Chapter 1775 I will get the leader!

bells and whistles!

Tang Zhong said coldly in the storm.

He completely ignored Huang Shaotian!

At this moment, after Huang Shaotian heard Tang Zhong's words, his whole face turned ugly. Does this person mean that he is too flashy?
"Arrogance, let's see how you go to die!"

The wind suppressed.

Huang Shaotian stabbed out with the quicksand knife!

At this moment, Tang Zhong's whole body was up and down, flames and thunder suddenly surged up, and immediately he slashed out with the magic sword in his hand!
The powerful magic sword phantom crazily suppressed it.

Only a bang was heard, and a red light exploded in the field.

The stormy sand that was about to suppress Tang Zhong exploded right now.

The light in the field was intense, and the field of sand was instantly shattered.

Everyone outside was stunned, never expecting such a thing to happen.

The Sand Domain is so powerful that few people at the same level can break free. How did this person do it?
"How come?" Huang Shaotian froze for a moment.

He must be faster, the real body plus four phantoms, stabbing out the quicksand knife, he always felt an ominous premonition!

At this moment, Tang Zhong, holding the Dragon Devil Sword, stood in place and slashed suddenly.

I saw a sword glow, which scattered towards the surroundings.

I only saw the moment when the four Huang Shaotians rushed over together.

Crack Crack!

The sword light is fast and extremely sharp.

Huang Shaotian didn't think of it at all.

The sword light pierced through their bodies.

"How is it possible?" Huang Shaotian said in horror, he saw the sword glow infinitely approaching him.

And now he felt the breath of death, this sword might kill him now!

"Do not……"

The people around saw that Huang Shaotian had the upper hand just now, but in an instant, the situation changed, which was too fast.

No one thought of this!
Zuo An narrowed his eyes. This man's swordsmanship is really too strong.


He can't let people die here.

However, the sword glow cut through.

It cut off Huang Shaotian's body directly.

The three fake bodies of Huang Shaotian directly turned into nothingness, while the real body of Huang Shaotian still existed, but the sword light cut directly across their chests.

Directly cut off his body lazily!

Blood spurted out.

In the end, both halves of his body fell to the ground, and Huang Shaotian died without resting his eyes!

The people around were suffocated, and they actually killed someone, and the one who died was the young master of Huangfeng Valley!

Zuo An's face was extremely ugly, and Xuan Yi died in the first test of the General Assembly.

Immediately he stood up, stared at Tang Zhong and said: "I just said stop, did you hear that?"

Tang Zhong looked back at Zuo An and said, "You just said stop, didn't Huang Shaotian hear it? He wanted to kill me with all his heart, but I was just strong enough to kill him."

When Tang Zhong said this, he was very indifferent.

Hearing this, Zuo An stared at Tang Zhong, this man was right.

Huang Shaotian did not stop just now!

"Also, didn't you say that killing people is not allowed at the Xuanyi Conference?" Tang Zhong continued: "And the weak do not deserve to live in this world!"

When he said this, everyone around him stared at him. This person must be too extreme.

However, it makes sense.

The weak do not deserve to live!

Tang Zhong felt that what he said was right, what he experienced was like this, the strong surpassed the weak, when you were weak, in the eyes of the strong, you were a waste of life and should die!
Zuo An was stunned, he had never come into contact with such a person in Xuanyi Academy for such a long time.

Every cosmic being is pure from the very beginning.

To become like this person in front of you, you must have experience. The current Zuo An really can't imagine what this person in front of you has experienced before to become like this!

He really couldn't imagine Tang Zhong's experience, because what Tang Zhong experienced was something they never dared to imagine.

Xuan Yi didn't say at the meeting that no one would be allowed to kill someone.

But the person who died was Huang Shaotian from Huangfeng Valley.

The people of Huangfeng Valley should soon know that Huang Shaotian is the most beloved son of the owner of Huangfeng Valley.

"If you don't have any big forces to support you now, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible!" Zuo An said.

"How many days does it take for Huang Fenggu to get here?" Tang Zhong asked.

Zuo An was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the other party would reply in such a way, but the other party's question must be the kind that does not have a huge force behind it.

"It will take seven days!" Zuo An said.

"Seven days is enough!" Tang Zhong said.

"You want it?" Zuo An was taken aback, not knowing what the other party meant.

"In seven days, the Xuanyi Conference is over, and I will be the leader!" Tang Zhong said.

As soon as these words came out, the people around were stunned.

He actually said that he is the leader, and he tried so many people for the first time, where did this person get his courage?
And everyone also understood the meaning of the other party's words, he became the leader, when the time comes, Xuanyi Universe Kingdom will fool him.

But where did this man's courage come from?

I'm afraid that other powerhouses would not dare to think so!
Zuo An naturally understood Tang Zhong's words, and stared at Tang Zhong with disbelief.

Regarding this, he had nothing to say. In the past, the preliminary examinations were all held in Xuanyi Academy. Every year, Zuoan was the referee, but he had never remembered anyone in the preliminary examinations. Today , He remembered the other party, this guy can make people remember it easily.

"What's your name!" Zuo An asked.

"My name is Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said.

"I remember you!" Zuo An said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but walked off the stage, not only Zuo An, but other people also remembered Tang Zhong at this time. They had seen many arrogant people, but this was the first time for them to be so arrogant. See, before the competition, it is a kind of self-confidence to say that you are the leader!
Of course, some people sneered, staring at Tang Zhong, thinking that Tang Zhong was simply an extremely stupid person, where did they come from to say such words with confidence.

Long Wuxie narrowed his eyes.

At this time, when Tang Zhong came down from the stage, he happened to meet Long Wuxie's eyes.

"I admit that you have a good influence, and being my servant is treating you badly!" Long Wuxie said.

"You have enough strength and pride to prove yourself. However, you have angered me now. If I can meet you in the first test, I will kill you. If I don't meet you, at the Xuanyi Conference, I will kill you." I still won't let you go, remember, this is the price you pay for messing with me!" Long Wuxie said coldly.

And Tang Zhong looked at Long Wuxie, then pointed at Huang Shaotian's body, and said, "See, that's the fate of pissing me off, don't provoke me next time, otherwise, you will end up exactly like him, yes, I As I said, if I kill you, no one will be able to protect you!"

His cold voice reached Long Wuxie's ears.

Long Wuxie gritted his teeth.

Tang Zhong ignored him and walked into the crowd.

(I can't wave now, I almost broke my leg and updated it at home.)
(End of this chapter)

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