cheat book should be for the Tianyang Galaxy to let its own Those who participated in the Starwind Territory Genius Battle can have life-saving means, so they taught this trick, and even if something happens to their people, this cheat book is lost, and others will not learn the essence!"

"Then do I still need to learn this?" Tang Zhong said.

"Learn? Why don't you learn? Others may find it defective, but to you, if you find it, it's a finished product!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said with a smile.

Tang Zhong immediately understood the meaning of Shidaoyan Longbing's words: "Can you mend it?"

"Of course I would, otherwise I would be so confident?" Shi Daoyan Longbing laughed confidently.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong no longer has any scruples, he just needs to learn first.

Immediately open the cheat book and start practicing!

"You practice, and when it needs to be repaired again, I will tell you verbally!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"En!" Tang Zhong opened the cheat book and was just about to practice when suddenly, a golden light shone on the cheat book!
It seems that there is some enchantment!
The other bronze inscriptions just now were disrupted by themselves!

"Hehe, I didn't expect that someone would leave a mark on this cheat book, but what's the use?" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said with a smile.

Immediately, he turned into a little golden dragon, circled around the cheat book, and breathed out red flames.

I saw that brand mark, which slowly dissipated!

After a long time, there was a click, and the sound of the mirror breaking came out, which was very ear-piercing!
You can see that the sound is released from the cheat book!
The bronze inscriptions that were disrupted before have now slowly recovered.

"Okay, it's recovered. It must be very simple to crack this brand. If there is no accident, this brand is designed for the person who wrote the secret book. When the brand is cracked, that person will know it, and that person will definitely know it." Chasing and killing you!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong nodded his head. As for the pursuit, Tang Zhong never cared about it. In his life, would he be afraid of any massacre?
The first thing to learn is that the way to deal with these enemies is really simple, just blow them away with one punch!

In this world, there are two ways to solve things, the first is one punch, and the second is two punches!

That's right, what can't be solved with one punch, two punches are enough!

If you want to practice martial arts, it's not good to practice here after all, Tang Zhong immediately continued to search the things in the space treasure box, and some cosmic energy stones, all of them were taken away.

After there was nothing in the spatial treasure box, Tang Zhong threw the treasure box away!

Then put everything else in the evil eye!
The evil eye is much larger than the space of this space treasure box. As for the cosmic energy stone, it will be used when practicing later, so there is no need to collect it.

Immediately Tang Zhong turned around and prepared to leave here.

"Wait a minute, don't go, when you took out the evil eye, I just thought of one thing, take away the corpses of those people from the Tianyang galaxy, refine them into corpse soldiers, the formation just now, indeed It is very strong and can be used by you!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

(End of this chapter)

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