Chapter 1600 No accommodation!

Marauder Legion!
When Tang Zhong entered the Predator before, he saw many people who went out on missions, and those people were members of the Predator Legion.

"When will the ultimatum be sent?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

He doesn't even know about this kind of thing!

"Before you come back!" Su Jiudao said, taking out something similar to a scroll and handing it to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong opened it and saw that it was an ultimatum!

Leaving boot camp?
"Others can only enter the Predator Legion after participating in the recruit contest. You can enter directly, so I say that you may be the strongest person in my Thunder Fire Dao!" Su Jiu said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, if Lei Huo Dao had no other people, then how did Lei Huo's Wandering Dragon Form come about?There must be a strong one, but I don't know who it is!
It doesn't matter!
"Don't worry, I won't forget you when I go there. Since I have stayed here for a while, if anyone bullies you, come to me and I will protect you!" Tang Zhong said!
"Thank you Senior Brother Tang!" Su Jiu said excitedly.

There are not many people in Lei Huodao who are in the Predator Legion. Brother Tang said something like this now, that is to block them!
"Take care!" Tang Zhong said.

He also urgently needs to go to a bigger and wider place now!

Only in this way can we get closer to Weiwei, and the matter about the Twelve Dragon Guards!

But who knows, at this time, outside Lei Huo Dao, people from Lei Huo Dao hurried in, looking very anxious, seeing Tang Zhong: "Senior Brother Tang, someone is here to have fun outside, it seems to be looking for you!"

When Tang Zhong heard the report, he was taken aback immediately. Who came to look for him?
who is it?

I saw several people walking together at the door.

Tang Zhong looked at them, these people had a strong aura, and they were not wearing the clothes of newcomers, obviously they were not newcomers!
Su Jiu looked at the other party and whispered, "It's the predators, what are they doing here on our Leihuo Road?"

Tang Zhong didn't know what the other party was doing, but there must be no good for these people!
I saw a few people coming, and the leader was tall and big, like a bear, and said coldly: "Who is Tang Zhong?"

Looking for trouble again?
Tang Zhong frowned slightly: "I am!"

"Are you Tang Zhong?" The bear-like man glanced at Tang Zhong and questioned.

"It's me, who are you? If you have nothing else to do, then you are not welcome here!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"I've heard that you are very arrogant and domineering, and now it seems that it is true. Let me just say it straight. My master said that Tianyu Dao's hatred will not end!" the bear-like man said.


If it is said that the strong person who has enmity with Tang Zhong, it is probably the only Qiu Jiji he saw in the judge's court that day!
"Who is your master?" Tang Zhong asked.

"You don't need to know, the purpose of my coming is to tell you, be careful!" said the bear-like man.

"It's Qiu Jiji!" Tang Zhong said.

The bear-like man frowned, and then said: "Since you guessed it, then I won't say anything more, just be careful, I will make your life worse than death after the predators! "

Then he waved his hand to the people behind him and said, "Let's go!"

As soon as they left, Su Jiu immediately said, "Senior Brother provoked that Qiu Jiji? Then Qiu Jiji is very powerful, we may not be his opponent!"

"Well, it's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

"You'd better not provoke him and avoid this Qiu Jiji. This person's strength seems to be in the realm of immortality... he cannot be dealt with by the domain master. You are now among the predators, and you have potential, as long as you don't go What kind of dangerous place, then Qiu Wuji will definitely not be able to attack you, and when you gradually become stronger in the future, you don't have to be afraid of him!" Su Jiu said.

Tang Zhong looked at Su Jiu, and he didn't expect that although this guy said his strength was not very good, he was a good person, but Su Jiu underestimated him!
"I will remember!" Tang Zhong said.

"You take this thing to report now!" Su Jiu handed the ultimatum to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong stretched out his hand to take it, and after saying goodbye to everyone in Lei Huodao, he was about to leave here.

In this ultimatum, he has been told what to do now.

If you want to become a Predator, go out of the rookie area, go to the Predator Army Center to report, fully register there, and change your rookie title to the title of non-commissioned officer, then you will be a complete Predator.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong is going to the army center!

As for the address, it's on the ultimatum!
Among the predators, there are various teleportation points!
Find the nearest teleportation point, choose the army center, and teleport there directly!

With a swish, his body turned into light, and when Tang Zhong opened his eyes, he arrived at the teleportation point closest to the center of the predator army.

After getting out from there, go straight to report.

You can see people coming and going, all wearing armor, each one is a hero, these people seem to be much stronger than the people in the rookie area, it seems that they have experienced life and death battles!
He already knew that the predators had to complete the mission, and every mission was a life-and-death battle!

When Tang Zhong arrived at the army center, he was ready to report!

Find a reporting office!
It was a young lady there, wearing a suit of armor!
Tang Zhong handed out the ultimatum: "I want to report!"

The young lady looked at Tang Zhong's ultimatum, then looked up at Tang Zhong: "Newcomer?"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"Tang Zhong?" The young lady stared at Tang Zhong and continued to ask.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Tang Zhong asked.

I saw that the young lady did not speak any more, but had a questioning expression on her face, and then she tapped the keyboard on the electronic screen in front of her a few times, and then said: "Okay, you are already a I'm a Predator soldier now, as for the Predator's rules, I don't need to talk about it...Okay, you can go now!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback: "Shouldn't you arrange a place for me?"

The ultimatum is all there, as long as you become a looter soldier, you will have a place to live, and it is arranged by the looters.

But now this woman doesn't make arrangements for him!
"Oh, arrange a place to stay? Are you sure you want to go?" said the young lady.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong always felt that something was wrong!

"Very well, I have arranged your residence, you go there!" said the young lady.

After speaking, he handed Tang Zhong an address!

Tang Zhong took it over, just looking for the address, and didn't say a few words with this woman. If there is no accident, he was targeted before he even started!

This address is definitely a tiger's den, but today, even if he knew that this place was a tiger's den, he would go over to have a look.

After all, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch a tiger's cub? Others really think that Tang Zhong is made of mud!

(End of this chapter)

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