Chapter 1683 The alien ghost strikes!

The darkness in front of his eyes was exposing a message, that is, the enemy attacked.

To have such a large-scale enemy attack, I am afraid that only the White Walkers can do it.

And come towards them.

The place where they live now is on the outskirts of the University of Universe and Starry Sky. The purpose of those strange ghosts is the Heavenly Stone Monument, so they will step over here.

Then, everyone here will die!

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong shouted: "Get up, there are enemies attacking!"

These cultivators would not say that they fell into a deep sleep like ordinary people, but they were very responsive. As soon as they heard any movement, they immediately opened the door and came out.

"Where is the enemy attacking?"

After seeing the dark scene in the distance, everyone's expressions turned ugly.

I really didn't expect such a scene to appear: "My God, how is this possible?


Everyone jumped up in fright.

Tang Zhong also turned around and left!
The number of ghosts is really too much!
And everyone is running!
Lie Qiuxue also came out. Seeing this scene, she covered her mouth!
I saw the strange ghosts rushing up, one by one with murderous intent on their faces, destroying everywhere they went, no matter who they were, they would be destroyed!

The street lamp was also broken directly!

Many White Walkers jumped onto the house and directly stepped the house out of the big hole. If they found someone inside, they would directly eat them!
This terrified the fleeing people even more, these monsters were really terrifying.

It wasn't just that there was movement on the predator's side, the Universe Star University was surrounded by strange ghosts.

Many people have already died under the hands of the strange ghosts!


Just this night!

Tang Zhong kept running away, he looked up, in the sky in the distance, there were flying ghosts!

He really did not expect that there would be so many ghosts appearing, it was too scary!

Disastrous sexual images emerge.

Universe Star University is an institution for teaching and educating people. It does not have too many heavy metal weapons. When a war breaks out, it is impossible to defend against it. Now only manpower appears!
Inside the Universe Star University!
Several elders shot out one after another.

Fight the numbers of those White Walkers!

And the number of those ghosts is really too much!

Tang Zhong watched them fight, he knew that the target of those strange ghosts was the Heavenly Stele, as long as he waited there!
But as soon as he arrived at the gate of the university, he saw Murong Qing and the man in black robe before him were there, as well as many elders, they were guarding the stele, preventing the strange ghosts from approaching!
Tang Zhong wanted to go over and have a look.

But a hand stretched out from behind, covered Tang Zhong's mouth, and pulled him back, but the other party had no malicious intentions.

Tang Zhong turned around and looked, and saw Yan Gang.

"See Dragon Ancestor!" Yan Gang immediately said respectfully.

"Why are you here?" Tang Zhong asked.

"To be precise, I have been protecting Long Zu!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong was startled, had he been staring at it all the time, but he didn't feel anything at all, this also shows how strong Yan Gang's power is!

"What should we do now?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Wait!" Yan Gang said: "The number of this group of ghosts is too many, I can't even think of it. They have put in a lot of effort to get rid of the ghost generals under the seal!"

"Wait until when!" Tang Zhong's expression turned ugly!
"Let them deal with it first!" Yan Gang said.

They were referring to Murong Qing and the man in black.

"We'd better not take it lightly, the Dragon Ancestor and the power of the Dragon Ancestor, if Emperor Cang finds out the slightest bit, we will all die!" Yan Gang said.

"I know!" Tang Zhong said.

"You are our hope. Only when you grow up, our persistence for many years will be meaningful!" Yan Gang said.

Don nodded his head.

If he can't make a move now, he won't make a move, as long as he waits here for others to make a move!

To be honest, I was more flustered than ever before!
He didn't have a strong reaction when he saw those ghosts before, but this time he had a big reaction.

It would be terrifying if so many other ghosts attacked together!

Here, more and more people retreated here.

More or less suffered minor injuries, and some had broken arms!
Moreover, the injured people were all those powerful teachers who were in the Universe Star University before.

As for those students, they also gathered here, squatting on the ground, without saying a word!
It was really scary.

They have never experienced such a miserable situation!

Tang Zhong and Yan Gang stood together.

"Should we wait here forever?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Otherwise?" Yan Gang said.

"Go out and have a look!" Tang Zhong said.

"Don't... don't go!" Yan Gang wanted to pull Tang Zhong.

But Tang Zhong has already left, not for anything else, but for the justice in his heart!
The original dragon probably did the same.

Now that Master Long has done it, why should he back down and run out immediately.

Yan Gang can only follow behind!

Others were running towards this side, while Tang Zhong and Yan Gang were running in the opposite direction.

Everyone looked at Tang Zhong as if they were insane!

Tang Zhong ignored them, he had to save people now.

It's that simple.

However, they haven't waited for them to make a move.

The White Walkers came up, and a large group of people roared.

The crowd was no match for them at all. Many people were caught directly, without any power to fight back, they were gnawed to death, and their bodies were directly broken at the waist.

The White Walkers... are horrible!

But at this time, Tang Zhong saw an astonishing scene. He saw Lie Qiuxue among the crowd, about to be caught by a strange ghost.

A creature like a different ghost must be strong to kill it!

Although Tang Zhong didn't like to see Lie Qiuxue very much, but seeing this scene, he couldn't help but make a move.

The speed of the feet changed, and the person arrived beside Lie Qiuxue like a phantom.

Lie Qiuxue was also panicking, because people with similar strength to her had already been massacred by the ghosts around her, and she had never seen such a terrifying scene.

But at this moment, a strange ghost rushed up and rushed towards Lie Qiuxue.

She got scared.

As long as it is a woman, in this situation, she can't calm down, she stretches out her hand to cover her face, she knows how to resist rudely, she can only wait for death, and before she dies, she hopes that her body is complete, but what a pity she just saw The scene told her that it is absolutely impossible to have a complete body!
The White Walkers are close at hand.

Lie Qiuxue thought he was doomed.

Seeing that the strange ghost was about to bite Lie Qiuxue!
At this moment, Tang Zhong rushed out, punched the strange ghost directly with his fist, and knocked him into the air with a bang.

"Come on!"

Lie Qiuxue thought she was going to die, when she heard the voice, she opened her eyes, and found that the strange ghost had been blown away, and there was a person standing beside him, looking at the back, very familiar.

"Tang Zhong..."

(End of this chapter)

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