Chapter 1608 Chaotic Universe!

At this moment, Lie Qiuxue no longer looked like she was with Tang Zhong before, but a little more cold.

The little green next to him didn't dare to look at him, because the aura released from Lie Qiuxue's body was so powerful that people couldn't look directly at her!

"Pavilion Master, why are your clothes like this?" Xiaolu asked.

"Retreat, practice, and it will become like this over time. Okay, tell me, is there any strange person coming to Fengxuan Pavilion recently?" Lie Qiuxue asked.

She wanted to know where the person who bullied her came from. To be able to enter the back mountain so easily, he must have stayed in Fengxuan Pavilion, and of course there were people from other places.

Now she wants to know who is that man?
Part of the reason was that she wanted revenge, and the other part was that she wanted to find that person, since that person transmitted the power in her body to her body.

Lie Qiuxue felt that she had broken through all the difficulties in her cultivation all the time.

She can be sure that this has something to do with that man!
So now Lie Qiuxue wants to find that man, but now she has no clue at all!
When Xiaolu heard the words of the pavilion master, her whole face changed.

They did take in Tang Zhong, but they didn't dare to say it, because they were afraid that the pavilion master would be angry. If the pavilion master was angry, then they would definitely be finished, and that was a ban.

Recalling what Ye Xinxin and Sister Ye said, when you meet the pavilion master, you say no!

"!" Xiaolu said.

Lie Qiuxue just asked casually, and didn't go into the details, and then said: "Okay, I understand, let other people prepare clothes for me, I'm out of customs!"

When Xiaolu heard this, the Pavilion Master had no doubts, and immediately let out a long sigh of relief: "Yes, Pavilion Master!"

Lie Qiuxue was very curious, where did that person come from?

At this time, Tang Zhong had already passed along the address.

to his dormitory.

Most of the dormitories among the predators live in groups, and only a few are separate places. This is a manor, similar to a European-style castle!

After Tang Zhong walked in, he found that everything here is intelligent, controlled by mechanical intelligence!
You need to brush your face at the door to get in!
Tang Zhong walked over, looking forward.


"Welcome home master!"

An elegant female voice came out.

Then Tang Zhong walked in, and as soon as he entered, a robot came over to help Tang Zhong take off his clothes!
Now Tang Zhong was wearing a bronze armor, which he quickly took off, and changed into comfortable home clothes, which were all worn by robots!

Then approached the room!

The inside is extremely empty, as if entering the void!
How is this going?

"Welcome to the Fantasy House!" It was that strange female voice again: "Where does the master want to rest?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Zhong understood that this place can be imagined.

Whatever he fantasizes about, the place will become.

Then Tang Zhong closed his eyes and began to fantasize.

What he wants most now is to go back to Earth and see how his parents are doing?After all, it has been so many years!

Unconsciously, the appearance of my home on earth appeared in my mind!
Soon, the surrounding scene began to change, slowly becoming Tang Zhong's home on Earth.

What does he imagine, what will appear?
Even his father and mother showed up, doing it on a chair right now!
Tang Zhong opened his eyes and looked at the scene around him. He was very surprised. This place is so magical. He fantasized about his parents. Now that his parents appeared, he tried to say hello to them, but they couldn't hear them at all.

Tang Zhong was also a little disappointed, but he also understood that this place is only an illusion. These lifeless people can be illusioned at will, but life cannot be illusioned at all!
Suddenly, he was dazed, even his parents can be transformed, so that person can too!

In Tang Zhong's mind, the appearance of Wei Wei that he saw for the last time began to illusion!

Suddenly, in front of him, an illusory figure appeared, it was Jiang Weiwei, coming out of the light, smiling brilliantly there!

After Tang Zhong's illusion was over, he just looked at the illusory figure and laughed idiotically. He really didn't expect that he would see Wei Wei in this way!

At this moment, the transformed Wei Wei is running on the transformed lawn.

Tang Zhong sat in the distance, just watching quietly!

That scene was so beautiful that Tang Zhong himself was reluctant to break it all, but he also knew that these were illusions, not real.

If this continues like this, his heart will be confused because of this. He knows that what he needs is a real person, not a phantom!
When he stopped transforming, Jiang Weiwei disappeared!
Then he sighed, wondering how Wei Wei is doing now?

How is life going in that heaven-destroyed universe country?
Thinking of this, he clenched his fists, he had to strengthen himself as soon as possible, and enter the kingdom of the universe.

Take Wei Wei back!

At the same time, the elegant woman's voice came from the ear, it was the system.

"Master, do you want to treat this scene as a permanent scene?" the elegant woman asked.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but nodded.

The system knew Tang Zhong's thoughts, and nodded slowly.

And at the same time.

The scene begins to freeze!
Tang Zhong did nothing this time, lying on his chair, raised his hand, and looked into the distance!

Think about it, if he had agreed to live with Wei Wei on Earth back then, and lived with Wei Wei in a stable way, probably this kind of thing would not have happened now!

They will not live in exile with Wei Wei in this universe either!
How wonderful it would be if time could be turned back!

But time has passed, and it will never return.

Now only get stronger!

Get out of this predator as fast as you can.

Others don't know the name Tang Zhong, they only know the Mars that Tang Zhong used before, that is to say, in this universe, Tang Zhong has just started!

"System, are you there?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Here, master, is there anything you want to order?" At this time, the elegant girl appeared again.

"Do you know how to become stronger?" Tang Zhong asked.

This system is definitely intelligent, and he must know a lot!
The system said: "To become stronger, you can accept the guidance of the instructor to become stronger. You can also go out to complete the trial to complete the task, or you can go to the chaotic universe to wipe out those rioters. The current master's strength can only do this!"

Instructor, Tang Zhong knew about it, and went out to try to complete the task. Tang Zhong had seen the predator go out to complete the task. As for this chaotic universe, what is it?

"What is a chaotic universe?"

(End of this chapter)

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