Chapter 1388 The Weak Bow to the Strong!
Hong Ye said in a low voice, he knew that Tang Zhong was very powerful, but the other party was an official member of the Star Wind Region, if he provoked him, he would definitely not be able to afford it, after all, there were too many people participating in this Star Wind Region genius battle Yes, it's really normal for a few people to die.

This is the unspoken rule of Starwind Field Genius Battle!
The weak, want the strong to bow their heads!
Tang Zhong didn't speak, but was thinking about something else.

At this moment, from a distance, several people approached together, all of them were officials from the Star Wind Region. Obviously, they were very upset when they saw their own people being sent flying.

And at the front of these people, there was a person who brought them over. It should be the leader of their group. His face was very gloomy at the moment, obviously because his own people were beaten, and he was in a very unhappy mood.

I saw that this person walked towards Tang Zhong after asking other people what he didn't know. Obviously, what he asked just now might be the one who did it.

Seeing this scene, Hong Ye became a little scared: "Brother Tang, don't have any disputes with them, just hand over the things, bear with it for a while, everything will be calm!"

That is definitely not Tang Zhong's style!

At this time, the Starwind Domain official had already walked over, calling Tang Zhong with cold eyes: "You are the one who beat me?"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said without any concealment.

That person obviously didn't expect Tang Zhong to agree, he hadn't seen such an arrogant person in a genius battle for a long time, and immediately sneered: "I think you are looking for death, I am Xingfengyu One of the official people, my name is Roger, if you beat someone for no reason, I can report to the higher authorities at any time, and deprive you of the opportunity to participate in the Starwind Territory genius battle!"

This is the most fearful thing for those who come to participate in the Starwind Field Genius Competition this time. Being kicked out before participating can be said to be a complete shame. Many people don't want to do this, so they quickly get what they got Things were handed over.

Luo Jie was also looking at Tang Zhong with a sneer. He didn't care about the beating of the person in front of him. What he cared about was the treasure that this person got from it. You must know that this person came out of it at the latest. He got more treasures, if he could take away all the things he got, it would definitely be a great harvest, and he believed that after he finished saying this, the person in front of him would know what to do!
Tang Zhong grinned: "Then you go!"

No one thought that Tang Zhong would give such an answer!
Everyone around was stunned, not only Luo Jie, but also others, Hong Ye was even more stupid, and didn't know what to say at all.

"What did you say?" Roger asked after a long time.

"I told you to report to the Star Wind Region to deprive me of the qualification to participate in the Star Wind Region Talent Competition!" Tang Zhong said.

As soon as these words came out, Roger's face was gloomy, and he was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

To tell the truth, he is not yet qualified to report to Star Wind Territory. Everything he said just now was just bluffing. He really didn't expect to bluff this guy in front of him!
"Do you really think I dare not?" Roger said coldly.

"Then you go!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Then he didn't want to talk nonsense with these people, called Hong Ye, turned around and left.

This person said that he could report to the Star Wind Region. Tang Zhong absolutely did not believe this. What happened in the first world area, and the old man's status is absolutely high, that is to say, the person in front of him is even more unqualified!

So Tang Zhong is not afraid at all!

Seeing that the person in front of him was about to leave, Roger waved his hand directly: "Stop him!"

I saw several officials from the Star Wind Region rushing over, blocking Tang Zhong's way.

Tang Zhong turned around and looked at Roger again: "Is this for?"

"It's very simple, hand over the things, or I will let you die!" Roger said coldly.

"That's it!" Tang Zhong thought for a second, then said, and then continued to move forward.

Seeing that Tang Zhong is so ignorant, I haven't seen such a person for a long time. As soon as he spoke before, basically these people would give in and hand over everything they got from it, but now this person is really Too unruly, with so many people around watching, so this person must pay some price.

"Do it!" Roger ordered: "The Star Wind Region official acted, and actually resisted, courting death!"

I saw that those people were all attacking Tang Zhong now, ready to kill Tang Zhong.

In an instant, Tang Zhong's fists exploded with strength, and he punched the few people rushing forward!

Those two people flew upside down, blood spurted out of their mouths, and landed on the ground.

Then Tang Zhong kicked in a spin, kicking the two people behind him out again!

The four people surrounding Tang Zhong were all directly knocked down.

No one thought that it would be like this.

"This guy actually beat someone from the Star Wind Territory, my God, this guy is too courageous!" The people around whispered.

"Yes, it's horrible, although he did what we always wanted to do!"

"Damn it, these people from Star Wind Region are too abominable, and now they are getting retribution!"

Those people who were robbed of their treasures by the Star Wind Region just now didn't want to fight to the death with the guys from the Star Wind Region, but they didn't dare to do it. The person in front of them helped them. That feeling, let alone how refreshing it was Yes, but this also means that this person is terrible, and many people began to feel sorry for Tang Zhong.

After Tang Zhong knocked down those people, he walked straight ahead, ignoring the people behind him.

Then Roger was stunned for a moment, then became even more furious, and shouted at Tang Zhong: "You dare to hurt people in our Star Wind Region, you will be punished by law!"

But Tang Zhong simply ignored him!

At this moment, several people approached from the surroundings. Those people were wearing black robes, and there was a huge crescent moon printed on the back of their clothes!

"Oops, that's from the July galaxy!" Hong Ye whispered to Tang Zhong after seeing the other party coming.

"It's okay, just keep going!" Tang Zhong said.

The leader of the July galaxy walked to Roger's side at this moment, and seeing the gloomy face of the other party, he asked what happened.

Roger immediately told the other party everything, and the face of the leader of the July galaxy changed instantly, and immediately saw Tang Zhong who was about to leave, and said coldly: "I never thought that someone would be so courageous as to dare People who contradict the Star Wind Region official!"

(End of this chapter)

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