Chapter 1422 Super Powerful!
Now is the time for Tang Zhong to make a move!
Immediately Tang Zhong got up from the room, opened the door and went out!
Tang Zhong didn't come out for a while, only to find out that the outside has become miserable. The buildings like high-rise buildings everywhere are now seriously damaged, and thick smoke is rising from many places. It is obvious that there have been many battles here!

Jumped down from the middle of the room suddenly, and finally landed on the ground, Tang Zhong's strength was too great, he stepped on the whole ground to create a big hole.

Then he looked left and right, and smoke billowed.

Finally, I chose a way to go forward.

"Be careful, there are dangers everywhere!" The voice of Shidaoyan Longbing came out.

Tang nodded heavily, and he looked down at the score sheet in his hand!
I found that I am still ranked 6000 million!
Ten days ago, he was almost in this position. According to the distribution of the number of people in one hundred war zones, there should be more than 1 million people in his first war zone. He has been killing people for so long, and he only has one point. It was 8000 million before. But now it is 6000 million, it seems that many people have already been eliminated.

Those who are left now must be some masters.

In short, the current Tang Zhong is extremely careful, afraid of any troubles.

Sure enough, before Tang Zhong could react, three people rushed out together.

"I didn't expect that after fighting here for so long, it's almost a restricted area of ​​life, and there are still people here. I'm really not afraid of death!"

There were three figures, and one of them was a dark and thin young man with a sneer, holding a bloody machete in his hand.

Tang Zhong glanced over the three of them.

These three people have been here for so long, and they definitely have a lot of points. Soon he knew what to do.

"Do it!" One of the white-haired men directly chose to do it. In an instant, a dart was shot out of his hand. The dart was obviously specially made. This person should be a master at using darts, otherwise he would not In this genius battle, using darts, which has unstable performance at all.

Moreover, Tang Zhong would not underestimate the other party. It has been almost ten days now, and the strength of these people is definitely not a rookie.

At this moment, the white-haired man started to move, and the dark man next to him also jumped up, and the blood knife in his hand suddenly slashed at Tang Zhong.

And the last one has a bald head, and his weapon is even more special, it is a whip, swung towards Tang Zhong, the shadow of the whip is all in the air!

These three people should be together, that's why there is such a close attack, don't look at the three people's weapons are not involved in any way, but the mystery is only known to Tang Zhong, he can feel the pressure, he has an intuition Now as long as he is hit by the attack of one of them, he will be greeted by five horses.

"Death!" Tang Zhong said indifferently, holding the long sword behind him in his hand, and dodged extremely quickly with his body skills.

Ding ding ding.

Sweeping out with a sword, those hidden weapons were all blocked by Tang Zhong.

At the same time, the whip swung from the front also swept towards Tang Zhong.

Binding the long sword in Tang Zhong's hand at once, Tang Zhong pulled it suddenly, changed his hand position, and then pulled back the long sword bound by the whip.

"Boy, look here!" At this time, the dark boy from before slashed down with a bloody long knife.

Tang Zhong hastily pointed out with a sword, facing the blade of the blood-colored long knife.

With a bang, the dark man was directly blocked.

The attacks of the three people were all resolved by Tang Zhong, and then they stared at Tang Zhong together, and there was more solemnity in those eyes.

After all, there are very few people who can stop the three of them from attacking together, but this is not the real method of the three of them.

At this time, Tang Zhong looked coldly at the three people in front of him, and the long sword in his hand moved.

The person closest to him was the person with the long whip. Tang Chong moved in an instant, and he rushed out like a phantom. That person didn't react at all.

The long sword in Tang Zhong's hand was extremely fast, and it directly cut the throat of the other party, only to see a line of blood erupting directly, and fell to the ground in response, dying directly.

The faces of the two people next to him turned ugly, obviously they didn't expect their partner to die so easily.

The two looked at Tang Zhong again, and their eyes instantly became tense.

Tang Zhong said to the two of them: "Don't be so nervous, okay? You're all going to die anyway, and it's best to be a little enlightened before you die, isn't it?"

Just you?
The swarthy young man shouted loudly, and rushed towards Tang Zhong. The bloody long knife in his hand turned red, and he slashed towards Tang Zhong.

He thought that his speed was very fast, and he circled behind Tang Zhong all of a sudden, ready to kill Tang Zhong with one blow.

"You are too slow!" Tang Zhong said lightly.

The swarthy young man was originally smiling, thinking that he could kill him with a single blow, but when he heard Tang Zhong's voice at this time, the swarthy young man couldn't believe it, it must be fake.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong turned around suddenly, and the blood sword in his hand, like a line, went directly to the dark young man's throat.

The dark young man only felt a flash of blood in front of his eyes, and then he lost consciousness all over his body!

Then the body broke directly from the center.

With a bang, the two halves of the body fell to the ground, and blood flowed all over the ground!

The pupils of the last white-haired man with darts were trembling. He wanted to run, so he turned around and left!
"Do you still want to leave?" Tang Zhong's cold voice came out.

The white-haired man was not a fool, he had seen Tang Zhong's strength just now, he didn't dare to act rashly, although he was afraid, he forcibly calmed down and said, "How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

"You should know that this is the first war zone. In this war zone, there are many superpowers, that is, the kind that must not be provoked. In this war zone, you must go around when you meet them. As long as you let go now If you leave me, I will give you this information, so that you can safely survive the dangerous incident in this war zone and enter the second stage of the genius war, how about it?" said the white-haired man.

Tang Zhong laughed when he heard this.

The white-haired man thought that Tang Zhong's heart was moved, and then continued: "If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

But in an instant, he hadn't finished speaking, and he couldn't speak anymore. From the top of his head, a sword blade cut off, directly dividing him into two!
Then I saw Tang Zhong looking at the white man's body, and said with a smile: "Since you all know that you have to give in when you meet a super strong man, but why do you dare to come up when you are facing me?"

(End of this chapter)

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