Chapter 1569 Thunder Fire Road!
At this time, the receptionist finished speaking.

All the people are looking at the sea area ahead and the intertwined bridges on it. They now know that the place where these bridges lead is the place of cultivation!

"Okay, now you can go over and have a look. There are a lot of introductions ahead. Among us predators, the most important thing is to share. All the seniors have left what they have learned before on some stone tablets. And those stone tablets are divided into three factions through our screening, body skills, weapon skills, and long-distance attack skills, which means literally, you go and look at the stone tablets, choose your own faction, and then practice, or In other words, there is specialization in the art industry, so you must not be greedy for too much!"

The receptionist finished.

These Marauder recruits all walked over.

Sure enough, there are many steles ahead.

There are many stone tablets standing there, and there are many words of light on them!
These steles are classified.

Body skills are together, weapon skills are together, and long-distance attack skills are together, everyone chooses the one that suits you!
Tang Zhong chose the weapon technique.

The so-called technique is actually the use of weapons!
He is the one who uses the magic sword, so the weapon technique is suitable for him.

At the same time, there were some people who chose the technique, and they walked with Tang Zhong.

The stone tablets here all record various martial arts skills, which were created by a senior who is very proficient in this practice.

On this stele, his experience is recorded!

Tang Zhong glanced across one stone tablet after another!
But nothing suits him.

For example, on the stone tablet closest to him.

"Tianhuo Dao!"

From the stele, it can be seen that this senior used a sword before, and he could use the sword to set fire and be violent and domineering.

But this is definitely not what Tang Zhong needs.

He doesn't know what he wants, this practice is mainly based on feeling!

Of course, he could also see that the things on these steles were graded.

The stone tablets at the front are more conspicuous and obviously stronger.

The latter are weaker.

At this moment, in front of the stone tablets of those strong men, there are many people around there, choosing the techniques of those strong men's stone tablets one after another!

Those few were not particularly suitable for Tang Zhong, so Tang Zhong didn't look at them, he looked behind.

In the previous simulation battle, the magic sword used by Tang Zhong was very fast and extremely domineering. If the stone tablet could teach him how to be fast, he would choose that one!
Suddenly, an inconspicuous stone tablet caught Tang Zhong's attention!
He walked over!
The things recorded on the stone tablet here are relatively low-level, so few people come to see it!

He walked up to the stele.

Immediately, the eyes lit up, this stone tablet is called Leihuo Dao, and what is recorded on it is, how fast!

Tang Zhong immediately sat on the ground, this Thunder Fire Dao might be what he needed.


"Fast to the extreme, the opponent died under your weapon before he made a move!"


Then some quick secrets are recorded on the stele.

Tang Zhong saw everything in his eyes. Looking back on the battle that day, he felt that what was written on the stele was really correct!
This cultivation method is exactly what he needs!

Sitting cross-legged in front of the stele before, Tang Zhong stood up, ready to tell the receptionist.

Whatever they choose here, they have to tell them to the receptionist, and then the receptionist will tell them which bridge to go on to get to where they should go!
Someone already told the receptionist.

The receptionist recorded it, then pointed in a direction, and the man went straight to the bridge!

Finally it was Tang Zhong's turn: "I choose the weapon technique Thunder Fire Dao!"

Just as the receptionist was about to record, his face was slightly startled, and he stared at Tang Zhong: "You choose Thunder Fire Dao? As far as I know, among those techniques, there are many that are stronger than Thunder Fire Dao. Are you sure you choose this?"

"Yes!" Tang nodded.

"There are so many good ones, why did you only choose this Thunder Road?" the receptionist asked.

"The way of cultivation is to choose the right one, not the best one. The best one is useless if it is not suitable!" Tang Zhong said.

When the receptionist heard Tang Zhong's words, he looked Tang Zhong up and down: "What's your name?"

"Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong replied.

The receptionist's eyes on Tang Zhong changed suddenly: "You said you are Tang Zhong?"

"You know me?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"Haha, it's not just me, most of the predators know you, the one who destroyed the spaceship that received the recruits!" The receptionist laughed: "My name is Jiang Bo, and I also practice the Dao of Thunder and Fire, and the Dao of Thunder and Fire is not the most Excellent, that's why I just asked you just now, since you have already chosen now, then I won't say anything, I will record it for you!"

He had an electronic illusion screen in his hand, he found Tang Zhong's information on it, and wrote Lei Huo Dao on the back.

This is what every predator will experience!

From the moment you become a predator, what you choose determines what kind of person you will become in the future.

Jiang Bo was extremely happy when Tang Zhong became a Daoist of Lei Huo, because there are really too few Daoists of Lei Huo, and he finally got a thorn, not to mention how happy he was.

"After that, see you on Leihuo Island!" Jiang Bo laughed.

Tang Zhong understood that the place where those who practice the Thunder Fire Way pass through the bridge is called the Thunder Fire Way.

Jiang Bo pointed in a direction, and Tang Zhong walked over.

In comparison, there were really too few people on his bridge, and there were too many people on the fire path just now!
They're all in line right now.

It seems that the selection is more powerful.

He also admitted that the things described in Tianhuo Dao are relatively strong, and if they are successfully cultivated, they will become stronger, but is it really suitable for everyone?
In Tang Zhong's view, suitability is the most important thing!
The bridge is very long, and halfway through it, there is a lot of fog.

When walking out of the fog, an island appeared ahead!
This island is quite big, far away, there are many buildings, it should be a training ground, and there is also a huge square.

Around the square, there are many stone monuments.

Tang Zhong knew that it should be a more detailed description of Lei Huodao. The stone tablets outside are all about the content, which is for people to choose. Only here can they learn the essence!
But Tang Zhong looked around, but found no one there, which is strange, Jiang Bo said before that he is a person of Thunder and Fire Dao, so there are other people who choose to practice Thunder and Fire Dao, but now it seems that no one is practicing What about this Lei Huo Dao?
What Tang Zhong didn't know was that at this time, there were more than a dozen people hiding in the dark, and they were all extremely excited.

"My God, it's unbelievable that some people choose Leihuo Dao!"

"This is really an unexpected harvest. Every time we hide here and wait for newcomers to trick us, we have never tricked anyone. This time we finally got someone!"

"Haha, then this time, I must deal with this guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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