Chapter 1409 Killing with a knife!
Suddenly, a cruel smile came out at this moment!
In the darkness, those scarlet eyes gradually approached Tang Zhong and the others!
"There are people there!" Tang Zhong reminded.

Carlot also saw it, and quickly took out the long knife, and the golden light burst out from the whole body, directly entering the fighting state.

"Be careful!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing also reminded: "If there is no accident, the black shadow is that blood puppet!"

"What did you say?" Tang Zhong's face changed suddenly. At this moment, he saw a puppet walking out slowly. It was scorched black, without any hair, just like crocodile skin. What was even more terrifying was the opponent's eyes. It was filled with blood, like a ferocious beast!
It's really a blood puppet!

"The Blood Spirit Puppet mentioned in the book was refined later, but then I don't know where it went!" Carlot murmured.

"I think he's here!" Tang Zhong said.

At this moment, the Blood Spirit Puppet also suddenly appeared in the field of vision of the two, like a demon, with a black aura blooming all over his body, not only that, his snake head was abnormally long, his teeth were pointed, and his whole body exploded. Bloody.

If you don't know that this thing is a blood puppet, you can really treat this thing as a monster!

"Let's go!" Carlot shouted immediately when he saw the other party's hands.

At this moment, the blood spirit puppet suddenly started to move, and the whole person rushed forward, and the power of the fist smashed towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong quickly blocked it with the magic sword. The moment the magic sword hit the opponent's fist, Tang Zhong felt the magic sword in his hand trembling violently, and the blood all over his body was about to rush out of his skin!
"This strength..."

The Blood Spirit Puppet roared wildly, blood came out from his mouth, his body turned red like a machine, and was steaming, punching Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong quickly stretched out his hand to do it, Lei Yan's body appeared, with a bang, although Tang Zhong blocked the opponent's punch, but the whole person was blown away, and after standing still, he looked at the Blood Spirit Puppet in front of him, It was like a demon over there, roaring endlessly!

"This spirit puppet has been cursed, it only has the intention of killing people, and so many people here were killed by this spirit puppet, he sucked a lot of blood, and has undergone a serious transformation, you are not an opponent, hurry up!" Ten Dao Yan Long Bing said.

Tang Zhong stared ahead, heard the words of Shi Dao Yanlong Bing, and said, "I think, can I recover him?"

"Recover? For the strong, it is definitely very easy to recover, but with your current strength, it is really too far away!" Ten Daoyan Longbing said hastily.

At this time, Carotel ran over, got to Tang Zhong's side, and helped Tang Zhong up: "Are you okay!"

"I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said: "Let's go, we can't deal with him!"

"I know!"

The two ran away in a hurry.

The blood puppet was originally bloodthirsty. He had killed everyone in this place, but because of the previous protective cover, this blood puppet has been locked here for a long time, and his desire for blood is also very strong. Crazy and crazy, very few people can be the opponent of this blood puppet.

But the running speed of the two of them was not as fast as that of the Blood Spirit Puppet, so he punched them.

All of a sudden it hit the ground.

The ground directly cracked.

Tang Zhong and Carlot couldn't run away and fell to the ground.

"I'll stop him!" Carlot said immediately.

He turned to look at the Blood Spirit Puppet, and his hair immediately turned golden yellow!
"This is my transformation ability, which will enhance my strength, and all of us in the Vegeta galaxy are Saiyans!" Carlot said.

Then he punched the Blood Spirit Puppet directly!
I saw Carlot and the Blood Spirit Puppet clashing fists, and both of them retreated violently!
The Blood Spirit Puppet obviously didn't expect it, the whole body retreated, shook his head vigorously, and immediately rushed towards Carlot, his voice kept roaring!

Carotel continued to transform. His hair was even more golden, and it was constantly elongating. The longer the hair, the stronger their abilities, but it was clear that Carotel had reached his peak now.

"Go, I'll block him first!" Carlot turned back and shouted at Tang Zhong.

Then continue to fight with the blood puppet, this time the transformation to the final battle with the blood puppet is a bit better, but it can be seen that Carlot is still at a disadvantage at the moment!
"What should I do?" Tang Zhong asked Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers: "Can the dragon avatar fight against the opponent?"

"It's too risky!" Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers also frowned.

"Is there any other way? I don't want to see Carlot die!" Tang Zhong said anxiously, he can see that if this continues, Carlote will die!
Ten Daoyan dragon soldiers were silent.

Tang Zhong knew that he couldn't get anything out of it, so he immediately said, "I'll take him in with my evil eyes!"

"No, in the evil eyes, there are those soldiers of the dark jihad who were infected by the demon seed. Once the blood taints those soldiers, they will come back to life. Have you forgotten the previous picture?" Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers Immediately refused.

"A fighter of the Dark Jihad?" Tang Zhong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and said, "I have a solution?"

"What way?" Ten Daoyan Longbing was very surprised.

I saw Tang Zhong opened his evil eyes and looked at the soldiers who were infected by the demon seeds in the evil eyes.

Immediately, a soldier was summoned directly.

"You... what do you want to do?" Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers panicked.

"You'll know right away!" Tang Zhong said, and then he looked back at the battle between Carlot and the blood puppet, and saw that Carlot couldn't hold it anymore, he was punched and kicked, and there were many injuries on his body , the whole person flew upside down and passed out directly.

And the Blood Spirit Puppet was going to make up the last blow at this time, which was to kill Carlot.

Immediately, without any consideration, Tang Zhong threw the soldiers infected by the demon seed towards the blood puppet.

"What are you going to do?" Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing asked immediately.

"It's very simple. Now I can't deal with this blood puppet at all, but these fighters can deal with it. Didn't you say that they are all hot potatoes now? If the blood puppet is powerful, then destroying these fighters will be a big deal for us." It's a good thing to say, and there are a lot of soldiers infected by demons here, enough to consume the power of this blood puppet. After all, he uses blood as his power. When the power of blood he absorbed before weakens, it will not be too difficult to deal with. !” Tang Zhong explained.

Shidaoyan Longbing was stunned, he never thought that Tang Zhong would do this, this is indeed a good way!
At this moment, the warrior infected by the demon species was gradually waking up when he approached the blood puppet.

(End of this chapter)

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