Chapter 1663 That's it!

Tang Zhong is completely in a daze now, what happened, how could such a thing happen?
"What's wrong with me?" He asked the person next to him.

The people next to him gave him a blank stare!
Today, the leader of the predators who took them to the Sansi tea party has not yet come.

Just when Tang Zhong first appeared, a person stood up opposite him slowly and looked at Tang Zhong indifferently. If he looked seriously, he would find that the other person was Cheng Ming!

Beside Cheng Ming, there is another woman, that woman looks coquettish, staring at Tang Zhong firmly at this moment!

"You are Tang Zhong!" Cheng Ming said directly.

"It's me, you are?" Tang Zhong didn't know that he was challenged, and then he was hostile like this, he really didn't understand!
"I'm Cheng Ming, the owner of the Fighter Battalion, the one who challenged you in the Predator Forum!" Cheng Ming said coldly.

"Ah!" Tang Zhong still didn't understand: "Well, can you tell me the outline of the matter!"

This time, everyone laughed.

Is this kid really stupid or fake stupid!
It was so popular on the Predator Forum a few days ago, everyone couldn't believe that Tang Zhong didn't see it.

Cheng Ming laughed loudly: "You are really funny, then listen carefully now!"

"Good!" Tang Zhong said.

"You snatched my girlfriend's place to attend the Sansi tea party, and I want to take it back with my own hands. This is just one point, and there is another point. Do you know Zao Wou-ki?" Cheng Ming said coldly.

The number of seats for the Sansi Tea Party?
Tang Zhong knew it, Situ Kong said before that he would definitely give it to Tang Zhong, so it turned out to be someone else's replacement!

And this Zhao Wuji, he naturally knew that in court, Zhao Wuji always wanted to execute him, so he said a few words at that time.

"I know!" Tang Zhong said.

"Since we know each other, it will be easy!" Cheng Ming said coldly.

"You insulted my master, so I will not spare you lightly!"

Tang Zhong finally understood, but there was one more thing that he really didn't understand!

"Why, when I first came, did everyone cast so many blank glances at me?"

This is the question Tang Zhong wants to know the most, he obviously didn't do anything!
Cheng Ming smiled and said: "I have declared war on you in the Predator Forum for more than ten days, but I haven't even seen half of you. I thought you were afraid, no, everyone thought you were afraid!"

Tang Zhong finally understood why he suffered so many blank stares!
So this is ah!

"Trash, do you dare to fight me? If you lose, the quota will be brought, and then you will kneel down and apologize to my master!"

Suddenly, Cheng Ming roared.

Tang Zhong understood the general situation, so naturally he would not let the other party go, and immediately sneered: "Then what if you lose?"

"Those who dare not fight for more than ten days, I will lose?" Cheng Ming asked back.

He didn't take Tang Zhong seriously at all!
"Then I won't fight with you. After I win, there will be no benefit, so I won't do such a loss-making thing!" Tang Zhong said.

From Cheng Ming's point of view, Tang Zhong was afraid, and immediately said with a smile: "If you agree, I will do as you please!"

"What's the fun in dealing with you?" Tang Zhong said.

Cheng Ming was furious: "If you win, I will keep my arm..."

"Okay!" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, bursting out with killing intent!
Na Chengming felt the killing intent released by Tang Zhong, and he was stunned for a moment, thinking that he felt wrong. The other party is such a waste, where did the killing intent come from, and immediately smiled: "If If you lose, I will never show mercy!"

Tang Zhong moved his muscles and bones, and his whole body was crackling!

Just use the strength of thunder and fire to startle the dragon!

Cheng Ming signaled the beautiful woman to stay away, then took off his clothes, exposed his strong arms, and hooked his fingers towards Tang Zhong!
Tang Zhong also started directly.

There are many people watching around.

The main reason is that this battle is really too curious, a battle that no one dared to recognize on the Predator Forum for ten days, suddenly appeared. To be honest, everyone thought Tang Zhong was scared!

I also think that the reason why Tang Zhong is now fighting is because there is nowhere to hide.

Now Cheng Ming is beside him.

From a distance, many people looked over.

At this moment, a woman looked at this place, and when she saw Tang Zhong, she couldn't help frowning, and then there was a sneer on her face: "I haven't been able to find you for so long, so you are here!"

If you look carefully, you will find that this person is Lie Qiuxue, the master of Fengxuan Pavilion!
She was bullied by Tang Zhong in the cave before, she wants to find Tang Zhong for revenge!
And at this moment, the battle has begun!
Cheng Ming is the first to attack!
The strength on his body exploded directly.

The whole person is like a tiger.

Bombarded over with a punch.

He is the boss of the Fighter Battalion, with the power of one punch, he carries ten thousand catties!

It was as if a mountain had crashed down!
After Tang Zhong saw it, he punched directly.

Thunder Fire Startling Dragon was released, as if stepping on flames under its feet, the speed was very fast, and the dragon's head was on its fist, and it blasted towards the opponent.

That moment.

Cheng Ming was pushed back, and many people thought that Tang Zhong would be knocked down with one punch!
At this moment, seeing this scene, they were shocked, and their eyes widened!
Cheng Ming didn't instantly kill Tang Zhong with one blow, and was also deeply taken aback.

Feeling the questioning eyes around him, he directly started again!

He is the boss of the fighter battalion, the ninth rank of the domain master, and he is about to step into the realm of the immortal king!

Become a Gold Looter!
And who is the other party, only the fifth heaven!

Another punch.

Tang Zhong blocked it again.

In his hands, the power of flames and thunder continued to erupt. This was the first time he had released the power of thunder, fire and shocking dragons, but he couldn't fully release it. It would take a few more times!

"Go to hell!" Cheng Ming roared.

Seeing that Cheng Ming hadn't beaten Tang Zhong to death, the beautiful woman next to him could not stop complaining: "Brother Ming, hit me harder!"

Cheng Ming didn't want to, and was annoyed by the woman's words: "Shut up!"

Then continue to attack.

Seeing this, people around thought about it carefully, it seemed that it wasn't what they saw, it wasn't that Tang Zhong was afraid, maybe it was true as Tang Zhong said, these ten days Cheng Ming challenged himself not to know.

Then this looks great!

At this time, Tang Zhong blocked Cheng Ming's punch, and he gradually found the trick.

Thunder and fire startled the dragon!

This time when he swung his fist, a dragon's roar erupted from his fist, as if it was about to explode!
Explosive Dragon!

And he discovered that the moves learned by the dragon clone can now be used on his human clone!
When this punch goes out!
He directly met Cheng Ming's fist.

That Cheng Ming was just about to roar to death!

In an instant, the whole person was sent flying!
He fell to the ground with a bang.

Cheng Ming felt even more humiliated, slowly got up from the ground, and roared, "Go to hell!"

Before, he just wanted to abolish Tang Zhong's arm, but now he wanted to abolish Tang Zhong.

(End of this chapter)

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