Chapter 1782 When wearing golden armor!
The domain of Emperor Xuan is the domain of water!
Now it explodes.

On Emperor Xuan's body was a water shield.

And now wherever Dixuan walked, that water shield would follow him, protecting him all the time.

"I'm serious!" Di Xuan said coldly.

The long gun swept out.

Now the spear is not ordinary at all, but like a giant python, devouring Tang Zhong.

With Tang Zhongmo's dragon sword in his hand, he swept it out with a sweep.

Together with the long spear.

With a bang, Tang Zhong was shocked back, and the opponent's strength gave him a feeling of oppression, which made him very suffocated.

And Mie Wang also directly struck, countless quicksands turned into the palm of the devil, crushed down, extremely violent!

The two immortal kings fought together, and they were extremely powerful.

Power swept over.

Tang Zhong began to struggle a little.

With the three major weapons in hand, he blocked a move.

But it didn't seem to work at all, and the whole person was directly pushed back.

When Tang Zhong landed, he gasped violently.

The identity of the dragon transforms directly.

He roared wildly, and dragon scales appeared on his body.

If he can save Wei Wei now, it's best to save Wei Wei, but if he can't, then leave safely, absolutely don't cause any trouble for Wei Wei!
Tang Zhong turned into a giant dragon clone, and his figure also became huge.

The magic dragon sword seemed to feel the dragon energy, and turned into a huge wide-bladed bloodthirsty giant sword.

Tang Zhong waved and slashed wildly, much stronger than Di Xuan's aura.

The moment when he was killed with a sword.

Dixuan's long spear blocked it, but was instantly repelled.

Tang Zhong swept out the Yanlong stick, rolled up the entire martial arts training platform, and suppressed King Mie!

King Mie has the field of soil, and countless soils are now beginning to condense, becoming a protective shield, blocking his head.

Just blocked the Yanlong stick!

With a bang, his soil shield immediately fell apart.

Tang Zhong backed away immediately, at this moment, his face was very ugly.

Because just now he used the giant dragon clone to attack the opponent at a speed that the opponent did not even react to.

But now the opponent actually blocked his attack!
This is really difficult to do.

When Mie Wang saw Tang Zhong now, his pupils lit up.

"Soon, you will be the turtle in my urn!"

That must be the weapon that kills the king, and it will be here soon.

At this time, Dixuan made another move, leaping in the air, with the spear in his hand, he slashed down suddenly.

That kind of speed, the heavens and the earth are smashed!
Tang Zhong quickly dodged, his wings shaking and flying behind him.

The Demon Dragon Sword resisted.


His palms went numb.

An immortal king, he can barely fight, but these are two immortal kings, he has no room to fight back at all.

Now, he still wants to save Wei Wei, but there is no chance at all.

This time it will definitely not work.


Why do this?

Tang Zhong once said that if he sees Wei Wei again, he must save him, but now, he can't do it at all.

He really hated himself to death, why did his strength improve so slowly!
Suddenly, with a click, a ferocious knife came from outside the small time.

On the blade, there was a sense of desolation.

That is the weapon of killing the king.

At this time, Mie Wang grabbed the flying weapon, and immediately a red light flashed on the weapon, and his blood surged ferociously.

Then he stared at Tang Zhong and said coldly: "You are dead!"

Holding Mie Dao in hand, he walked towards Tang Zhong.

And Dixuan walked over with the long spear in his hand.

They are going to kill Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong stood in the middle of the two and was surrounded.

At this time, he looked up at Jiang Weiwei who was on the high platform, and he could see the longing and anxiety in the other's eyes.

The other party wanted to recognize him, but now, he seemed afraid to move.

He also wants to recognize each other, but now he can't.

This situation is the most uncomfortable!
He loves Wei Wei, but he has never been with Wei Wei for such a long time.

Tang Zhong can't save Wei Wei, and can't put Wei Wei in danger.

Next to the King of Extermination attacked.

He fought the King of Extermination.

Mie Wang and Di Xuan cooperated extremely exquisitely, which was soon seen.

Tang Zhong was at a disadvantage.

Tang Zhong left, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!
He flapped his wings immediately!

He is reluctant, because the person he loves is by his side.

When he was on Earth back then, Wei Wei died because of his recklessness, this time, he will not be reckless anymore!
So leaving now is the most important thing to fight for.

But Wei Wei looks at him again.

Tang Zhong shouted: "You wait for me...the day I wear the golden armor!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhong glanced at Wei Wei, then flapped his wings behind him and left this place!

Mie Wang and Di Xuan didn't know what Tang Zhong meant by that, but when they saw that the other party was about to leave, they immediately intercepted it!

And when Jiang Weiwei on the high platform heard this, her heart was surging, the day of wearing a golden armor!

It's time for Tang Zhong to marry him in golden armor!
Jiang Weiwei, who was extremely worried just now, suddenly became enlightened.

She knew Brother Tang would definitely come, looked at his back, and murmured softly, "I'll wait for you!"

A sentence I wait for you is a girl's concern.

Others didn't hear it, but Tang Zhong heard it, and he grinned.

The wings flap behind him faster.

Behind him, Mie Wang and Di Xuan were still pursuing, but the two of them couldn't catch up with Tang Zhong at all.

Mie Wang shouted at this time: "Hurry up, hurry up and chase me, with the help of all the power of your Xuanyi Universe Kingdom, you must not let that person leave!"

Dixuan understands the importance of this matter, if he catches this Dragon Ancestor, he will be able to do things in front of Mie Wang, he is willing.

Immediately he took out the imperial decree.

It's a communication tool.

"All the people of Xuanyi Universe Kingdom obey the order and start chasing Tang Zhong now. This person must not be allowed to leave here. If he can be caught, he will be promoted to rank!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Immediately spread the word among the entire Xuanyi universe.

It ranges from various palaces to various small cities.

Now almost everyone is chasing and killing Tang Zhong.

"Tang Zhong... Find that Tang Zhong immediately!"

"Yes, kill him. This kind of person must not be left behind. If you kill him, you will be promoted."

Now it can be said that Xuan Yi Universe is in chaos.

Everyone is chasing now.

Tang Zhongfei left the small world.

But as soon as he went out, he saw countless people intercepting him.

He knew that this must be the order of Emperor Xuan, these people were all people who obeyed the orders of Emperor Xuan, and to leave this place, he had to break through the siege of these people.

Immediately, Tang Zhong came down with a cold face, and had made an agreement with Wei Wei, so he definitely couldn't stay here.

He shouted: "Water Dragon Halberd!"

To leave here, you need to use the power of the water dragon halberd.

I only saw the water dragon halberd appearing, directly attached to Tang Zhong's wings.

Then he flapped his wings and became even faster.

(End of this chapter)

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