Chapter 1761 Let it out!
Now the situation seems to be more difficult than before!
Tang Zhong held the Dragon Demon Sword tightly.

At this time, the strange ghost will make a cold sound, and immediately start to fight.

A claw is tearing towards this side, and the powerful attack tears the void in such an instant!

Ghost Claw crazily suppressed Tang Zhong.

With a click of Tang Zhong's sword, the ghost claw was torn apart.

But the White Walker will attack again, the wings behind him are stretched wider and wider, and they rush out suddenly!

high speed!

With a bang!
"Tang Zhong, you have to see clearly!"

The black wings rolled together, and the demonic aura rose to the sky.

Tang Zhong saw it in his eyes, and immediately transformed into a giant dragon. He swung out his dragon claws and punched the black wing!
A force burst out in an instant, and both of them were shocked back.

And the fluctuations dispersed towards the surroundings, and the ground shook violently, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

But at this time, those Tianjin predators rushed towards the heart of ice. They have no choice but to rescue Dongfang Batian first.

Those ghosts rushed over and fought with them!
Tie Tianzong has also joined the battle now, and Dongfang Batian must not be released.

"I want to let go of that old thing, go dreaming!"

Even with Tie Tian's hands, those people couldn't get close to the heart of ice, they were easily repelled, fell to the ground, and were about to die!
But at this moment, just as Tang Zhong blocked the blow from the other ghost general, he saw this scene in the distance, and his face was ugly.

He must save Dongfang Batian.

And the strange ghost will appear in front of him with a whoosh, tearing it with one claw.

Tang Zhong didn't react, his arm was stabbed, blood spurted out, and endless black air burst out from the wound.

It's just that he is a clone of a giant dragon, and the black air will be burned away in a short while!

"Your opponent is me, so don't get distracted!" The White Ghost General said with a sneer.

Tang Zhong stared at the other party, his face extremely ugly.

This White Walker will be really troublesome.

Tang Zhong clenched his fists, his body flooded with golden light, condensed into a pair of giant golden wings, and flew out as well, punching them out.

When the strange ghost saw Tang Zhong approaching, he punched him too!
"I like to torture you reptiles the most!" The White Walker laughed wildly.

Fist bombardment, burst out instantly.

"We reptiles, you can't call them!" Tang Zhong shouted loudly.

Suddenly jumped up, and then punched out, above the fist, a golden light appeared, it was a huge dragon head!

crashed to the ground.

Shocking waves, walking underground, the soil was condensed together by an invisible force, turned into an earth dragon and rushed out!

The earth dragon roared, extremely violent!

The general's face changed slightly, and he immediately resisted. The black breath on his body condensed and turned into a huge black shield. On the black shield, there was a hideous ghost head, ready to resist the attack of the earth dragon!

The roar shook!

The earth dragon impacted on it, and the black shield exploded directly, and then the strange ghost pushed the whole person back.

The ground was lifted up.

The White Walker will hit the ground, and immediately flap its wings and fly into the air.

"Enough playing with you, I'm going to get serious!" The White Walker said with a sneer.

On the palm of his hand, black air billowed and covered his hands. He smiled coldly, and then his hands were crushed suddenly.

Two giant black hands shook down.

To completely devour Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong yelled wildly, the dragon light flickered on his body, and roared like a nine-day dragon, abruptly coming out in shock.

Volatility erupts.

This underground world almost collapsed because of the battle between two people.

Tang Zhong retreated after being shocked!
"Trash!" the White Walker roared.

He continued to attack.

At this moment, he was so murderous that he wanted to crush Tang Zhong to death.

Tang Zhong quickly resisted.

After taking a few steps back.

Tang Zhong glanced at the people next to Frozen Heart, but found that several sky gold looters had been killed before they even got close to Frozen Heart.

Immediately, the body flickered, attacking the heart of ice.

The water dragon halberd had absorbed enough cold energy from the heart of ice before, but now it was on the verge of breaking apart.

All it takes is one hit!
Immediately flashed past.

He punched it out!
Tie Tianzong and the others were still ready to resist, but Tang Zhong was already close to the heart of ice!
Today's Tang Zhong has completely transformed into a giant dragon clone, and people are like soaring dragons. Tie Tianzong and the others can't resist at all.

The moment of blasting out.

The heart of ice exploded directly!

It's like the sound of a stone cracking!
When Tang Zhong saw this scene, the boulder hanging in his heart fell down.

With those people in the Ice and Iron Prison, the rest of the looters should be fine.

At the same time, Dongfang Batian and others in the Ice Iron Prison were pacing back and forth.

It's been such a long time, and I don't know how Tang Zhong is doing now?

Has the Frozen Heart been destroyed?

Suddenly, the surrounding iron prison changed. The surrounding iron prison was originally blue, but now the blue is fading a little bit.

"The Heart of Ice seems to be destroyed!" The ice turtle next to him said.

"I saw it!" Dongfang Batian said.

He never expected that Tang Zhong would succeed!
At the same time, other people in the Iron Prison also discovered this scene!
Everyone was shocked!
It's hard to believe this is true.

"Iron Prison is gone, is the Heart of Frozen destroyed?"

"It should be, no matter what, the Ice Iron Prison is now open, we can go out, when I go out, I must kill Tie Tianzong!"

A group of people rushed out of the ice prison!
They felt that the moment they just walked out of the iron prison, the strength they had lost was almost recovered now!

The soldiers guarding the Ice Iron Prison were all dumbfounded when they saw everyone coming out.

Dongfang Batian gave a cold palm and blasted out.

Just in an instant.

The two soldiers were sent flying out!

They had just left the Ice and Iron Prison, but they saw a scene that shocked them.

They saw that among the marauders, thousands of different ghosts were killing wildly, and those who were fighting with the marauders.

White Walkers...

Dongfang Batian's face was extremely ugly. At this moment, he directly ordered: "Everyone, listen to my order, and act quickly to expel the strange ghost!"

The others behind him rushed to the battle immediately.

Meanwhile, among the Marauders, more were fighting the White Walkers.

They didn't know where these ghosts came from. As soon as these ghosts arrived at their predators, they kept killing people.

As soon as Dongfang Batian appeared, he began to slaughter crazily.

He was imprisoned in the cold iron prison, and he hadn't fought like this for a long time.


"Batian God's Palm!"

I saw him strike a palm.

The fluctuations were like a stream of water, scattered to the surroundings, and the ghosts were blown away one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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