Chapter 1740 Protect Fujiwara Ye!
Now Fujiwara Ye stood up, holding the purple fox sky blade, above his body, being bent over by the purple fox, that was his domain!

Tianhu Prison!
Draw the ground as a prison, and the sky fox protects you!
The majestic purple air comes from the east!
In an instant, Fujiwara Ye set off, and the huge purple fox attached to him also roared now.

He came to kill with a sword.

In the hands of the huge purple fox behind him, two huge blades also appeared, sweeping towards him.

Cut to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong immediately used the Tianyang Golden Soul, and a huge dragon general appeared behind him, with a golden body, and the dragon general held a magic sword in his hand.

With a click, it resisted the arrival of the blade.

The resulting fluctuations swept out towards the surroundings!
The ground was abruptly lifted up by the force, which shows how huge that force is.

The people around are now retreating again and again, for fear that they will be implicated.

They wanted to see the details of the battle between the two from a closer distance, but now it seems that it should not work.

People who had no hope for Tang Zhong at first began to be in a daze at this moment.

This Tang Zhong didn't look simple.

At this time, Fujiwara Ye saw Tang Zhong blocking him in the air, his face changed slightly, and then a more powerful attack was suppressed forward, trying to kill Tang Zhong.

The purple fox wields a knife and sweeps across the world!
Behind Tang Zhong, the Dragonman swung his sword and chose to ignore him.

Another blow.

Suddenly, in an instant, the fluctuations from the weapons on both sides shocked both of them back.

Fujiwara Ye felt deeply humiliated, this tone was too unbearable for him.

More importantly, there is still fear in his heart now!

He wanted to kill Tang Zhong, otherwise he would really be unimaginable.

"Purple Soul Raizang!" Fujiwara Yelled.

His second domain is also the lightning domain.

Above the sky, thunder and lightning condensed and finally fell on the purple fox. The blue lightning turned purple now.

I saw the huge purple fox soul roaring there, and then crossed out with double blades in hand!

Shocking Thunder Blade pressed down on Tang Zhong.

"The Immortal Realm..." Tang Zhong roared.

Now he is very serious.

Immortal domain, people will never die in the domain!

Shake the opponent's blade directly with the body.

Behind him, the dragon will directly use his body to lift the blade abruptly.

Those two blades seemed to be cutting on the steel.

There was no movement at all.

" is this possible?" At this time, Fujiwara Ye's face was very ugly.

His domain is triple!

And Tang Zhong's domain also broke through the third level after becoming immortal.

Facing each other, there is no pressure at all.

The onlookers around were all dumbfounded, there was nothing wrong with it!

This guy...why is he so scary?
Especially Mo Bai, it's unbelievable at this time.

He realized that he seemed to have underestimated Tang Zhong. The other party's ability to defeat Qiu Jiji before proved that the other party's talent was unique.

It's just that Fujiwara Ye is too strong, so everyone didn't compare Tang Zhong with the other party at all. Now after comparing, they found that Fujiwara Ye was really far behind.

"This guy……"

A group of young predators around were even more speechless. Who was Tang Zhong? Before this, how long had this guy entered the predator?It's terrifying to have grown to the point where it is now!

The former opponent was as insignificant as sand, but now Tang Zhong is like a mountain that cannot be climbed!

"How come?" Fujiwara Ye became frightened, and at this moment, his voice changed.

I don't have the self-confidence I had before!

Tang Zhong's eyes were cold.

Behind him, Long Jiang swung his sword again.

Now he has also used the power of the giant dragon clone, and he is like a dragon.

The dragon general behind him grew bigger and bigger as if he felt his presence.


Tang Zhong roared.

The power of the Immortal King made him no longer as weak as before.

The dragon general is more than thirty meters high.

Now step on it.

The huge soul, that kick crushed Fujiwara Ye!

Fujiwara Ye saw the dragon general and couldn't believe it.

What kind of martial art is this opponent?

will be so powerful?
The purple fox possessed on him now is his domain, the purple fox domain, but now it is so weak in the opponent's hands.

How is this possible?
He doesn't believe it.

Only then did he start fighting, but it directly refreshed his cognition,
Facing the giant dragon stepping on him, he backed away again and again.

The area that the dragon general stepped on suddenly collapsed, torn apart, extremely terrifying!
Now, Fujiwara Ye had no choice but to escape in embarrassment.

There is absolutely no room to fight back.

They didn't believe that Fujiwara Yori didn't use all his strength.

The current Fujiwara Ye has used all his strength, but in front of the opponent, he looks too weak, there is no comparison!
"Damn it, why did this happen?" Fujiwara Yori said in horror.

And the people standing next to Tang Zhong are all indescribable. Has this guy grown to such a degree?
With a bang, Tang Zhong controlled the Dragon General and stepped on it again.

The ground collapsed.

Boom boom boom!
A huge earthquake occurs and the ground cracks.

The surrounding houses collapsed directly!

That power is devastating!

Fujiwara Ye was startled, he took a step back, and immediately put away the purple energy on his body: "Tang Zhong...we won't beat you!"

He was afraid.

If he continues to fight, he will die!
He surrenders directly now...

"But I want to kill you!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Stepping on Fujiwara Ye is now like stepping on ants.

When Fujiwara Ye heard this, his face was ugly, and he trembled with anger. If he could kill the other party, how could he spare him?
It's just that he can't compare to the other party.

He turned to look at Mo Bai, and said, "Mo Bai, tell him to stop!"

Mo Bai smiled there: "I remember you said just now that this is a challenge, once you challenge, you can't stop!"

"You..." Fujiwara Yeqi said.

He must now unleash the power of the purple fox in his body!

Because Tang Zhong has continued to come.

The power is fierce and domineering, and Fujiwara Ye has no chance to react at all.

At this time, a sword stabbed.

With the power of destroying the sky!

Pointing at Fujiwara Ye.

Fujiwara Ye immediately used the purple fox to resist.

But the power on Tang Chongjian crushed it.

The purple fox on Fujiwara Ye's body gradually dissipated.

That is suppressed by force.

That purple fox was originally a domain, but now it has just been broken.

Crash, the purple fox dissipated.

Fujiwara Ye pupil saw the tip of the sword ahead: "No..."

His strength has completely collapsed, and there is no room for resistance!

And at this moment, a voice came from a distant place: "Stop... Tang Zhong!"

Immediately afterwards, bursts of power came from nowhere, enveloping Fujiwara Ye, as if to protect the other party.

When Tang Zhong saw this, he sneered, those high-level people hidden in the depths, can't sit still now?
(End of this chapter)

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