Chapter 1556 Command!

As soon as Tang Zhong finished speaking, Sang Kun's face turned ugly: "Just because of you, I know that it is very risky for me to fight you alone, so I found a few people who also want you to die!"

Behind Sang Kun, several people came out together. They were the people who participated in the assessment before. After being defeated by Tang Zhong, they had always held a grudge. They came to intercept Tang Zhong together, ready to give him the strongest blow!
"I see how you won this time. Aren't you very cruel in the Star Tower just now? Why aren't you so cruel now?" Sang Kun said coldly.

"Then I'll show you how cruel it is, it's fine!" Tang Zhong sneered, holding the magic sword directly in his hand.

Immediately, he rushed forward quickly, and slashed directly at Sangkun's chest with a sword.

Sang Kun didn't have time to react at all, it can be said that he was still laughing.

I just felt a burning pain in my chest, and then I didn't feel anything.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his body was broken from the center, and then fell to the ground.

The people next to him were all dumbfounded, they didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so fast, and they all became vigilant.

"What? Are you scared?" Tang Zhong's voice echoed in their ears!

Those people are really scared.

At this moment, from behind them, a figure suddenly jumped out, the speed was like lightning.

Tang Zhong swept out his magic sword.

When those people realized that Tang Zhong was behind them, they all panicked and got up to run away, but it seemed to be of no avail!

With Tang Zhong's magic sword in his hand, he directly swept out a sword light.

Those three people were cut open by the sword blade from behind, and blood gushed out. Before the three people could react, they died directly.

After all four people died, Tang Zhong landed on the ground, put away the magic sword that was blooming with devilish energy, and walked over without looking at the bodies of the four people.

I have to say that now his strength has really become stronger.

He didn't go directly to Mo Lao, but went to the commodity area. It is a good thing that he can enter the Predator today. No matter what he said, he had to talk to Mo Lao about this matter!
It's still the animal bone wine from before!

Then go directly to Morao's Artisan Workshop.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Mo Lao seemed to know that Tang Zhong would come back, and was waiting there.

"Looking at you, you brought me wine, so I knew there must be good news!" Mo Lao said with a smile.

"This is indeed good news, I have become a predator!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Then he gave the wine to Mo Lao.

"It's really good news that we can leave this wilderness!" Mo Lao laughed.

He stretched out his hand to take Tang Zhong's wine, and began to drink happily.

At this moment, Tang Zhong knelt on the ground: "I have become a predator, so I have to leave here!"

"Just go, why did you kneel down to me suddenly, I, an old man, can't bear such a big gift!" Mo Lao said.

"No... I can see the change of the Demon Sword. Without the help of Mo Lao, it is impossible for me to have such a powerful power!" Tang Zhong said.

"I didn't expect that you are a kind and righteous person!" Mo Lao said with a smile: "If you feel guilty, you can stay when the time comes!"

"I can't stay!" Tang Zhong said.

"Why, is there that little lady waiting for you now?" Mo Lao asked.

"There is someone waiting for me, I really want to see her now!" Tang Zhong said.

Mo Lao laughed: "The hero is sad about the beauty pass, it is quite normal for you to want to see the beauty!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he squinted his eyes. He was a little surprised. Heroes are sad and beautiful. It must be an old saying in China. How could this demon say it?strangeness!
Soon, he also wanted to understand that the universe is so vast, and in this vast universe, various cultures coexist, and it is very possible that the culture is the same as that of the earth, so now he is not very surprised, just laughs.

"By the way, if you leave this time, can you do me a favor?" Mo Lao smiled.

"You can just say it, no matter what kind of help, I will help!" Tang Zhong said.

But what can he do to help Mo Lao?He is also very strange!
"I'll tell you when you leave!" Mo Lao said.

At this time, Mo Lao was thinking deeply, because the mission of Dragon Demon Guard must be passed on!

And now the Dragon Demon Guard is the only one, and he recently had an intuition that his limit has reached and he can no longer live. He will die, but he does not know how to die, but before he dies, he wants to die. Pass on everything related to it!
As long as the twelve dragon guards exist, there is hope for the revival of the Dragon Ancestor!
This is also the reason why Mo Lao has been helping Tang Zhong before. He is optimistic about Tang Zhong, but what he shoulders is very important. If Tang Zhong is not a good person, it would be bad, but recently he observed Tang Zhong carefully. After rehabilitating, I found that Tang Zhong was not simple, and his character was extremely good.

In the past few days, the feeling of extreme limit has become stronger. If this time, if there is a chance, he will give the secret to Tang Zhong!
"I may be leaving today!" Tang Zhong said.

"Today?" Mo Lao was taken aback.

"Yes!" Tang Jiao nodded: "Just tell me what you have, old man, and I will definitely help you solve all difficulties!"

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Lao said, "Alright then, listen up!"

Then he took out a token from his arms!
This token is extremely dark, with a black dragon engraved on it!
Tang Zhong just glanced at it and was fascinated. This dragon is so lifelike, it seems to be real!
"What is this?" Tang Zhong asked.

Because he also has a dragon jade, which is hanging around his neck now!
"You don't need to worry about what this is, if you want to return to the normal universe, just take this jade pendant with you!" Mo Lao said.

He still decided not to talk about the Dragon Demon Guard. Once the other Dragon God Guards see this jade pendant, they should understand everything. This token is their Dragon Demon Guard's Black Dragon Token. , you can see it at a glance.

And he, the Dragon Demon Guard, is now alone, so it is useless. Now that Tang Zhong appeared with the Dragon Demon Sword, Tang Zhong can be regarded as one of their Dragon Demon Guards.

With that said, Mo Lao handed over the token to Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong caught the token and looked at it repeatedly: "What is the use of this token?"

Mo Lao smiled and said: "This token may not be of much use to you, but what I need is for you to take it out and find someone who knows him. Of course, if someone knows him, he will definitely be destined to contact you!

(End of this chapter)

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