Chapter 1817 Wooden Dragon Needle!
"You are not afraid of them, but you should be afraid of me!"

From the sky, a golden dragon flew out.

Soaring three thousand miles!
When the voice came out, everyone immediately raised their eyes and saw the golden dragon.

The ordinary people in Tianfeng Universe Country were all stunned, not knowing what it was.

And when Fengzu saw the dragon, his pupils lit up.

That person came alive, great!
Empress Tianfeng is stupid!
But soon, they all saw a woman above the dragon's head. Isn't that woman a mandala?

When Taylor saw the giant dragon, a sneer sneered from the corner of his mouth: "I finally couldn't hold it back, it appeared!"

"Let go of her!" Tang Zhong, who had turned into a giant dragon, shouted coldly.

Taylor said coldly: "If I don't let go!"

"Then die!"

Tang Zhong of the golden dragon swung the dragon's head and lowered Jiang Weiwei from the sky.

Immediately, he rushed towards Taylor with one mouthful!

Brilliant Dragon Might bloomed in an instant.

Just like a strong wind hangs.

Taylor couldn't help taking a step back.

And the people behind him were even more horrible, and they were directly blown out.

The weak people, under the dragon's power, directly turned into nothingness.

"Damn it!" Taylor's face was extremely ugly, he had lost the majesty he had just now, and he couldn't bear the power of the dragon.

And the powerful impact directly lifted the ground, turned into dust and flew up.

At this time, everyone in Tianfeng Universe was stunned. What happened to the sudden appearance of the dragon?

This person instantly killed Taylor, which is too shocking!

Seeing this, Feng Zu laughed, Long Zu finally came back!

"Feng Zu, tell him to be careful!" Empress Tianfeng worried.


Taylor's whole body was also blown away.

At that moment, he began to fear.

What kind of person is this?
That day, he was also there when Tiande Universe Kingdom was in the universe, and he also met the man named Long Zu, but the Long Zu at that time was not as powerful as he is now!
"Damn it!" Taylor yelled.

If the power of this Longwei had been greater, he might have died here today.

Now he still has that female hostage in his hands!

This dragon is so strong that he can't resist, but with this hostage, this is his bargaining chip, so he doesn't have to be afraid of the other party.

Immediately, he squeezed Feng Yaoyao's neck tightly, and shouted at Tang Zhong: "You stop for me, or I will kill her!"

Feng Yaoyao's face was very pale!

Tang Zhong stopped, widened his dragon eyes, and stared at the other party.

When Taylor saw the dragon stop, he smiled coldly. Now it seems that it is indeed effective!

"Now, if you want to save this woman, you'd better cut yourself off, and then go back with me to meet Emperor Cang!"

Tang Zhong didn't have any words from the other party, but said: "Cang Shenwei?"

"Yes!" Taylor was stunned, and shouted directly: "Did you understand what I said, if you want to save this person now, I advise you to break your own bones now, or I will kill him now!"

"Threat me?" Tang Zhong said coldly, "Are you worthy?"

In an instant, a thunder light erupted from the mouth of the dragon, as fast as lightning!

With a whoosh, it rushed forward.

That moment.

Taylor only saw an attack coming from the front, and his pupils were illuminated. This guy had made a move, and was just about to pinch the hostage's throat with his hands.

In an instant, the thunder light blasted on his body, directly blasting him into powder.

Those who came here with Taylor panicked and turned around to run away.

"You don't have to leave, just die!" Tang Zhong opened the dragon's mouth, and suddenly a thunderbolt shot out from it!
Mixed with the power of thunder.

directly blasted past.

Those people fled one after another, all of them had the strength of the Immortal King, but at this time, there was no room to fight back.

The place where the thunder light fell, within a radius of one mile, exploded, and the ground was smashed into a big hole. It was like a peerless explosion, and the ground shook.

The powerful power directly kills all vitality!
The people of Tianfeng Universe Kingdom were all stunned, they never thought that the person who appeared suddenly would be so powerful!

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated!
I saw a big hole in front of me. Those living people just now are all gone now. They are all dead, not even a corpse left!
Everyone looked for the dragon just now, but now it seems to have disappeared.

Then, in front of Feng Zu, Tang Zhong walked out with Feng Yaoyao.

Feng Yaoyao has passed out!

After seeing this, Empress Tianfeng rushed up immediately, grabbed Feng Yaoyao, and checked her body.

"It's nothing serious, just take a good rest!" Tang Zhong said.

At this time, Feng Zu came forward, saw Tang Zhong, and immediately knelt on the ground: "Welcome Long Zu!"

Tang Zhong looked at Fengzu. When he was in a coma, he already knew who the person in front of him was.


And the rest of Tianfeng Universe Kingdom were even more shocked when they saw that Fengzu was so respectful to a young man.

Empress Tianfeng was also on the side, seeing Fengzu respecting Tang Zhong so much, she was also curious, she only knew that the man was Jiang Weiwei's man, why did Fengzu bow to him?

Tang Zhong looked at the people of Tianfeng Universe Kingdom, and said: "This time, let me say sorry to everyone, because I may not be able to stay in this place from now on, and you may be drifting in the universe from now on. I hope you are ready, but don't worry, I will help you rebuild your home in a short time!"

The people below were all stunned.

what happened?

Many people in Tianfeng Universe Kingdom don't know what Long Zu represents.

At this time, Fengzu said: "Now, we will all migrate, we can't stay here for long, everyone should escape as a family!"

Everyone must listen to Feng Zu's words.

Tang Zhong looked at Fengzu and said, "Can we solve our problem?"

"Yes!" Feng Zu said.

She knew what Tang Zhong was talking about.

Tang Zhong said a few words to Jiang Weiwei, then left with Feng Zu.

They returned to the previous island.

Fengzu took Jiang Weiwei to a cave.

In the cave, Fengzu took out a box and handed it to Tang Zhong: "Longzu, this is the weapon guarded by our Mushenwei. It is called the Mushen Needle. Now I will give it to you!"

Tang Zhong took the box, opened it, and saw the needles inside, which were not very small, but very long.

Around the needle, there is a dragon engraved!
Looking at the needle carefully, you can still feel the breath of life on the needle!

(It’s okay to update today, I will continue to work hard tomorrow!)

(End of this chapter)

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