Chapter 1825 Octopus King!
What kind of thing is this, directly shocked all the people in Cangye Kingdom.

Everyone looked up at the spaceship!

Grandpa Bai is already stupid, he didn't expect this man to have such a big spaceship, he is so powerful and outrageous!

"In this way, can we go to find that gala monkey family?" Tang Zhong looked at Bai Changgong and asked.

When Bai Zhanggong heard it, he immediately said: "Of course!"

"Then let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

He was the first to board the spaceship.

Bai Changgong said: "Young Master Jiang, how many people should I take with me?"

The eight-armed ape family is a group. In the past, it would be a big battle. If we are not prepared now, we will only court death in the past!
Nobody wants to die!

"No need, as long as you come up, you only need a guide, and no one else is needed." Tang Zhong said.

Bai Changgong was stunned there, he couldn't believe it was true, if he challenged the Octopus clan alone, wouldn't that be courting death?
Then Bai Changgong looked at Tang Zhong and said: "Young Master Jiang, this is absolutely unacceptable, that is a race, and the eight-armed monkey clan is very powerful."

Tang Zhong looked at Bai Changgong and said, "Who says I'm alone?"

Bai Zhanggong was taken aback for a moment, and only now did he see that there were other people, and it was only at this time that he realized that the strength of those people was not simple.

Who is this?So strong, and such a powerful subordinate?

Bai Changgong replied: "Okay, I understand."

"Get on the spaceship first." Tang Zhong shouted.

I saw a ray of light shooting down from the Douluo River, directly covering Bai Changgong.

Bai Changgong boarded the Douluo.

There are many people on the spaceship I just saw, and after carefully looking at the strength of these people, I found that one is stronger than the other.

Who is this man?

Look carefully, the strength of those subordinates are all at the level of immortal god kings.

Terrible, really terrible.

Tang Zhong glanced at Bai Changgong and said: "Lead the way ahead. Where is the eight-armed ape family? I want to find it as soon as possible."

Bai Changgong said: "Okay."

He went directly to the control room of the spacecraft and began to navigate the spacecraft.

The gibbon family is just north of here.

After the navigation was over, the Douluo began to fly forward.

Then Tang Zhong kept listening to Bai Zhanggong talking about the disappearance of all kings.

Only then did I realize that there is nothing ordinary in this extinct king.

It is really difficult to occupy this world.

But let's start with the eight-armed ape family.

The spaceship flew quickly, over mountains and ridges, and finally arrived in a valley.

They heard from Bai Changgong that this place is very close to the base camp of the Octopus Clan, so they let the Douluo fly a little slower.

Now I can clearly hear the roar of the beast in my ear.

"Young Master Jiang, the eight-armed ape clan territory has arrived." Bai Chang said openly.

"That's good, let's start fighting." Tang Zhong said.

The Bai Changgong was stunned, staring at Tang Zhong and said: "Mr. Jiang, how are we going to fight? The defense of the eight-armed ape clan is very hard, and it cannot be broken at all."

"Hit directly with your fists, first drive the spaceship, and head towards the center of the eight-armed ape clan." Tang Zhong said.

Grandpa Bai was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, the Douluo didn't stop until it reached the sky above the eight-armed monkey clan.

Tang Zhong stood high in the sky, looked down, and saw a lot of eight-armed apes. Those were all orcs, and their strength was indeed very strong. However, compared with human society, they were relatively low-level, and the cities they built were all piled up with stones. up.

But it is certain that these eight-armed apes are intelligent.

"Is this their capital?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes." Bai Changgong nodded.

"Then let's start fighting." Tang Zhong said.

Then he directly opened the door of the Douluo, Tang Zhong jumped in the air, and jumped down.

The whole person is unusually free and easy at this time.

"The people of the eight-armed monkey clan listen to me, will you surrender or not?"

The sound spread from the back to the audience, and Tang Zhong stood in the air like a god of war.

Below is the territory of the eight-armed ape clan. Countless eight-armed apes raised their heads one after another, staring at Tang Zhong in the air!
The eight-armed monkey tribe, as the name suggests, has eight hands and is extremely ferocious. It looks like it should be more than five meters tall!

The face is a monkey face, but the color of the pupils is different. The pupils of an ordinary chia-armed ape are black, while the pupils of a more advanced chia-armed monkey are red, and the pupils of the strongest chia-armed monkey are white. Of course, The hair all over his body was also white. He was standing among the many apes, looking at Tang Zhong who was slowly falling from the sky.

The eight-armed monkey clan king looked up at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "Human, you dare to intrude into my eight-armed monkey clan's territory, you are really courting death!"

Tang Zhong also recognized the extremely special eight-armed monkey clan king, and said: "You are the king, right? I came to you this time to negotiate terms with you!"

"There are no conditions to talk about. You have broken into the territory of my gala monkey clan, and you will die now!" the monkey king said coldly.

"Nothing to talk about?" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

With three gold-ink level forces, there is a reason why he chose the Octopus clan!

Because the opponent is an orc, it is the most difficult to control. Even if Tang Zhong chooses other forces to kill, he may be hindered by the eight-armed monkey clan, so he came directly.

Sure enough, the situation was exactly as he had imagined!

"Yes, human, you can die!" said the eight-armed ape king coldly.

Immediately at this moment, a red-eyed eight-armed ape king stared at Tang Zhong, stood up slowly, and began to wave his eight arms.

The Monkey King ordered: "Get it out of here now!"

The red-eyed monkey will hear: "The last general takes orders!"

Then he looked at Tang Zhong, roared wildly, and rushed out.

But at this moment, from the Douluo, Bai Changgong was a little terrified, mainly because he had never fought against the forces of Jin Mo level.

I don't know what happened this time?
Will it be more or less ominous!
At this moment, Yan Gang jumped down from the sky and roared wildly in the air: "Don't hurt my lord!"

Yan Gang opened his mouth and shouted, and immediately punched out, his fist was burning with flames, as if his fist might explode at any time.

With a bang, the Dragon Fist collided with the red-eyed monkey general's fist.

Immediately, Yan Gang was shocked and retreated, and the red-eyed monkey would be even worse!
This scene made many members of the eight-armed ape clan widen their eyes, unable to believe what they saw, but their faces were full of anger!
The same is true of Bai Changgong.

Only Tang Zhong smiled and said: "Monkey King, you can reconsider what I just said and cooperate with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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