Chapter 1544 Another breakthrough!

If the investigation is clear and there is nothing wrong with this person, Ye Lang feels that this person named Tang Zhong is definitely a very good person!
Upon hearing this, the female assistant began to investigate carefully.

And the other side.

Tang Zhong at this time had already left this place.

Looking back on what happened just now, it really surprises you, why did that person target him like this?

It seems that I will definitely be investigated, but the investigation results should not be obtained from the name Tang Zhong, because when he was in the Star Wind Domain, he used the name of Mars!

This name shouldn't be able to find out anything!

He kept going out along the road to the residence of the molao.

At the door, Mo Lao was still drinking, as if nothing had happened!
Tang Zhong came over and saw a wine seller on the way just now. He heard that it was made from interstellar behemoths, so he bought it without hesitation.

Mo Lao was still leaning on the chair, but suddenly, his nose moved, and he smelled a fragrance, which rushed into his nose.

"Any wine?"

Tang Zhong smiled and said: "Yes!"

When he came to Mo Lao, he has always been lucky. Some people say that if the gods bring you good luck, you should treat him well, even if he is Mo Lao!
"Bought it for me? This wine is not cheap!" Mo Lao said.

"The wine given to you is cheap or not, as long as you like to drink it!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, you are very good!" Mo Lao looked at Tang Zhong with a smile.

"It's all to honor you!" Tang Zhong handed over the wine!

Mo Lao reached out to take the wine, and drank it in one gulp. He didn't care whether Tang Zhong was related to the Dragon Ancestor or not, but being able to control the Dragon Demon Guard's treasured Dragon Demon Sword, one of their twelve dragon guards, meant that this person It is a person who has the will of the dragon, and he will accept everything from the other party. Even if this person is not, maybe there will be clues to find the dragon ancestor!
But what makes Mo Lao most strange is that the aura on this person has nothing to do with the Dragon Ancestor. How did he recover the Dragon Demon Sword?
If he knew that the reason why Tang Zhong was able to recover the Dragon Demon Sword was because he had a clone of the Dragon Ancestor in his body, he would definitely be shocked.

"How was the assessment today?" Mo Lao asked.

"Wait for the final assessment now!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, I remember the kid who was assessed was very strict!" Mo Lao said with a smile.

The boy was talking about Ye Lang, but according to Mo Lao's age, calling Ye Lang a boy is really a very normal thing!

"It's quite strict, but that kid takes himself too seriously, making things difficult for me!" Tang Zhong also said.

"Next time, if that guy makes things difficult for you again, just say you belong to Mo Lao, remember?" Mo Lao said.

"No problem!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Say a few more words!
Tang Zhong went back to his room. He must not stop his cultivation. Now he still needs a lot, such as how to use the magic sword!
And at this moment, in the predator union, Ye Lang and the female assistant are together, they are investigating Tang Zhong!
In this universe, the information network of the universe is actually very dense. Once a person has a problem, other places can also find it.

After the female assistant checked, everything was blank!
"Commander Ye, this guy is called Tang Zhong, his history is blank!" the female assistant said.

"What?" Ye Lang was taken aback for a moment, unable to believe what he heard: "How is it possible?"

He immediately stared at the query page in front of the female assistant, took a closer look, and indeed found that there was no past on the screen!

Such a strong young man has no past, few people would believe it if it was told!
Could it be that the other party was not expelled by other universes?

But what about the people who will be born and raised in this wilderness?
To be honest, this made Ye Lang suspicious, but it is not ruled out that there is such a possibility. Although Dahuang is all expelled, it is very possible to produce a talent!
If this person really came out of the great wilderness, then he will definitely decide on this person!
"Commander Ye, what should we do with this person?" the female assistant asked.

"Wait for the final assessment, now it's just the first assessment, pay more attention to him!" Ye Lang said.

The female assistant on the side nodded and said nothing more!

And Ye Lang fell into deep thought, there is such a wonderful thing, and I don't know how capable that person named Tang Zhong is in actual combat. If he is strong, he can really consider it!
For ten days, Tang Zhong stayed behind closed doors and kept practicing!
Within a few days, he discovered another major problem, that is, the golden aura that he had absorbed before hadn't dissipated. It was strange to say that the aura seemed to linger, condensing around his heart. .

This is really strange, ordinary aura items, as long as they enter the human body, they will dissipate immediately!

And this little aura sapling is really weird and outrageous!

Every day, Mo Lao sent extremely powerful tonic medicines for Tang Zhong to use!

Tang Zhong was very embarrassed at first, but Mo Lao said that he could exchange it with wine, so he was relieved. He had a lot of money, but these great tonic medicines were much less, and what was even more strange was that Mo Lao Tang Zhong couldn't even buy these things outside!
Then it was like this, Tang Zhong used wine to exchange these tonics!

And the efficacy of these tonics is also extremely strong!
After going down several times, Tang Zhong had a vague tendency to break through.

Finally one night.

Tang Zhong broke through directly. Originally, he just broke through the domain master, but now he has the possibility of breaking through the domain master's second rank!

When he awakened the Domain Master, he awakened the Immortal Domain, which has never been used before, but this time, he suddenly felt that he had to awaken the law!

It is the law of thunder and lightning that he has always been familiar with. Is this going to give him the realm of awakening?
Tang Zhong sat cross-legged, and the laws of lightning around him continued to condense until finally, forming a domain field that surrounded him.

Already familiar with the road, there is nothing difficult!
So quietly, let the thunder and lightning enter the body, and develop the field!
But what he didn't know was that in the dark, Mo Lao had already been shocked. This familiar awakening of the Thunder and Lightning Domain, if it spread, would it be worth it?
After he felt the movement just now, he came directly to see what happened to Tang Zhong, which can be described as shocking!

This kind of talent... It's a pity, if he really has something to do with Longzu, how much would he have!
The day when the Dragon God Palace will be revived can be expected, but does this person have anything to do with the Dragon Ancestor?
This point made Mo Lao very confused. After all these years, it was the first time that there was such a big hope. Even the ancestors recognized this person. I hope everything is correct.

(End of this chapter)

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