Chapter 1679 Seal!

"Longzu didn't come, I came!" Tang Zhong said.

Yan Gang was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Tang Zhong meant by saying this!
"what do you mean?"

"I have seen Dragon Ancestor!" Tang Zhong said.

"What? Dragon Ancestor is still alive? Impossible, all clones of Dragon Ancestor have been wiped out under the hands of Emperor Cang. If he is still alive, that would be great!" Yan Gang said.

"Long Zu is dead, when I saw him, he was just a wisp of soul!" Tang Zhong said.

"Longzu has great supernatural powers. As long as he has a trace of soul, he can be reborn. Tell me, where is he?" Yan Gang asked anxiously.

I really can't wait to dig out everything Tang Zhong knows now.

"His soul dissipated in the end, leaving me a legacy, and this!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he began to change, becoming the body of a dragon.

When Longzu died, he left him a life and this body!
"This is... a dragon body, a perfect dragon body!" Yan Gang said in shock!

Then he knelt on the ground and said: "I have been hiding my name in this Universe Star University for thousands of years, just waiting for you, you are finally here, please be respected by this old man!"

"Please hurry up, I can't afford such a big gift!" Tang Zhong said hastily.

"No, you can bear it, you are the dragon body, the supreme dragon body!" Yan Gang said.

"Get up!" Tang Zhong said.

Yan Gang finally stood up, and this time, his gaze became hotter and hotter.

"Since Dragon Ancestor left you these things, then you are the new Dragon Ancestor, Longyan Wei Yangang, welcome the new Dragon Ancestor!"

Saying that, Yan Gang knelt down again.

"You... please get up quickly!" Tang Zhong said hastily.

"It's okay, it's okay, the old man is happy to see you!" Yan Gang said with a smile.

Tang Zhong felt that the twelve dragon guards were really too loyal!
"By the way, senior, those black demons, what are they?" Tang Zhong asked.

He still doesn't know what those black demons are!

Yan Gang said: "Don't call me senior, just call me Yan Gang, those black demons, their names are strange ghosts!"

White Walkers?

Tang Zhong muttered in a low voice.

"Where do they come from?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I don't know about this, my elders told me these things!" Yan Gang said.

"Then why are they gathered in this space university?" This is Tang Zhong's strange question!

You must know that when the two strange ghosts appeared, it was impossible for Yan Gang to come here by chance. As for a person like Gang, the other party must have been looking for the whereabouts of the other ghosts before!

Speaking of this question, Yan Gang frowned slightly: "They came here for a strange ghost!"

That appearance, as if talking about some taboo!
Tang Zhong also became serious: "That strange ghost!"

"A strange ghost who was sealed here..." Yan Gang said: "According to our Longyanwei's history books, things like strange ghosts existed a long time ago, but at that time, there was the ancestor of the dragon, and the strange ghosts It was completely wiped out, and those strange ghosts who came to make trouble, those who could be beheaded were killed, and those who could not be killed were sealed!"

"You mean, an indestructible strange ghost is sealed under this Starry Universe University?" Tang Zhong shouted.

Yan Gang stared at Tang Zhong, nodded for a long time and said: "Yes!"

"Where is it?" Tang Zhong asked.

"University and Starry Sky University, under the Heavenly Stele!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong immediately remembered that when he just entered the university, he heard a roar beside the stone tablet. It turned out that it was not an auditory hallucination, but a real existence!
He also understood that the symbols on the stele were suppressing the White Walker.

What is the origin of these strange ghosts, they will be suppressed under the stele that day!
"Is that strange ghost very powerful?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Very strong, these ghosts who sneaked into Starry Sky University are all here to save the suppressed ghost!" Yan Gang continued.

"What will the ghost look like after it goes out?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Long lives are devastated..." Yan Gang said seriously.

"I know, he can't go out!" Tang Zhong said.

"What should we do?" Yan Gang obeyed Tang Zhong's orders now.

Although he is much stronger than the opponent, he believes in Longzu's vision.

Among the Twelve Dragon God Guards, only Long Zu is the one who is always the most convinced!
"Absolutely can't let that ghost out!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, Long Zu!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong is not for anyone, but for the people he wants to protect. If the other ghosts are released, then the people he wants to protect will all die!

"Don't call me Long Zu, my name is Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

"No, you are the Dragon Ancestor!" The Yangang people are old, and their brains are also old, without any brain circuits!

Tang Zhong suddenly remembered an important thing: "The other ghosts, do the people of Emperor Cang know?"

When Yan Gang heard the name of Emperor Cang, his face turned grim: "They also know about the Other Ghosts, but they don't care about them. Only the Dragon Ancestor takes protecting the common people as his mission. Then Emperor Cang is a sinister little boy. people!"

Tang Zhong knew the grievances between Cangdi and Longzu. Cangdi is king in this universe, and this universe should belong to Longzu. Cangdi took away everything from Longzu!
Although he didn't meet Long many times, he could feel that Long was really good, and everyone under his command was like this, let alone Long?

"From now on, those strange ghosts must not be allowed to save people!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, Long Zu!" Yan Gang said.

"I'm going first. I've been with you for so long, that woman might be suspicious!" The woman Tang Zhong was talking about was Lie Qiuxue, and that woman must still be in the same place at this moment, most likely she hasn't gone far!
"Long Zu, I will send you back now!" Yan Gang said.

I saw Yan Gang reaching out to grab Tang Zhong, and the two of them seemed to have entered the space-time tunnel, and arrived at the abandoned place before!
Yan Gang sent Tang Zhong here, made a salute, then turned and left!

Watching Yan Gang leave, Tang Zhong also left here!

He didn't expect that this time there would be such a big harvest!

In this universe and starry sky university, Long Yanwei was actually found!
The Twelve Dragon God Guards, the entire army of the Dragon God Guards was wiped out, and I don't know what happened to the other Dragon God Guard soldiers!

And the ghosts under the stele that day must not be released!
Tang Zhong can already feel how great the mission on him is!
He had just walked a few steps when he saw Lie Qiuxue pacing back and forth, as expected, the woman did not leave!

(End of this chapter)

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