Chapter 1802 The Emperor Cang Arrives!

Tang Zhong's power now seems to overthrow this world.

The giant dragon avatar bloomed directly, and he directly bloomed this power to the maximum effect.

The huge dragon wings are now stretched out.

The whole person roared like a demon king!

Except for the Water Dragon Halberd, the other three weapons are now suspended in the air. When Tang Zhong uses one, that weapon will fall down now.

The rulers of other universe countries crushed them.

Tang Zhong crushed several universe lords with an axe.

Not every cosmic king is strong.

Some universe countries are not very strong, and it doesn't mean that everyone is like King Mie!

On the powerful axe, the fluctuations bloomed directly, directly pushing several people away.

In the other group of people, he was holding a sky-burning stick, and he slammed it down with a stick, shaking the sky and the earth!

Two strokes knocked back several people.

"Go!" Tang Zhong took Jiang Weiwei's hand and continued on his way.

At this moment, on the Douluo.

Fushen and Sardin, the Dragon Guardians, also joined the battle, but they did not leave the spaceship, but entered the battle mode of the Douluo, and laser cannons continued to blast out from the spaceship.

Boom boom boom.

Douluo's laser cannon is extremely powerful.


Several weak universe lords were injured.

Satin was on the spaceship and shouted to Tang Zhong: "Longzu, come quickly!"

Tang Zhong saw the other party and laughed.

And at the same time.

from another direction.

A flame exploded!
From a distance, a man in prison clothes rushed out.

It was Yan Gang.

He used the method Jiang Weiwei gave him today.

Directly from the dungeon, as soon as he came out, he saw the Douluo.

He knew that Long Zu was coming, and he also saw the situation here, he had to join Long Zu as soon as possible!
With a palm blast, the power of the flame is extremely violent!
Tang Zhong was very surprised to see Yan Gang coming out.

He thought there was no way to save the other party this time.

"Yan Gang, come here!" Tang Zhong shouted.

"Yes, Long Zu!" Yan Gang replied.

It is immediately approaching.

Now, if they want to leave, no one can stop them.

Tang Zhong had to let Yan Gang come over first.

Let Wei Wei leave!

He left at last.

"Wei Wei, you get on the spaceship first!" Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Weiwei nodded, wearing a wedding gown, and boarded the Douluo.

Down below, Mie Wang was fighting with Tang Zhong. When he saw the Douluo, he ordered to roar, "Hurry up, hurry up, stop that spaceship, and absolutely don't let them leave here!"

However, it is too difficult to prepare the spacecraft now.

Originally, because it was the wedding of King Mie, no one would have thought that someone would come here to make trouble.

So they all went to find the spaceship.

Yan Gang came all the way.

In the end, he rose into the air, and the power of the dragon's blood exploded. He jumped up suddenly, and the flames on his body were like bombs.

Immediately boarded the Douluo spaceship!

Seeing this, Tang Zhong was even more happy.

He has to go too, and he must not stay here any longer.

Mie Wang saw Tang Zhong's actions, and roared: "Everyone, don't let Long Zu go, absolutely don't let him go, stop him for me!"

He almost roared at the end.

Others also used all their skills.

Shi Yan ignored them, crushed them down with an axe, then held the axe, approached the spaceship, and was about to board the spaceship.

Just at this time.


In the void, a burst of powerful coercion was released.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

After seeing this reaction, many people immediately looked up.

Only seen from the void.

A huge skeletal hand appeared.

The direction it swings is really Tang Zhong.

Seeing that Tang Zhong was about to approach the Douluo.


The skeleton claw blasted over.

Tang Zhong saw it, and quickly reached out to block it.

With a loud bang, it exploded on Tang Zhong's body all at once.

Tang Zhong never thought that the power of this skeleton hand would be so powerful.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Tang Zhong flew upside down and fell hard to the ground. He quickly got up and looked at what happened in the void?
At this time, in the void, a door opened.

From the door, a man in black robe slowly came out.

When the lords of the major universe countries below saw each other, their eyes widened immediately.

This outfit, and this aura!
This is clearly...

"Emperor Cang..."

Mie Wang recognized it at a glance, and quickly knelt on the ground: "Welcome Emperor Cang!"

Many other cosmic country lords are not qualified to meet Emperor Cang, so they don't know each other. Hearing Mie Wang's words, he widened his eyes and quickly knelt on the ground.

"Long live Emperor Cang!"

Is this terrifying coercion the Emperor Cang?

No loss is the strongest person in the universe.

On the spaceship, Yangang Sardin and others looked extremely ugly. The Emperor Cang came, which was undoubtedly the most difficult.

In other words, this situation will be extremely uncomfortable!
Tang Zhong also saw Emperor Cang.

Looking at the man in black robe.

In the past, he only saw Emperor Cang on the video, but today, it is the real face-to-face.

The coercion on the other party is very strong, but the other party has an aura that makes him extremely annoying. What is going on?

Tang Zhong's fists were clenched together!
What the hexagram said was true, this time, it was really too difficult for him.

Immediately, his fists were clenched tightly together.

But at this moment, Emperor Cang heard other people calling him, but he ignored it, but his eyes fell on Tang Zhong, and he said with a smile: " the Dragon Ancestor?"

That voice is heroic, with a kind of deterrent power!
Others feel a kind of oppression.

Only Tang Zhong's face changed slightly, but his brows were frowned. The strength of this Emperor Cang is much stronger than him!

This is at least the strength above the Immortal God King!
No, it seems not!

Tang Zhong looked at the other party and said, "It's me!"

"You are my opponent?" Emperor Cang continued.

"It's me!" Tang Zhong continued.

"For such a weak person, that guy Long raised such a guy to resist me? Haha!" Emperor Cang suddenly laughed.

Tang Zhong looked at the other party and said without any fear: "One day, I will definitely kill you!"

"Kill me? I thought you would only yell at me on the video? I didn't expect that you would dare to yell at me now. That's right, I admire your courage!" Emperor Cang said.

"But... your strength doesn't seem to match your courage!"

Emperor Cang laughed teasingly.

"Try it!" Tang Zhong said.

Facing Emperor Cang, he will never back down, he will fight the opponent to the end!

"It's up to you!" Emperor Cang's voice became louder, like thunder and lightning, thundering down.

At that moment, the whole sky seemed to be stepped on.

Tang Zhong was below, feeling the strong pressure, but he mustered up his strength, looked at the other party, and said with a sneer, "Come and try!"

(End of this chapter)

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