Chapter 1681: Emperor Cang Comes!

Tang Zhong followed behind and soon walked into the auditorium.

No one checked, because of the appearance of the ghosts, several students died, so few students showed up.

Those who were driven out were only at the level of teachers and above, and even teachers appeared in groups.

Even if Tang Zhong appeared in front of everyone now, he would not be suspected!
In this synagogue.

The man sent by Emperor Cang, covered in black robes, stood there with indifferent eyes, with strange black tattoos on his face!

Beside them are the elders of the Universe and Starry Sky University, where they are asking about the recent events!

Hearing the elders' descriptions, the man in black robe said, "Don't worry, everyone. Those monsters that are viscous liquid after death are called strange ghosts. Emperor Cang heard about this and sent me to solve this problem soon." something happened!"

An elder asked: "Those strange ghosts are very strong... what is their origin?"

"You don't need to know this, they have only one purpose, don't worry, we will solve it!" said the man in black robe.

Tang Zhong hid behind the crowd and listened to them.

Suddenly, someone jumped out: "Hi!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback, thinking he had been recognized by someone, but when he looked back, it was Lie Qiuxue who was smiling, pointing at him, if it wasn't because he couldn't reveal his identity here, he would have scolded him a long time ago, just now That moment really scared him to death.

Seeing that Tang Zhong was frightened, Lie Qiuxue burst out laughing, only moved her mouth again, but did not make a sound, but it could be seen that what she wanted to say was: "You have today too!"

Tang Zhong didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, but watched the elder talk to the man of Emperor Cang!
The Emperor Cang and the elders didn't say a few words, another old man with a strong aura came, and the old man came out, wearing a black robe.

"Principal of Universal Star University, Murong Qing!" Lie Qiuxue called out his name when he saw him!


That is a character in the legend!
I saw that after Murong Qing came out, he went to another small place with the Cang Emperor's people, and said something else there, and did not let the other elders hear. layer light curtain!
That's an enchantment!

Close a space, the sound inside can't come out!
Tang Zhong had been staring at the two of them, and what he said was very emotional, obviously it was a big deal, he really wanted to know what they were talking about, so he quietly released his consciousness.

Only put a little bit!

But he took it back in an instant, because he saw Murong Qing who was in the light curtain and looked back at everyone present, as if he had discovered something, but because he was very anxious about what he was talking about, he ignored it!

Tang Zhong knew that it must be a very important matter!

After a long time, the light curtain disappeared, and Murong Qing turned around and stared at the people present.

Tang Zhong thought badly, it must be over now, is this Murong Qing going to settle the score just now?

"Get out!" Suddenly, Murong Qing shouted.

Tang Zhong was terrified!
The elders in the audience didn't know what happened!
One by one you look at me, I look at you!
"I feel you!" Murong Qing roared.

"Principal, what happened?"

"Principal, have you found anything else?"

Tang Zhong hid, but don't be found out, otherwise it will be bad!
At this moment, Murong Qing suddenly started to act, and a strong aura burst out from his body.

At that moment, he suppressed the past towards the crowd!
His target is a fat man!
Tang Zhong was taken aback, maybe he was talking about him, he stared at the fat man that Murong Qing was aiming at, his face became gloomy, that man is a strange ghost!

The fat man looked at Murong Qing approaching with an innocent expression on his face, but suddenly he slapped him out!
That moment.

Both were shocked.

The crowd didn't know what happened, but seeing the principal targeting the fat man, they all moved away from each other.

I saw the fat man grinned grimly, and made a cold voice: "I thought I wouldn't be discovered, I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

The people around were shocked, this person has a problem, but he quietly became an elder of Universe Star University, it's too scary!

Murong Qing stared at the other party and said, "Come to my Universe and Starry Sky University to play don't want to leave alive!"

"We didn't want to leave alive at all!" The fat man began to take off his human skin, revealing his devilish appearance!
Tang Zhong stared at that strange ghost, this one was much smarter than the previous one, and sure enough, there were not a few strange ghosts hidden in the universe starry sky university!
It seems that these ghosts really came prepared. I don't know if the ghosts under the stele that day can still be sealed!
"Then die now!" Murong Qing said coldly.

He directly used his ultimate move, shooting out various beams of light from his hands, constantly suppressing them around.

The other ghost fought with it, and the strength that the other ghost has revealed so far should be the role of the leader of the other ghost!
The scene quickly became chaotic.

The teachers and elders fled the venue one after another. They never thought that these teachers would not be safe in Universe Star University.

Lie Qiuxue wanted to leave, but found that Tang Zhong was still here: "What are you doing? Go away!"

Tang Zhong has been staring at Murong Qing fighting with the ghosts, he doesn't want to pay attention to Lie Qiuxue at all!

"I watch them fight!" Tang Zhong said.

"You see them fighting, aren't you afraid of death?" Lie Qiuxue said.

Suddenly, the battle wave hit here.

This is the venue, there are seats everywhere, as the light hits, rumbling, the seats are cracked, and there are debris everywhere!

The area where Tang Zhong and the others were located exploded directly, and the two of them were almost injured!
But Tang Zhong didn't leave yet!
At this time, the black-robed man also made a move, and the two of them fought together. Judging by the strength, it was unfathomable, probably stronger than immortality!
The two fought together, and the strange ghost gradually couldn't hold on anymore.

After more than a dozen moves, the entire auditorium became dilapidated like a disaster scene, but the strange ghost seemed to be unable to hold on anymore!
And there was no one around, only Murong Qing and the others, as well as Tang Zhong and Lie Qiuxue hiding in the dark!

Murong Qing shouted loudly: "Tell me, why did you come here?"

The strange ghost said: "Is that what you want to know?"

"I'm here for the Heavenly Stele!" said the man in black.

"Yes, I came here for the Heavenly Stone Monument!" After being dismantled, the strange ghost immediately burst into laughter: "I think you all know what it is!"

Murong Qing's expression turned ugly.

He, the principal, knows best what lies under the stele.

Then the strange ghost looked at the black-robed man, and continued: "There is also that **** Emperor, who owes us the strange ghost, and we will settle the score with him sooner or later!"

(End of this chapter)

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