Chapter 1704 Divine Dragon!

Tang Zhong didn't know about mental attacks, but he knew Longwei, and now he released it and directly suppressed Zhao Zun!

Zhao Zun felt so much pressure that he couldn't breathe at all.

With the release of Tang Zhonglongwei, at that moment, Zhao Zun's forehead was covered with sweat, and he couldn't bear it anymore, as if he was bearing a huge Buddha's hand!
What exactly is going on?

Zhao Zun couldn't believe what he had encountered, he stared at Tang Zhong, his eyes were full of disbelief, why did it happen?

He used trembling mental attacks, but now, he was suppressed by the opponent. Before this, Zhao Zun had never seen Tang Zhong use mental attacks!
No one else knows.

At this moment, seeing Zhao Zun's reaction like this, they all wondered what happened, why didn't he attack and wait?

Especially Qiu Wuji, who is the most strange, what is this guy waiting for, hurry up and kill the place!
"What did you do to me?" At this moment, Zhao Zun stared at Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong looked at the other party and grinned: "I really want to know now, who sent you?"

Zhao Zun was taken aback: "What are you talking about?"

"I ask you, who asked you to kill me?" Tang Zhong continued.

This Zhao Zun's attack just now was in the rhythm of killing him, so it can be seen that the other party did not come to participate in the power competition at all, and it is even more likely that he came to kill him!

Zhao Zun gritted his teeth: "What are you talking about, I don't understand at all?"

He was sent by Qiu Jiji, but it is absolutely impossible to betray Qiu Jiji now!

"Don't understand?" Tang Zhong sneered.

The more powerful coercion is released at this time.

Zhao Zun couldn't stand still there. He wanted to fight back, but found that it was impossible. He stared at Tang Zhong: " can you attack mentally?"

"There are many things you don't know, tell me, who sent you here!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"It's up to you, you don't deserve to know!" Zhao Zun said coldly.

He hasn't fought seriously yet, but he just didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so strong.

I saw him strike again, releasing his mental attack again. At that moment, he used his mind to control countless knives to suppress it!

In the end, those small knives actually condensed together. At that moment, they turned into a big knife and pressed towards Tang Zhong. It looked like they were going to kill Tang Zhong!
At this time, the others also saw Zhao Zun's big sword suppressing Tang Zhong, and they were relieved. They thought Zhao Zun failed just now, but now it seems that nothing happened!

But in the next second, their eyes widened.

Seeing the big knife suppressed.

Tang Zhong raised his head and saw the blade, raised his eyebrows, and in an instant, a powerful coercion was released.

Click click!

The big knife exploded until the last moment!
blocked by...

Tang Zhong's move to block the big knife was really amazing, the people around didn't even see how Tang Zhong made the move?But that was a mental power attack, so Tang Zhong must have used mental power to fight back.

Everyone found that this boy from the Dragon League is really unusual. He can use mental power to attack. In the previous battle, he didn't show it at all. They couldn't see that it was coercion!

"How is it possible?" Zhao Zun's face suddenly turned ugly!
Tang Zhong didn't talk nonsense with him, and released his coercion again!

With a puff, Zhao Zun felt as if his body was crushing a huge mountain. He couldn't take it anymore, and he knelt down on the ground, making two big pits out of the ground.

Zhao Zun actually knelt down!
No one thought of this.

Qiu Wuji narrowed his eyes into a straight line, and there was a burst of murderous intent in his eyes!
Zhao Zun knelt on the ground, regardless of the pain, he wanted to stand up!

How could he lose to this man!
"I'm going to kill you!" Zhao Zun roared.

At this time, he released his spiritual power.

At that moment, a gust of wind blew up on the battle platform!
What Zhao Zun used seemed to be a spiritual martial art!

From his body, an illusory fighting body emerged!
The combat body shone red, like a huge flame demon, but it seemed to be illusory.

Following Zhao Zun's roar, the flame demon also roared.

"I will kill you!" Zhao Zun also completely changed his appearance, now his hair stood up like spikes, and his whole body was bathed in the flame of war god!
Everyone present cheered.

Unexpectedly, in such a battlefield, they actually saw Zhao Zun's move.

"Fire God King!"

This is a spiritual martial skill, and it is Zhao Zun's unique move, summoning the God King of Fire Punishment to join the battle!

That huge flame demon god is the king of the fire torture god!

Tang Zhong looked at Zhao Zun without any panic.

The demon god is just a demon god, and there is no comparison with the dragon. The dragon is the species with the highest life attitude in this universe. When everyone encounters a dragon, they must submit to the ground!

Just like now!

At this time, Zhao Zun directly bombarded.

He stretched out his hand, and the King of Fire Punishment behind him directly picked up the ax in his hand, and chopped it down towards him.

It fell from the top of Tang Zhong's head.

Tang Zhong jumped suddenly and dodged it!
I saw that the power of the ax was suppressed, and the battle platform was shattered abruptly.

"Hiding, it's useless!" Zhao Zun continued to attack!
Although the King of Fire Punishment looks clumsy, his movements are not stupid at all!

And can keep suppressing Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong stepped back again!
He sneered.

He once practiced a move called Tianyang Divine Soul, which is similar to the Fire Punishment God King, but now Tang Zhong is not going to use this move.

He just needs to kill this person directly!

Immediately stood in place, motionless, the dragon's power in his body condensed together.

I saw behind him, phantoms continued to condense, and finally turned into a huge dragon!

The divine dragon was so huge that it frightened the sky. At this moment, its pupils were like blood-red lanterns. It floated in the air and stared down. It suddenly opened its mouth and roared wildly.

That moment!

Everyone in the audience was shocked, what the hell was that?Will Tang Zhong also use spiritual martial arts?
Obviously, but why does this martial skill feel so powerful!
Is this the original strength of this guy?
And I don't know why, when they saw the dragon, they felt like they were kneeling down and begging for mercy!

Zhao Zun also felt it, trembling there!

In an instant, after feeling the coercion brought by the dragon, the King of Fire Punishment behind Zhao Zun disappeared directly, as if annihilated!
Once the dragon comes out, all things surrender!

(End of this chapter)

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