Chapter 1654 Why is it him!

At this moment, outside the city outside the temple.

Tang Zhong drove the Douluo and continued driving.

He went all the way, straight to slaughter!

But beside this city, he stopped.

Because he saw the sign of the Galaxy God Guard guarding the city!
That is obviously the symbol of the galactic guardian Piatrix, that is to say, those people are all Pianist people.

There was a wave of newcomers replacing old ones.

There are a lot of new faces in the earth satellite, he actually saw Liu Tian!
That former girl, now in the Satin, seems to be the role of the head of the guard!

Tang Zhong saw the other party and grinned, as if he hadn't seen this girl for a long time.

Moreover, above the city, Liu Tian was standing there wearing a suit of armor.

Since her father Liu Tiansheng abdicated, Liu Tian became the head of the Guardian. Today, when she heard that someone was attacking the Guardian of the Galaxy, she immediately brought people to guard it.

Originally thought that the opponent would not attack here, but who knew, it actually arrived.

Since Liu Tian has accepted the head of Saturn, she is to protect the safety of the Milky Way, but what she doesn't know is that when she saw this spaceship, she had a familiar feeling, and suddenly set off her long-ago memories!

There was once such a young man who was forced to leave this place by the Galaxy Guardian. She remembered that at that time, that young man was sitting in such a spaceship.

Could it be that young man came back?

Thinking of Tang Zhong in the past, Liu Tian suddenly fell into the memory.

If she really wanted to talk about Tang Zhong, she would think of the earth. By chance, she knew that the earth was Tang Zhong's home.

But later, the earth was colonized by the Milky Way and became a slave planet. At that time, she kept persuading the lord not to do such a thing, but it was of no use at all.

At that time, she had no right to speak.

She felt that she had treated Tang Zhong badly!

Seeing the arrival of the spaceship, the soldiers of the Earth Guards immediately stepped forward and said, "Chief Guard, the enemy is coming, do we want to resist?"

"Don't worry!" Liu Tian said.

She wants to know who is in the spaceship!
While Tang Zhong was in the spaceship, he also saw the people on the city. He didn't expect it to be Liu Tian, ​​so he decided to show up. He got out of the spaceship, looked at Liu Tian and said, "Senior Sister Liu!"

With this shout, many people looked at him!

"That's...that's Senior Brother Tang?"

"it's him!"

"Tang Zhong, Brother Tang, why is he back?"

"Didn't Senior Brother Tang die before?"

"Why are you still alive when you're dead? Brother Tang is so murderous now, I'm afraid he's here to ask for trouble!"

"Haha, I don't know why, I'm a member of the Galaxy Guard, but now I'm supporting Senior Brother Tang!"

"We Tuwei will always support Senior Brother Tang!"

Among the crowd, there are many people who know Tang Zhong. After all, many of the Tuwei are old people.

They used to follow Chief Liu Tiansheng to do many earth-shattering things, and they also knew that there was a legendary figure in their Tuwei, and that figure's name was Tang Zhong.

The Tuwei people, who did not know Tang Zhong's name, couldn't help their blood surging after hearing the explanations of the seniors.

It turns out that their Tuwei now get rid of the four guards of gold, wood, water and fire, and become the first guard. This is the work of Senior Brother Tang!
When Liu Tian saw Tang Zhong, she burst into tears: "Tang Zhong, you are alive!"

"Yes, Senior Sister!" Tang Zhong said.

"Everyone said you were dead, and the whole galaxy announced your death, I thought you were dead!" Liu Tian said.

"I'm not dead...I'm here for revenge!" Tang Zhong said.

"Is it the hatred of the Milky Way for enslaving your earth? I'll let you go!" Liu Tian said.

Once, she said that enslaving the earth will not end well!
Because of their planet, there is a terrifying powerhouse!
But the Lord of the Galaxy didn't listen, and now he has such an end.

At this moment, Liu Tian ordered: "All Tuwei people, put down your weapons and let Tang Chong pass through the city!"

The veterans of the Earth Guard put down their weapons and shouted: "We support!"

They also hated the way of the Milky Way, because when Tang Zhong was alive, the Milky Way dared to fart at the earth, and when they knew Tang Zhong was screaming, everyone in the Milky Way went crazy.

This is something that the Saturn veterans can't stand, the Milky Way is too shameless.

The recruits, who had never experienced this scene, panicked.

The veterans persuaded them: "Hurry up and put down your weapons. Why are you still resisting? Do you think the Guardians listen to the people of the Milky Way? Senior Brother Tang is here? Let's listen to Senior Brother Tang!"

A large group of recruits had no choice but to throw their weapons!

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong laughed: "Thank you!"

Then he got on the spaceship and went directly to the temple!

And the people of Sawei did not speak good words for the Milky Way, but cheered Tang Zhong up.

The other side of the temple heard the news.

Ole Kroll was trembling with anger: "This damn Saturn, damn it, they shouldn't have been left in the first place!"

"Then what should we do?" The ministers panicked one by one.

That person came for their temple. They were all afraid of death and didn't know what to do?
"What else can we do? Soldiers come to block us, water comes to cover us, do we need to be afraid? Don't forget, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy!" Ole Kroll said.

None of the ministers spoke.

Tang Zhong blasted and killed all the way, he was familiar with the road, he had been here once, so it was very easy.

Finally reached the temple.

With a roar: "Get out of here!"

A burst of shouting spread to the temple.

At the gate of the temple, there are countless soldiers fighting Tang Zhong, but the Douluo's attack method is really too strong.

All kinds of laser cannons were fired, and they were killing. The soldiers of the Galaxy God Guard had no room to fight back, so they were directly killed!

In the temple.

The ministers are all in danger.

In the Milky Way, the masters have arrived!

But there is absolutely no room for anyone to fight back.

When arriving at the gate of the temple.

Tang Zhong jumped off the spaceship directly.

As soon as he came down, many people immediately came to besiege Tang Zhong, wanting to kill Tang Zhong.

But today's Tang Zhong's cultivation has exploded directly, and he has become the domain master. Those people in the galaxy are no match at all.

Then Tang Zhong moved forward step by step to the temple.

He had already been here once before, and immediately yelled towards the front of the temple: "The lord of the galaxy... get out!"

With a burst of shouting, you can see the sound waves in his mouth sweeping forward.

Wherever he went, the ground was shattered to pieces!

It was like experiencing an earthquake.

And in the temple, when Ole Kroll saw the other party, his face turned ugly: " could it be him?"

(End of this chapter)

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