Chapter 1614 Choose by yourself!

These people have completely lost their bottom line.

Tang Zhong really regretted saving these people.

Now he understands why the people in Tianyuan Continent hate them so much. The soldiers of the looters will commit suicide when they come here, which is unbearable for anyone!

Seeing that Tang Zhong didn't respond, Peng Ye immediately said: "My friend, what are you thinking? You are so powerful, hurry up and kill the man and keep the women. Those women are not bad, although Said that I just played a top game, but if I can play another one, I don't mind at all!"

The other group of people from Tianyuan Continent trembled with anger at this moment: "What are you talking about?"

Especially that senior brother Yun, who was trembling with anger. Obviously, the woman killed by Peng Ye and the others had a very good relationship with this senior brother Yun. The deceased and this man are senior brothers, so it is very likely that they are lovers. relation.

How can I feel happy when the person I like is killed!

Tang Zhong is a person who distinguishes right from wrong. If Peng Ye and the others were fighting and killing the other party now, then Tang Zhong would definitely save people. But now Tang Zhong has changed his mind, and he is not going to go. Saved!

So he took a step back, looked at Senior Brother Yun and said, "These three people, if you want to do something, feel free!"

The three of Peng Ye thought they had found a helper. At this time, when they heard this, their faces were extremely ugly, and they stared at Tang Zhong: "Brother, what are you talking about? We are all predators, how can you How about letting the Marauders kill us?"

Tang Zhong ignored the three of them!

But at this time, Senior Brother Yun glanced at Tang Zhong and wanted to do something, but was stopped by the people next to him, and then whispered: "Senior Brother Yun, don't act rashly, we must not be deceived, these outsiders are very They are very cunning, they have a lot of tricks, I am afraid that when we just make a move, the other party will directly plot against us!"

Brother Na Yun was almost dazzled by the hatred just now, but only at this time did he react and stop fighting.

And Tang Zhong heard all of their conversation: "Just don't worry, just do it, I will never pay attention to it!"

Brother Yun stared at Tang Zhong, but didn't feel any killing intent.

And this time.

The three of Peng Ye began to panic. They used to call Tang Zhong their senior brother, but now they stopped calling at all: "You running dog, who are you, you are not from our predators!"

"I tell you, we are from the fighter camp, you must save us!" Peng Ye said.

"If you don't save us, let me tell you, you will die!"

"Kill them quickly!"

Several people went berserk immediately.

Tang Zhong didn't save them, so what?
To do such a shameless thing, one must be punished ruthlessly. Tang Zhong will never favor these people!

Brother Na Yun was about to make a move, and walked forward with a long sword in his hand.

The three of Peng Ye were not opponents at all. At this time, when they saw Senior Brother Yun coming, their faces were extremely ugly, and they were about to run away immediately, but before they left, they cursed at Tang Zhong: "Wait, wait until I return to the predators!" After that, I will definitely find ways to arrest you, and when the time comes, what do I see you do?"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, he took out the magic sword and slashed at the three of them!

Three clicks!

The magic sword went over and directly cut off the legs of the three people.

The three howled in pain, and just as they were about to leave, they fell to the ground, their legs were bleeding, and now they needed medical treatment. They looked back at Tang Zhong and said, " dare to hurt us!"

"You wait, we are from the Fighter Battalion!"

"Didn't you just want to embarrass me?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Just as Peng Ye was about to speak, he saw Senior Brother Yun coming over. Holding back the pain, he dragged his leg and walked forward. He didn't want to die yet, but if it fell into Senior Brother Yun's hands, he would surely die.

Although Senior Brother Yun was surprised why Tang Zhong would make such a sudden move, but now is not the time, when the three were knocked down, he immediately shouted: "Stop them!"

Others also started to attack Peng Ye and the others.

Soon the three of Peng Ye were surrounded in the center.

The three of Peng Ye were completely dumbfounded. At this moment, staring at the people around them, the murderous look in their eyes made them all terrified!
Senior Brother Yun was at the forefront. At this moment, his pupils were bloodshot, and he wished he could eat Peng Ye: "Damn you!"

Seeing the viciousness of the other party, Peng Ye shouted in fright: "You natives, don't kill me. Let me tell you, we belong to the Fighter Camp. Are you looking for Tianzong to be destroyed?"

But Senior Brother Yun didn't care what Peng Ye said, and just swept out with a sword!

Facing Peng Ye's head, before Peng Ye could speak, the head split from the top of his head, with a click, split in two, and finally fell to the ground!
As for the remaining two, Senior Brother Yun used his sword to separate the head from the body.

Moreover, after killing these three people, Senior Brother Yun didn't seem to be relieved at all, and he was still stabbing each other's body with his sword!

Puff puff!
The picture of blood gushing out everywhere is really miserable!
"To die, to die!"

"You killed Rong'er, I want you to pay with your life!"

Brother Yun didn't know how many swords he had inserted before he stopped, but looking at the ground, it was completely stained red with blood.

Tang Zhong watched from the side, he believed that the dead woman was very important to this senior brother Yun, otherwise this senior brother Yun would not be so crazy.

This matter had nothing to do with him in the first place, and now he is also preparing to leave!
Turn around and leave immediately!

But who knows, a shout came from behind: "Stop!"

Tang Zhong looked back, and found the woman next to Senior Brother Yun just now, and it was she who spoke!
"What's the matter?" Tang Zhong said.

"You are not allowed to go!" the woman said coldly.

Senior Brother Yun also looked at Tang Zhong at this time.

The woman said to Senior Brother Yun: "Senior brother, this person cannot be let go. We killed the predators, and when those people died, they said that they belonged to the fighter camp. We have taught the fighter camp people and they are very powerful. If this After the person left, he told the Fighter Camp the news of our murder, and then our Xuntian Sect will not be at peace!"

Brother Yun heard the woman talking, but he didn't speak, but was thinking.

But when he was thinking, there was killing intent in those pupils!
The people next to him were still talking: "These outsiders are all demons, Senior Brother Yun, don't let him go!"


"These outsiders have killed so many of us, we must let them pay with their lives!"

Slowly, Senior Brother Yun's eyes turned cold.

Tang Zhong never thought that it would be like this, he didn't want to do anything, but looked at Senior Brother Yun and said: "Whether you want to kill me or not, you choose yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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