Chapter 1769 Emperor Xuan!

Immediately Tang Zhong went towards Xuanyi Academy.

It is actually very easy to find Xuanyi Academy.

He is now in the virtual universe, and if he wants to go anywhere, he can get there just by thinking about it.

Soon in the virtual universe, the screen changed.

Tang Zhong arrived at the gate of Xuanyi Academy.

It is similar to the gate of Universe Star University.

But there is a big stone in front of the door with four characters written on it.

Xuanyi Academy!

A few words are powerful.

At the same time, many people could be seen walking in.

Although it is in the virtual universe, you can also observe the opponent's strength, and they are all above the Immortal King

It seems that these people should all come to participate in the Xuan Yi Conference!

At this moment, as soon as I entered, I saw an elder figure, who seemed to be a big person in Xuanyi Academy, and they were recording something.

Obviously it was on the list to participate in the Xuanyi Conference!
Now there is a team that looks like a long dragon, obviously there are many people participating.

Tang Zhong disappeared into the crowd.

It took him a long time.

I saw an old man record something on the e-book case, saw Tang Zhong coming over, and asked sweetly: "Name, age, cultivation level..."

"Tang Zhong, I don't know his age, but as for his cultivation, he is the Immortal King!"

Tang Zhong thought for a while and said.

As for his age, he really didn't know, he only knew that he was 20 years old when he left the earth!

The old man looked up at Tang Zhong, stared for a while, and then continued: "Next!"

The people behind Tang Zhong came forward.

Tang Zhong was just about to leave.

But someone came forward immediately, looked at Tang Zhong with a smile and said: "My friend, please follow me!"

It's a woman, from the looks of it, she should be from Xuanyi Academy.

The Xuanyi Academy hosts the Xuanyi Conference, and all Immortal Kings will come here to report in person.

Naturally, Xuanyi Academy would not miss this opportunity to get close with everyone.

Tang Zhong looked at the other party and smiled, "Okay!"

He happened to be able to communicate with these people and learn more about Xuanyi Universe Neng.

The woman stared at Tang Zhong and said: "My name is Lian Qiu, I don't think you are very old!"

"My name is Tang Zhong. As for my age, I don't know!" Tang Zhong said.

"Well, judging by your appearance, you must not be more than a handful of years old!" Lian Qiu said.

"Of course not more than that!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Lian Qiu smiled and said: "You are indeed young, let me take you to visit Xuanyi Academy now, it is best to get to know each other with other people who participated in the Xuanyi Conference!"

Tang Zhong smiled and nodded, but did not speak.

I saw Lian Qiu took Tang Zhong to stroll here for a long time, and introduced Xuanyi Academy.

It is enough for Tang Zhong of Xuanyi Academy to understand, now he even wants to know what Xuanyi Universe is!
"By the way, can you tell me something about Xuanyi Universe Kingdom? For example, who is the ruler of Universe Kingdom?" Tang Zhong asked.

Lian Qiu was taken aback, and stared at Tang Zhong: "Aren't you from Xuanyi Universe Kingdom?"

"I'm not, I belong to another universe country!" Tang Zhong said.

"Well, our Xuanyi Universe Kingdom welcomes the strong to come!" Lian Qiushu said: "If you know, I can explain to you now, the Xuanyi Universe Kingdom's ruler, Emperor Xuan, is the Xuanyi Universe Kingdom The strongest person, the strength of Immortal King Erzhongtian!"

When Tang Zhong heard this strength, he should be at the same level as King Mie!

"The Xuanyi Conference was held by him, and he will come to the conference site in person. The winners will be promoted to nobles, and they will serve in the Xuanyi Universe Kingdom. The future is limitless!" Lian Qiu continued.

That's it!
Tang Zhong understood that this Xuan Yi Conference is really a good place, if he can get into the eyes of that Emperor Xuan, he will definitely be able to follow Di Xuan on the National Day of the Heaven Extinct Universe Kingdom in the future!

"What is the relationship between the Heavenly Extinction Universe and the Xuanyi Universe?" Tang Zhong finally asked.

Then Lian Qiu stared at Tang Zhong again, and finally said: "This, it's not bad, it's like that kind of casual acquaintance!"

Tang nodded emphatically, as long as it is not very good or too bad, he has a chance.

When he came to Xuanyi universe country before, he had seen the distance between the two universe countries, they were extremely close.

Soon, the two kept walking, and they arrived in a huge auditorium!
Found a lot of people together.

Apparently Xuanyi Academy deliberately brought them all together.

This is to?
Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"I want to gather everyone together, have a chat, and get to know each other. After all, the Xuan Yi Conference is coming up soon, so getting to know each other is fine!"

Tang nodded emphatically.

He quickly entered the crowd.

He found a place at random and sat down!
Looking at other people talking there, these people obviously know each other.

Tang Zhong stood aside, like a different kind.

But he didn't know each other, and he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Just sit there and search for things about Emperor Xuan.

How is this person's conduct?
Did you still sacrifice your life for Emperor Cang!
If he worked his life for Emperor Cang, then he would definitely not be able to participate in this Xuanyi Conference.

But after searching, I found out that Emperor Xuan is a very different kind of person, a very Buddha-natured person, who rules Xuanyi universe country and does not dispute with other universe countries.

Moreover, this Emperor Xuan doesn't practice every day. He always likes to go to the starry sky to hang starfish. He never cares about the affairs in the universe, and only takes action when major events arise.

Tang Zhong felt that this Emperor Xuan was okay.

And at this time, a woman came in from outside the auditorium. The woman was dressed in a red robe, and she looked like she was from the Xuanyi Academy. Her grade was about the same as that of a human being around 30 years old!
She reached the center of the auditorium, turned around and looked at the people around, and said with a smile: "First of all, welcome everyone to come to our Xuanyi Academy, I am the vice principal of Xuanyi Academy!"

After she finished speaking, all eyes turned to her.

The vice-principal also met people in the market, at this time he smiled and said: "Everyone has come from afar to participate in the Xuanyi Conference, but it will take place in a few days, why don't we have a discussion in our Xuanyi Academy. It can also be regarded as letting everyone know the strength of the opponent!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people agreed.

The people present are all participating in the Xuanyi Conference, they are not from the same place, and they don't know each other well, so it's a good choice to have a discussion first!


"Vice principal, we agree!"

Although it is said that there are very few Immortal Kings, in this place, everyone is an Immortal King, and no one has anything to show off.

Upon hearing this, the vice-principal said, "Well, the auditorium is the fighting area. You can fight whatever you want, even if you demolish this place, as long as everyone is happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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