Chapter 1646 Things I dare not do!

"Thank you?" Situ Kong laughed.

"I must thank you. On that day, everyone present was saying that I should be executed. It was you who forcibly saved me!" Tang Zhong said.

From what happened that day, he could see that many people wanted him to die, and it was the old man who said to keep him, so he survived.

"Really?" Situ Kong laughed.

He had been observing Tang Zhong all the time, and he found more and more that this young man had a personality similar to his, so he had the idea of ​​saving him!
"Yes!" Tang Zhong said, "My lord, can you let me know your name?"

Situ Kong said: "My name is Situ Kong!"

Tang Zhong said: "Thank you, Sir Situ!"

"Then have you ever thought about why I should save you?" At this moment, Situ Kong asked back.

Tang Zhong didn't understand this point either.

The old man in front of him has such a small island to live in, and he is by no means a simple person. Why did the other party save him?

"I don't know!" Tang Zhong shook his head.

"Then I'll tell you!" Situ Kong said.

He stretched out his hand, and in the center of his palm, a small flame roared.

Then walk against the fire!

Tang Zhong looked at the opponent's posture, and his pupils suddenly widened: "Lei Huo Dao... Is your lord a Lei Huo Dao person?"

"Someone gave me the Lightning Fire Wandering Dragon Form earlier, could it be that the adults also sent it?"

"It's me!" Situ Kong said: "I belong to Leihuo Dao. To be precise, Lei Huo Dao was founded by me!"

"What?" Tang Zhong was dumbfounded.

He was actually the founder of Lei Huo Dao.

Then all Tang Zhong's problems can be completely solved.

No wonder the other party gave him the Thunder Fire Wandering Dragon Style, it turned out to be like this.

He always thought that there were no strong men in Lei Huo Dao, but he never thought that there would be such a strong man!
"Senior, please accept my worship!" Tang Zhong said immediately.

Kneel on the ground and bow down to each other.

To be honest, the other party has given me too many favors. If I think about it carefully, maybe the benefits I have now are all given by the other party.

It's just that the other party just paid silently and didn't show it.

"Get up!" Situ Kong said.

"You are my very promising disciple of Lei Huo Dao, if I don't help you, who shall I help?"

Tang Zhong stood up and laughed.

He looked at the old man in front of him and felt very close, just like he was with Lei Huodao's brothers before!
They all belong in one place.

"Okay, please sit down!" Situ Kong said.

"Yeah!" Tang Zhong sat down.

"I saw you coming today, just to get to know each other!" Situ Kong said.

"En!" Tang nodded.

At this time, he saw a tea set in front of Situ Kong.

"Is this a tea set?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes, why, you know tea?" Situ Kong asked in surprise, looking at Tang Zhong with fiery eyes.

"I understand a little bit!" Tang Zhong said.

Isn't tea supposed to be only available on Earth?How did Situ Kong understand,

"You come!" Situ Kong said.

Then he stared at Tang Zhong, as if he was looking for something.

Tang Zhongzhao got up, made tea, washed the tea, after a long time, the aroma of tea came out.

Tang Zhong said: "Okay!"

" really know how to make tea? In the universe, there are not many people who can make tea. How many people here are really few people. You...where did you come from?" Situ Kong asked excitedly.

"Me?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

Why is the other party so excited.

"I came from a small planet!" Tang Zhong said.

"Small planet? Do people on your planet know how to drink tea?" Situ Kong asked.

"Not everyone understands tea, but there are a lot of them!"

"Where is your planet?" Situ Kong became more anxious, and his eyes began to heat up.

"Earth!" Tang Zhong replied.

The reason why he said the name of the earth is because at the level of the other party, he shouldn't worry about where the earth is, and the other party doesn't look like a bad person!
"It turns out that the person our ancestors knew may have come from Earth!" Situ Kong said.

"Ancestor?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"It's a long story. The tea ceremony my ancestors learned was learned from a person a long time ago. This is a long time ago, which is beyond your imagination!" Situ Kong said.

Tang Zhong would not think that this is learned from the earth, the earth has only come here for a few thousand years, and the long time ago in the population of the universe, probably tens of thousands of years ago.

Who was the person who knew the tea ceremony that Situ Kong's ancestors met?
Could it be a dragon?
Dragons created the earth and gave birth to life!

No, Long was framed by Emperor Cang many years ago, it should be someone else, most likely Long's subordinate!

Could it be... a member of the Dragon God Guard!

He had learned from Mo Lao before that there were twelve dragon guards under Long's subordinates, and Long would definitely know the tea ceremony, so it is likely that his subordinates would too.

Mo Lao said before that if he was asked to find other Dragon God Guards, it is very likely that the people Situ Kong's ancestors met were from other Dragon God Guards.

But that was a long time ago, how do you know where the other party will be?
Just find it slowly!

Tang Zhong smiled and said, "The tea is ready!"

Situ Kong took a sip and praised it highly: "It's really good!"

"I didn't expect that your cultivation talent is extremely high, and the tea ceremony is also so good. In the future, you will come to this isolated island to accompany my old man!" Situ Kong said.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"Actually, I like your courage even more!" Situ Kong said: "You dare to kill people among the predators, that's amazing!"

"I had no choice but to kill him!" Tang Zhong said.

"Killing people is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you resisted the predators. In fact, I killed people back then!" Situ Kong said.

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, he suddenly remembered that among the predators, there were three kinds of people, and they all killed their fellow predators.

But there are three different endings!

The first kind of people choose death after killing their fellow predators.

The second type of people killed their fellow predators, struggled to survive, and finally surrendered to the predators and worked for the predators.

The third type is to kill people and try to use one's own strength to prove one's existence.

Tang Zhong is the third type of person, who uses his own strength to prove himself!

"I'm the second type of person!" Situ Kong said, "I think you know what I'm talking about!"

The second type of people, in order to survive, surrender to the predators and always serve the predators until the moment of death!
Tang Zhong naturally knew.

As he spoke, Situ Kongping stretched out his arms. At that moment, he saw a string of iron chains shining with light between his hands. If he didn't pull it, he couldn't see it. Only when he pulled it , you can see that, similarly, there are also shackles under your feet...

"That's why I wanted to keep you in the first place. You did something I dare not do in my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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