Chapter 1407 Break through the protective cover!
"Now we just need to dig into the ground!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"You mean the thing is underground now!" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said: "What are you still doing, just hurry up and do it!"

Don nodded, he had to tell Carlot the news: "Brother, do you know where to find the treasure?"

Shidaoyan Dragon Soldier sensed that there were treasures underground, but he couldn't tell Carlot directly, he could only guide it now.

"No!" Carlot shook his head and said, "But along the way, a lot of monsters have been killed!"

"Since we can't find this normal relic, why don't we keep our eyes on the ground, maybe there is something underground!" Tang Zhong said.

He couldn't say it clearly, otherwise Carotel would really be suspicious.

"This is a way!" Carlot's eyes lit up.

"Yeah!" Tang Keyu nodded: "Just start digging from here!"

Tang Zhong directly took out the magic sword. Now he can't use the dragon claws, his body suddenly jumped up, and then fell in the air. In an instant, the ground was cut open, and a large piece of rock-soil mixture was directly used by Tang Zhong. The sword jumped up and fell to other places, rumbling.

Carlot didn't dare to show weakness, his weapon was a knife, and he slashed towards the ground!

In the end, the ground was cut open abruptly.

the earth breaks apart,

As two people shot, two big pits appeared.

"That's right, the breath of the treasure, now I feel it's getting closer!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

Tang Zhong continued, the magic sword continued to slash, and Carlot also convinced Tang Zhong.

I don't know how deep the ground was dug, there was a ding sound, obviously the sound of iron hitting the ore!
The power of Tang Zhong's use of the magic sword is not very strong, but he is afraid that after the magic sword slashes down, it will destroy the treasure. Even if it does not destroy it, it is not good to leave a little flaw.

Hearing this voice, Tang Chongqing was lucky with his thoughts just now.

He jumped into the [-]-meter-high deep pit all of a sudden, reached out his hand towards the bottom, and touched something hard, like metal!

Carlot also jumped down at this moment, squatted on the ground, glanced at the hard thing, and his face changed suddenly: "This is Crokin, a precious metal, this kind of thing is used to build the universe As for the spaceship, could it be said that there is a spaceship buried in the ground?"

"Dig it out and see if you don't know!" Tang Zhong said.

I don't know how big the big guy below is, but it is indeed difficult to mine.

But in the end, he was still dug out. Tang Zhong and Carlot dug it out very slowly, being careful not to hurt this big guy!
And when they mined it, everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't expect that it was really a spaceship, but it was cracked and very old, and this spaceship could be directly entered.

What kind of protection system does an ordinary spaceship have!
"This spaceship is really too old. The things inside are all old, but I don't know where it came from?" Carlot said.

"Go in and have a look!" Tang Zhong suggested.

When the two found the entrance, they jumped in. It was very dark inside. Tang Zhong spread his hands flat, and a ball of flame burned, thus illuminating everything.


Tang Zhong led the way, running past a few small animals from time to time, similar to mice.

"It seems that this spaceship is not simple. It is buried deep in the ground, and there are still small beasts that can survive!" Tang Chong murmured.

"Look, there are bones!" Carlot shouted.

Tang Zhong took a closer look, and sure enough, there were two corpses on the ground, but now they were just two piles of white bones. The two seemed to be fighting. When they fell, the weapons in each other's hands pierced each other's abdomen. This is not true. It's hard to find, as long as you look at the direction in which the swords penetrate each other, you can tell it!

Not surprisingly, the two of them definitely died together!
"It seems that there has been a battle here!" Tang Zhong said.

"The first world area, I heard that a long time ago, it was a chaotic war zone, so it's normal for people to die!" Carlot knew a lot, so he opened the mouth.

Tang Zhong fully agrees with this point!
"I guess this underground treasure was never thought of by the people of the Star Wind Region. It's just a spaceship. We continue to dig down, maybe there are other things!" Tang Zhong continued.

Of course, these words were said by Shi Daoyan Longbing.

Shi Daoyan Longbing asked him to dig down, so he will dig down!

"Good!" Carlos nodded.

The two continued to slash the ground wildly.

The sound of boom boom exploded continuously.

The underground pit is getting deeper and deeper.

This time, more spaceships came out, and besides that, many armors appeared!
It seems that it is really a battlefield.

And when Tang Zhong slashed down with a sword, this time, what appeared was no longer a wreck, but a mask, a transparent mask!
Tang Zhong knew that there must be something under the mask. Tang Zhong lay on top of the purple mask, wanting to see what was inside the mask with his naked eyes.
"This is a protective cover. It was released artificially. It may be that the person who released the cover did not want other people to take the things in the cover!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

"I don't want to give it away, so I want to see what it is!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, I think so too!" Ten Daoyan Longbing nodded.

Carotel next to him recognized the cover, and his face changed slightly: "Brother, it's better not to mess with this cover to avoid any danger. I have seen this cover before, and a galaxy found this kind of thing in its own territory. Later they went to mine, and later, that galaxy disappeared, and the entire galaxy was turned into ruins, no one knew what happened, and no one approached that galaxy again!"

"Wealth depends on life and death!" Tang Zhong said lightly.

Immediately took the magic sword and stabbed it down!
Carotel was speechless when he heard this, and when he saw Tang Zhong make a move, he no longer stopped him.

The moment Tang Chong's magic sword stabbed down, the protective cover burst open, crackling, streaking with golden patterns, walking around!

With a bang, the entire protective cover was shattered all of a sudden.

That's just a cover!

Tang Zhong sees a wider scene through the shattered cover. There are buildings inside, but they are almost destroyed. Similarly, there are many bones in the ground, and there are many traces of the battle. Below, it may be a what Organization, and this organization seems to have encountered an enemy invasion!
Tang Zhong likes to be this kind of fisherman the most. When two sides fight, both sides must be hurt. If this continues, the fisherman will benefit. If the mask has not been broken before, it means that Tang Zhong and the others are the first to come here.

(End of this chapter)

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