Chapter 1698 Send it to the house!
"Someone is going to kill you!" Ye Xinxin said.

"I know, there are many people who want to kill me!" Tang Zhong said.

"You, you shouldn't have abolished that Qiu Wuji's disciple. This time, the people who wanted to kill were not only the Predator Academy, but also some leaders of the Predator... Hey, you!" Tang Zhong sighed.

"It doesn't matter!" Tang Zhong said.

"You... Where does your confidence come from? Let me tell you, be careful!" Ye Xinxin said.

"Good!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he looked at Xia Yuqing and said, "Don't worry about me, am I fine?"

"How can I not worry about you!" Xia Yuqing said.

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

Ye Xinxin said on the side: "Yuqing, this guy is very smart, let's go, we were only here to play missions!"

When Xia Yuqing heard this, she nodded slightly, looked at Tang Zhong reluctantly, and left here!

Tang Zhong watched the two of them leave. After the other party walked away, he went directly to the hall of fame. This time, he wanted to challenge the gold predator!
Half-step immortality, it is absolutely easy to challenge the opponent!

Soon into the simulated Cang.

Fight a gold raider directly!
Now he punched forward with a powerful punch.

The gold snatcher was defeated in an instant, without any power to fight back!
Then continue to change people.

After a tense day of fighting, Tang Zhong had already killed many gold looters. He became a gold looter directly from a silver looter.

After a day of hard training, you are ready to leave this place!

Tang Zhong went out, ready to go home!
But he narrowed his eyes, someone was following him!
Before Ye Xinxin said that someone was going to deal with him, he didn't expect that it would come so soon!

Tang Zhong grinned.

If these people don't come out now, they might want to assassinate him!
It's that simple!
Just kill it!
He quietly walked to a deserted place, an alley, then turned around and stared ahead.

Sure enough, from behind, a person dressed in black appeared, with his head covering his face, like a ninja!
"Who are you?" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

"People who come to kill you!" said the men in black.

Then he started directly, waving the steel knife in his hand, and the person was like an afterimage.

Looking at these people, Tang Zhong only knew that these people must have something to do with Qiu Jiji, and Qiu Jiji looked down on him too much.

Facing the opponent's attack, he directly stretched out his hand to block it, and he used the power of the giant dragon clone.

Dragon Claw appears.

Those black steel knives tore through, but when they saw Tang Zhong's hand, they were all terrified and couldn't believe what they saw.

Tang Zhong didn't give them a chance, the dragon was shattered!

The dragon claws were even faster, and directly penetrated the chests of those men in black, and the man in black at the head didn't react at all.

But now Tang Zhong didn't pull his hand out of the opponent's body, but continued to kill, his hand piercing the other person's chest.

Two people are like being skewered with mutton!
Four men in black came, two of them were dead, and now there are only two left, trembling there.

They obeyed the order and came to kill this person, but they didn't expect that the opponent's strength would be so strong!

They are no match for this person, the two of them turned around and ran away!
But before they had gone far, they stood there motionless.

At the same time, bloody dragon claws stretched out from their chests, and within the dragon claws, there were two beating hearts!
They came to kill, but now they were killed.

Tang Zhong didn't look at the bodies of the four people, but put them all away with evil eyes.

Instead of refining them into spirit corpses, he went directly to Qiu Jiji's territory.

Most of these people were sent by Na Qiu Jiji to kill him!

So, where did these people come from, where should they go back now, it's that simple now!
As for where Qiu Jiji was, it was really easy to find!
Qiu Wuji's mansion is not very far away. At this moment, at the gate, there are several soldiers guarding the gate. Suddenly, a big burden fell from the sky!

The guards were shocked: "Who? Who is it?"

Now there is only baggage left on the scene, as for the other figures, nothing can be seen!
After confirming that there was no one else, the guard walked to the side of the bag, wanting to see what was going on?

When opening the big bag, the faces of the guards were extremely ugly. They didn't expect such a scene to happen, and their faces were extremely ugly. They hurried in to report!

At this moment, in the mansion, Qiu Jiji was practicing.

According to the people he sent out, the person named Tang Zhong should die almost at this moment.

Ever since Tang Zhong killed his favorite disciple when the Predator was reborn a long time ago, he has held a grudge against Tang Zhong, and before he heard that Tang Zhong killed his favorite disciple again, leaving Qiu Wu Mobilized to kill the heart.

Before, Tang Zhong went to the Sansi tea party, but he couldn't do anything.

And when Tang Zhong just came back, he inquired about it.

He was in a high position, and if he attacked the opponent, he would definitely make others laugh, so he sent a few killers around him to go there!
Not surprisingly, the killer should have succeeded!

Thinking of this, Qiu Jiji laughed.

And at this time, from the outside, the guard who had seen the contents of the big bundle rushed in with an extremely ugly expression.

When Qiu Jiji saw the guards in a hurry, his expression was extremely ugly: "If you can't tell me why, I won't let you go!"

The guard knelt down immediately, his voice trembling: "My lord, it's not good, we were guarding outside the door today, but suddenly something terrible came out of the sky!"

Qiu Jiji was slightly surprised: "What terrible thing?"

"It's a pile of corpses!" The guard's voice trembled, thinking of the scene he saw just now, he now felt scared in his heart.

"Bring it up!" Qiu Wuji said coldly.

The guard didn't speak. At this moment, several other people slowly walked in from the outside. They carried the burden in his hands and put it on the ground!
Qiu Jiji stepped forward, opened the burden, and immediately frowned, and saw that in the burden, there were all stumps, broken arms, and dark red blood. Looking at the clothes on these corpses, it was easy to see It can be seen that these people are the ones he sent out.

And now that the corpse is here, it is enough to explain everything. These people may have been killed by Tang Zhong, and the anger in their hearts suddenly increased, and they punched the table next to them, and the table exploded.

"Damn guy, I will never let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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