Chapter 1364 Cosmic War!

"He's right, there are indeed many treasures here!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

His voice was very low, as if he remembered something from the past!
Tang Zhong could naturally hear: "Have you been here?"

"No!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said: "But I have been to places bigger than this, and there are more desolate places than here!"

Shidaoyan Longbing seemed to have thought of something in the past.

"Where is that?" Tang Zhong asked, always feeling that it has something to do with him!

"During the Second Cosmic War, forget it, let's not talk about it!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

Space War II?
When Tang Zhong heard this, he was slightly taken aback, there must be a big secret behind it!
But Shi Daoyan Longbing didn't say anything, and Tang Zhong didn't ask any more.

The Second Space War is already very far away now!

Tang Zhong doesn't understand the history of the universe, but it must be farther than the earth!

He is still worried about how to get the world key!
It's no wonder Tang Zhong didn't go to the treasure!

But what kind of treasure is there, I don't know!
Hong Ye next to him was also talking all the time!
"Do you know what is in which treasures?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I don't know the truth, I just heard that there are some elixir in that treasure according to gossip. It is said that the elixir was made a long time ago with the help of cosmic energy!" Hong Ye said.

The elixir refined with cosmic energy is definitely not ordinary.

This aroused Tang Zhong's mind even more.

"Tang Zhong, this time, if it's really this elixir, you must get it, you know?" Shi Daoyan's almost manic voice came out!

"What's going on?" Tang Zhong asked in a low voice.

He has never seen Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers lose their composure so much!

"That very useful for your cultivation, you know? Besides, what the giant dragon avatar wants most is that kind of power!" Shi Daoyan dragon soldiers said excitedly: "Even, this power is enough to make the giant dragon Clone, revive, you have to know that the power of the dragon clone you are using now belongs to the original power, not the real power of the dragon clone, when the time comes, you will be able to take the second step!"

Tang Zhong listened obsessively, he felt that he was already very handsome when he released the giant dragon clone, but he didn't expect it to be the original power.

If the power of the second step is fused, what will it become?
Tang Zhong was already very excited when he heard it.

If he can use the power of the dragon clone, it will be easier for him to stand out in this star wind field genius battle.

It seems that now we have to find this kind of world key!
"By the way, do you know where there is such a key?" Tang Zhong asked.

Hong Ye smiled awkwardly and scratched his head: "I don't know, I'm from an inferior galaxy, so I know so much, but those larger gathering points may have a higher chance of having this key!"

"Then go and have a look at those places!" Tang Zhong grinned.

"I... Brother Tang, can you take me with you?" Hong Ye looked at Tang Zhong, his eyes shining brightly!
"Okay!" Tang Zhong said, this Hong Ye has a good heart and can be used as a helper. If he wanders around in the first world area by himself, he will inevitably encounter some dangers, and someone will take care of him!
"That's great!" Hong Ye said excitedly.

The two of them are walking together, go out from this gathering point, and look for a bigger gathering point!
Along the way, people who can see other galaxies can see that those people have hostility in their eyes, but they don't fight, they just try a little, and leave the opponent's sight as soon as possible.

After all, people in this first world area are all people who want to participate in the genius battle, so how can they fight casually, unless they see that the opponent is too weak, maybe they will make a move, otherwise, no one will would take that risk.

Of course, there were also people who immediately wanted to attack Tang Zhong and Hong Ye when they saw Tang Zhong and Hong Ye, but when they met Tang Zhong's eyes, they changed their minds. Even the Shuras in hell are terrifying!
If things continued like this, no one would bully Tang Zhong and Hong Ye, and their situation would be relatively safe.

During the day, they were walking, and at night, Tang Zhong was preparing to practice!
In this way, day after day passed!
On the day Tang Zhong studied, Yang Jinhun became more and more powerful!
It was in a pitch-black mountain range, shrouded in clouds and mist, the mountain peaks were steep, and there were countless arrogant roars swaying faintly!
Only in front of a black waterfall.

Tang Zhong stood there with his upper body bare, and he was exerting his strength. He saw that the meridians and blood vessels in his strong body stood out like steel bars, spreading all over his body. Then he saw the golden light from his chest like Like flowing water, it slowly spread towards the surroundings, starting from those meridians, and spreading towards the whole body.

Tang Zhong is like a golden body.

At this moment, Tang Zhong roared wildly, the golden light in those meridians penetrated his skin, surged out, and condensed together behind him!
Then slowly condense the human form!

I saw the huge golden man appearing again.

But this time the golden man is much stronger than the previous golden man, not to mention the height of more than ten feet, and his appearance is mighty, wearing a thunder and fire armor, with thunder on the left and surging flames on the right!

"It's done!" Tang Zhong turned around and looked at the huge golden man calmly. During this period of time, he has been cultivating the Tianyang Golden Soul, and he has finally cultivated almost today.

If he swung a punch, he might be able to punch through the barren mountain behind him!
The Shidaoyan Dragon Soldier turned into a little golden dragon and appeared, looking at Tang Zhong's transformation up and down, and praised Tang Zhong: "That's right, your cultivation is much better than that of Xia Ke's!"

"That's natural!" Tang Zhong smiled without any shyness.

And at this moment, a panicked sound suddenly came from outside.

"Help me, save my life, brother Tang!"

This is Hong Ye's voice.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes and saw Hong Ye running wildly in front of him, and behind him, a blue elf wolf was following him. Leaf same!
There are a lot of monsters around here. If you are not careful, you will be besieged by monsters. Tang Zhong has seen this elf wolf before, but he didn't kill it, because this elf wolf did not pose a threat to them, but he didn't expect it Yes, the elf wolf actually attacked Hong Ye while he was away.

Sure enough, Warcraft will always harm people's hearts!
That being the case, then kill it and treat it as a good time to practice the Heavenly Sun Golden Soul!
In an instant, Tang Zhong punched the elf wolf directly!
At the same time, the thunder and fire God of War behind him also attacked at the same time.

The huge fist, surging with the endless power of thunder and fire, directly charged towards the elf wolf at this moment!

Seeing this, Hong Ye hurriedly avoided.

I saw Lei Huo punching, mixed with strength, and rushed forward.

The elf wolf was chasing Hong Ye and was about to kill him, but when he saw that fist coming, the whole wolf was dumbfounded.

To turn around is to escape.

But Tang Zhong's fist was really too fast.

It was suppressed at this very moment.

With a bang, it directly hit the fleeing elf wolf.

In an instant, the elf wolf was punched and his whole body was shattered!
It can be seen how powerful this fist is!

"Great!" Tang Zhong couldn't help but rejoice when he saw this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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