Chapter 1848 Save People!

An even more terrifying thing happened at this time. After the dragon ring killed the man in black with bone wings behind him, he bounced towards the others.

Others have no chance to react at this time.

The dragon ring is like a phantom, flying back and forth, only to see someone being directly pierced through the body, blood gushing out, the scene is extremely cruel.

Those mighty Cangshenwei are now being harvested like waste.

But at this time, after seeing the weapon in Tang Zhong's hand, Emperor Cang in the distance couldn't help frowning, and murmured: "It's actually a dragon ring!"

At this moment, the dragon ring flew back and forth, beheading all the ten Cangshen guards.

They didn't even have a complete corpse now, and they all turned into blood mist and fell to the ground.

Then Tang Zhong stretched out his hand and grabbed Longhuan.

Then he turned around and looked at Emperor Cang in front of him.

Emperor Cang's face is not as good-looking as before!
"No wonder you dare to come to me so domineeringly, it turns out you have something to rely on!" Emperor Cang said coldly.

"Overbearing? Why should I fear you, you are just a clown!" Tang Zhong said.

He walked over step by step.

Cangshenwei are all dead.

His eyes saw his father Tang Xinglou.

Tang Xinglou kept shouting at this time: "Go, Tang Zhong, go, get out of here!"

He hoped that he was alive, but he didn't want his son to come. The man in front of him was very powerful. After his son met him, he didn't know what would happen to him.

"Dad, I'll save you back!" Tang Zhong said.

He didn't say too much nonsense, this sentence directly expressed his determination.

Tang Xinglou didn't say the last word.

On the contrary, Emperor Cang laughed loudly: "It's a good one to save me, Tang Zhong, what are you fighting with me? Do you think that if you get the dragon ring, you will be invincible?"

"You have to have more than ten weapons plus your current strength to be able to fight me, otherwise it will not work at all!"


Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, he can only use nine weapons now, but so what?
"Did you forget? The blood of the dragon has always been suppressed by the ghosts!"

Seeing Emperor Cang's complexion turned ugly: "Then try!"

Emperor Cang had been sitting on the giant seat in the starry sky, he slowly stood up straight, and tore off the black robe on his body.

"You are just like a dragon, you are an egomaniac!"

"Arrogant man, then look at what you are, you don't want to be a good person, you just want to be a strange ghost!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Shut up, what do you know?" Emperor Cang roared.

He stared at Tang Zhong, his eyes were now scarlet.

"Do you know who I am? I am the supreme Emperor Cang, I should be the biggest hero in this universe, but then suddenly a dragon appeared from there, he took everything from me, my strong The position of the master, my position of cosmic genius!"

"Originally, people in the universe should praise me, Emperor Cang, and blame that dragon. I hate him very much, even though I call him brother and brother!"

"If you can defeat the dragon, you are also a genius!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Fart, why can't I beat the dragon?" Emperor Cang roared.

Looking at it like that, it seemed that Tang Zhong had broken through the defense line in his heart, and Emperor Cang was even crazier.

"He took away my number one, and he brazenly showed off in front of me, saying that I was his good brother, and said so many useless things. He thought I wanted a brother? What I wanted was this cosmic overlord !"

"So you killed the dragon because of your power?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"Yes, he won't let me be the overlord of the universe, so I will come by myself, and I will become this great overlord of the universe. The whole universe obeys my orders, and now I have succeeded and become the king of the universe, haha!" Emperor Cang laughed and said.

"Do you know what a different ghost is?" Tang Zhong yelled at the other party: "A different ghost is someone who wants to destroy this universe. If you cooperate with them, you are simply letting the universe destroy the king, do you know?"

"Can you control it? You are a little dragon, I can do whatever I want? In this universe, at least now I am the king, I think you should worry about yourself now!" Emperor Cang said coldly.

"Today I will avenge the dragon, I want your life!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"What do you want?" Emperor Cang said coldly.

"I'm the dragon's apprentice, so I can kill you!" Tang Zhong said.

Emperor Cang's voice quickly turned cold: "Fart, what are dragons? Don't forget, I killed the dragon!"

"Sneak attack counts?" Tang Chong asked coldly.

"Then he is dead too!" Emperor Cang said, "You will die too!"

At this moment, Emperor Cang slashed at Tang Zhong with a claw.

The ghost claw came tearing through the void.

Tang Zhong didn't dodge, his hand turned into a dragon's claw and tore it apart.


Ghost Claw and Dragon Claw bombarded together fiercely.

Make a loud noise!

Both Tang Zhong and Emperor Cang were shocked back!

"Comfortable, that's how it feels!" Emperor Cang said coldly; "I won't do anything too cruel to you, because I still want to use your body!"

"Then you come and get it!" Tang Zhong said.

Emperor Cang was a suspicious person, Tang Zhong believed that the other party must have been bluffed at this time.

Tang Zhong didn't know if he could win the opponent.

But at least, Emperor Cang still has fear of dragons in his heart!

Sure enough, Emperor Cang frowned.

After Tang Zhong saw it, he knew that the other party was afraid.

Then he looked at Tang Xinglou next to him. Now he needs to save his father first. As long as it is in the hands of Emperor Cang, Emperor Cang will definitely use it to threaten him!

But there is only a chance!
Tang Zhong didn't want to miss it.

Immediately he clenched his fists.

"Take it!" At this moment, Emperor Cang said coldly, and walked towards Tang Zhong, but he walked very slowly, obviously he was very cautious now.

"Die!" Suddenly, the Emperor Cang's ghost claw attacked and attacked frantically.

Tang Zhong could tell that the other party must be terrified, so he was more careful!

A dragon claw tore through.

At the moment when the two claws clashed.

Tang Zhong was shocked back a few steps, he didn't hesitate too much at all, quickly speeded up, and leaned towards the pillars binding Tang Xinglou, this is his chance!

Immediately sweeping across the sky, Emperor Cang was not prepared at all, he was indeed afraid, but at this moment, seeing Tang Zhong actually heading towards Tang Xinglou, secretly said that he had been tricked.

But at this time, Tang Zhong had already arrived next to Tang Xinglou, and shouted: "Dad!"

Immediately a sword cut out.

There was a rumbling sound, and the pillar exploded. Tang Zhong grabbed Tang Xinglou and walked towards a safe place.

(End of this chapter)

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