Chapter 1597 Thunder Fire Lotus!
Tang Zhong boarded the spaceship of the trial court just like this!
Inside the trial court, there were all high-level predators, and no one spoke.

The spaceship flew all the way and stopped at a place similar to a palace.

Tang Zhong was grabbed by those people and walked down slowly. The picture in front of him came into view.

What I saw at the very front was a huge sword inserted obliquely on the ground!

The sword is almost 20 meters high, and there are many cracks on it!
And under the tip of the sword, there is a statue of a giant, pierced through the body by the tip of the sword, as if it was fixed there!
This is the meaning of trial, which means to judge the giant with that great sword!
"Come with us!" said the soldier of the court.

Tang nodded and walked forward without any fear on his face!

There are soldiers at the gate of the trial court!
Follow Tang Zhong over.

The rumbling sound came out, and the door was directly opened!
Tang Zhong walked in slowly!

This is the first time he has entered the courtroom!

It was pitch black ahead.

You can only see the two sides, there are various sculptures, each of them is extremely powerful, with various weapons in their hands, it looks like the predecessors of the predators!
At this time, a voice came from the front.

"You are Tang Zhong?"

You can't see the person, you can only hear the voice!
Tang Zhong knew that it must be someone from the trial court, and immediately said: "It's me, senior!"

"come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, at that moment, the light flickered in front of it, and there was a round platform there, of course it was more than that, and there were ten seats distributed in ten directions around the round platform.

There are people in those ten seats!

Tang Zhong walked to the round platform and saw the people around him.

Each of these people was wearing a black robe.

At this time, the round platform around Tang Zhong began to become empty, only the area where Tang Zhong was standing, as for other places, it can be said to be empty, it is completely an abyss!

If Tang Zhong moved a little, he would fall directly, and his body would be smashed to pieces!
If it were someone else, they might be terrified to death at this time, but Tang Zhong is still extremely indifferent!
He looked ahead.

Among these ten people, only the three who were facing him had a higher status.

They are all old people!
At this moment, the most important old man said: "Tang Zhong, you should be convicted!"

This is the voice that came out of nowhere just now, obviously this person just spoke.

"I killed someone, but I will never plead guilty!"

At this moment, one of the other seven people behind him said at this time: "Judge, you must not let this person go, this person killed our Tianyu Dao, he should be killed, the same family who killed the predators, This person must not stay, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

When Tang Zhong turned his head, he saw a person with a sharp mouth and monkey gills. This person said that they belonged to Tianyu Dao, so this person might be a strong person in Tianyu Dao!

I saw the old man directly said: "You know that the one who died was a member of Tianyu Dao, but this matter must be carefully considered!"

That day Yudao's person trembled with anger when he heard the old man's words, but now he has nothing to say, so he can only shut up!
Tang Zhong took a closer look at his surroundings. If there were no accidents, the three old men were members of the trial court, and the other seven people should be strong men of other ways, as observers.

But since there are people from the Tao of Tianyu, why don't you see people from the Tao of Lei Huo?
Could it be that he is too weak in the way of Lei Huo?
Look carefully at the other people, it seems that they are all those who have a strong way!

At this moment, the old man in the trial court looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Then, tell me, why don't you plead guilty?"

"Just because Ling Yu and Wang Zheng are not as valuable as me!" Tang Zhong said.

Among the predators, he finally understood that in this place, your value is also tested, and you have to fully reveal what cards you have, otherwise, you will not be important at all.

Play pig eat tiger?That is impossible!
"Really?" said the old man of the trial court.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"Then can you let me see your value? Let me tell you, if your value is not high, then you are a death penalty!" said the elder of the trial court.

Slowly, his voice became cold.

Tang Zhong's surroundings seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, and a pressure came to his face. This person's strength was unfathomable!
"Good!" Tang Zhong said.

At this moment, Tang Zhong directly clenched his fist!

All the strength of the human body exploded.

Because his human body has relatively little time to cultivate, all of it is the body of a giant dragon absorbing power.

So it's not very strong now!

But the fluctuations on his body carried a deterrent force!

The pupils of the old man in the trial court widened for a moment, and then he recovered!
"The third level of domain master? Is this your value?" the person from Yudao said directly.

His name is Qiu Jiji, and he is the senior of Tianyu Dao. He chose the back in Tianyu Dao, and he is going to be his disciple. It is Ling Yu Wang Zheng, and there are several others. People killed, naturally upset!

If you don't kill this person, who will dare to be his disciple in the future?

The old man in the trial court said directly: "Commander Qiu, I don't think you need to be so anxious. We are thinking about the predators. Since this person can kill Ling Yu and Wang Zheng, he is naturally superior. If not, just kill him again!"

Qiu Jiji didn't speak any more!

The judge heard Tang Zhong say, "This is not enough!"

He was also shocked, because the strength Tang Zhong showed touched him a little.

The power erupted by the third-order domain master is several times stronger than that of ordinary domain masters!

But this is not enough, if the predators let people go because of this, the rules of the predators are too child's play!
Tang Zhong knew it would be like this, he still had hole cards, but with so many hole cards, he couldn't release all of them, it's always good for people to keep some hole cards!

"Then, what about this!" Tang Zhong raised his hand.

In the center of the palm, I saw a flame burning fiercely, and then turned into a fire lotus!

That is the field of flames!

The old man in the courtroom was unmoved at all!
Tang Zhong could also see it, and immediately continued to stimulate the power, and a blue light suddenly appeared on him!
I saw a few bolts of lightning flashing out around the fire lotus.

The originally red lotus was covered with a layer of lightning!
In the end, it turned into a thunder and fire lotus flower!
In the midst of thunder and fire, slowly blooming!

This is exactly the field of thunder and lightning!
At this moment, the old man in the trial court frowned!
Awakened the double domain...

And the people around are amazed by it!
At least, for many years, there has been no such person in the predators!
"Am I valuable now?" Tang Zhong asked slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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