Chapter 1572 Choice!

Tang Zhong began to comprehend it, and he had to say that the things on these steles were really to his liking, which he had always wanted to learn.

Fast is the truth.

Seeing this, Su Jiu and the others stopped talking, but they had to spread the good news. The legendary Tang Zhong actually chose their Thunder Fire Dao. Is it rising?

Comfortable, really comfortable.

So in the Predator virtual universe, this explosive news was spread like this, it really makes people feel excited just thinking about it.

Many people are really curious why Tang Zhong chooses the way of thunder and fire. Basically no one goes to this kind of inheritance. Good inheritances such as the way of heaven and fire, as well as the way of physical giant axe and the way of Tianyu, the art of long-distance attack, all have a large number of people. .

But this guy is so good, he chose a useless Lei Huo way.

At first everyone thought that Tang Zhong would choose a very powerful inheritance, but now it's all over, choosing such an inheritance is tantamount to death.

After all, no matter where you stand, you will reach a height.

If you choose something powerful, you will have a higher chance of success. Naturally, no one will understand why Tang Zhong chose this, because this is what most people think, and only by choosing something strong can you become stronger.

What's the use of picking the weak?
The predator who had just come in was awesome, but without accident, it was completely useless after a year.

Tang Zhong will soon be the same as those ordinary people.

It was a commotion outside, but Tang Zhong didn't know anything, and he was still practicing at this time.

It has to be said that he has benefited a lot from practicing the Thunder Fire Dao.

He found that his speed of drawing the sword was much faster than usual.

I have to say that the things left by Master Lei Huo are really good.

Unknowingly, and after practicing for an unknown amount of time, the sky dimmed.

With Tang Zhong's sword slashing out, the cultivation wooden man was split open at once.

I heard Su Jiu say that this wooden figure can withstand ten thousand catties of force before, but just now he split the wooden figure with a random sword strike. It seems that unconsciously, his strength is much stronger than before.

On the square, Su Jiu and the others had already left.

After all, you need to rest to practice this kind of thing, so as to maintain the intensity of your cultivation. If you stay up all night without rest, your cultivation will only get twice the result with half the effort.

Tang Zhong moved his body, and his bones made a crackling sound. This feeling is really not ordinary comfortable. He has been practicing just now, and his body is almost numb.

Or go to rest.

Before Su Jiu left, he had already told Tang Zhong where to rest. On this Leihuo Island, the front was the training tunnel, while the other places were courtyards.

Didn't take a few steps.

Suddenly, his cosmic phone rang.

They had been given cosmic telephones before on the ship that came to the Marauder base from the wild.

It belongs to the Predator base for them.

It is impossible for others to know this number, it must be someone among the predators, and he picked it up directly.

"Tang Zhong, why did you choose the way of thunder and fire? That is the worst in cultivation!"

There was an impatient voice on the phone, but Tang Zhong couldn't tell that it was Ye Lang's voice.

He chose Thunder Fire Road, how did the other party know?
"Compared with Lei Huo Dao, it suits me best, so I chose Lei Huo Dao." Tang Zhong said.

Ye Lang continued: "Then what is suitable or not? This time, I am afraid that you will be finished. The way of thunder and fire is very weak, and there are not many people. I thought you would choose the way of sky and fire. You use swords. Learn This is the best, oh, what a pity."

Tang Zhong could hear Ye Lang's worry, and said, "Strong ones are not necessarily suitable for me, the one I chose is very suitable for me."

"Since you chose this, there's nothing you can do. Now you are a popular among predators, don't let others underestimate you, but I'm a little curious, how did you blow up the plane?" Ye Lang asked .

He had just sent Tang Zhong here, but he didn't expect that this guy would blow up the plane in such a short period of time. In the history of predators, there was no such powerful person.

"They regarded me as an enemy, so I destroyed them." Tang Zhong said.


This answer made Ye Lang very embarrassed, but he can't treat Tang Zhong as an enemy in the future, this guy is really too perverted.

"Okay, it's so late, I have to go back to the Great Wilderness, I, Ye Lang, brought you out of the Great Wilderness, then I will take care of you, and I will let my sister take care of you in the future." Ye Lang said.

"En." Tang nodded emphatically.

The cosmic phone was hung up.

Then he got up and prepared to go back to his residence, let's talk about it the next day.

When he returned to his residence, he found that it was a collective dormitory, and he didn't know what other places were like. He didn't have any opinions on living, as long as he could sleep.

After 30 years on the spaceship, he already has no concept of what to eat, drink and drink.

However, he hadn't slept in bed for a long time, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning.

Tang Zhong and the others woke up, while Su Jiu and the others were still asleep.

He also knew that if he joined the Lightning Fire Dao, he would practice in this place in the future, but when will this practice end.

He was about to get up and continue to comprehend the stele.

I don't know why Su Jiu woke up. She looked dazed at first, but she suddenly became refreshed.

After seeing Tang Zhong, he got up immediately: "Brother Tang, you're up."

"En." Tang Zhong said.

"I saw that you practiced well yesterday, so I didn't bother you. If you're fine now, I'll introduce you to our Thunder Fire Dao!" Su Jiu said.

Tang nodded emphatically.

He really doesn't know much about Lei Huo Dao!

If Su Jiu can tell him now, that's fine!
"Senior Brother Tang, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. We thought it was a junior brother who came back, and we were going to punish him. We never thought it was Senior Brother Tang!" Su Jiu laughed.

"No problem!" Tang Zhong waved his hand, he is not the kind of person who cares.

"The place you see now is where our Lei Huodao lives. All the people are here now, I think you can see it!" Su Jiu said.

Tang Zhong took a look: "But here, why is it so cold!"

To be honest, this place is really broken.

Su Jiu was embarrassed, and cursed: "It's really too broken, and our Leihuo people are very weak, so the resources for us among the predators are too few, so it's normal for the place to be a little bit worse!"

"Actually, when you came to our Thunder Fire Dao yesterday, everyone was shocked. Everyone was very excited when you came. Brother Tang, you came to our Thunder Fire Dao. I hope you can lead us to become stronger!"

(End of this chapter)

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