Chapter 1862 The Divine Pillar of Origin!

In the entire universe, there are many such things.

It's all because the alien ghost channel was bombarded by human power, and the crack was infinitely enlarged.

There are a lot of different ghosts from it, and now they rushed out.

Kill anyone you see.

It can be said that it is a breeze for the strange ghost to kill the ordinary immortal king.

The group of people who broke through the passage of the ghosts before had fallen into a state of being killed at this time.

Several ghost princes rushed out now and started killing.

The person who was at the level of the Immortal God King before, under the attack of the two ghosts, has now completely turned into a pile of flesh and blood and died.

Countless ghosts rushed out and slaughtered the people of the entire universe, and now they all fell to the ground and lost their lives!
Then all the ghosts gathered together, as if they had received some kind of guidance, and now they are heading in one direction.

And there are only endless corpses left in place!
In the universe, there are countless such pictures!

But at this moment, Tang Zhong flew through the depths of the universe, and when he saw this scene, his expression was extremely ugly!

Especially when he saw the broken alien ghost passage and countless corpses turned into blood, he almost understood what happened!
These people must be the same as him, using their power to penetrate the passage of the ghosts, but the dimensional wall was opened, and countless ghosts rushed out from the passage of the ghosts, and then began to kill.

When the killing started, none of those people were opponents of the other ghosts, and they were directly killed on the spot.
What happened, Tang Zhong knew at a glance.

But soon, his face became even uglier.

Because, if such a thing can happen here, it is very likely that such a thing has happened in other places!

not good……

This will intensify the speed of the arrival of the ghosts!

And this kind of thing, without the universe phone, he really has no way to notify other people.


He has to go faster.

Originally thought that the ghost master could not let the ghost emperor come to this universe so quickly, but now it seems that this has nothing to do with the ghost master. If he meets some fools, he will be finished by helping the ghost to open the passage.

However, it can be guessed that the ghosts don't seem to be able to attack the passage, otherwise, so many ghosts attacked, the passage would have been blasted away, and then countless ghosts rewarded this place, and no one could stop it.

This is also Tang Zhong's opportunity.

But if the ghosts capture a large group of people and help them blast through the cosmic passage, it will be fatal.

Tang Zhong's conjecture was also correct.

At this moment, somewhere in the universe!
It was a place similar to the sacred mountain of the universe.

On the top of the mountain, Master Ghost stood proudly, looking ahead.

That is to look at the mountain, terrain, and water potential.

All in all, it's just a matter of looking at the situation.

"This place leads to the divine orifice of the universe, and it is also the place supported by the divine pillar of the origin of the universe... It is the most suitable place to welcome the King of Different Ghosts!" The ghost master looked ahead and said lightly.

Beside, stood several ghosts of the rank of the ghost prince.

"Master Ghost, what are we going to do now, to meet Emperor Halemo!" A strange ghost said.

Master Ghost pointed to the air.

The sky was chaotic, and there was a red light flickering above. If you look carefully, the red light has condensed into a vortex.

"This place... is above the Divine Pillar of Origin. The Divine Pillar of Origin is a support point of the universe. If this support point is destroyed, there will be no dimensional wall. At that time, we ghosts will come and go from this place casually ...This universe is all ours!" Master Turtle said.

The strange ghost next to him said: "But Master Ghost, if the pillar of origin is destroyed, this universe will slowly die out. This universe is the best universe I have ever seen. Do you really want to do that?"

"It is indeed the best universe, all kinds of resources, and ores are everywhere, but... my conquest of the other ghosts is the vast universe, and the endless universe sea, how can I stay in this place?" Ghost said the master.

"The master is right!" said the strange ghost beside him.

"Let's get started, that Dragon Ancestor will never find this place easily and get up here, break the way here, and welcome the King of Different Ghosts!" Master Ghost said.

Then as he finished speaking, a group of White Walkers walked in carrying the coffin.

It was a mysterious coffin of a different ghost. On the coffin, black air was densely covered!
I saw these strange ghosts put the coffin on the ground, opened the coffin, and the corpse of Emperor Cang appeared in it, and his body was surrounded by the breath of strange ghosts.

Emperor Cang was in the body of a strange ghost before his death, but now after being warmed by the breath of the strange ghost, his body began to undergo drastic changes.

He has become more like a different ghost, and his body belongs to this universe, which is a combination of two universes.

Master Ghost looked at Emperor Cang's corpse with a scorching light in his gaze, never expecting such a powerful result.

"Yes, yes, this body is a perfect masterpiece!"

"If the power of the Ghost Emperor can enter this person's body, there will be another powerful clone!"

"I have conquered so many universes with the ghosts, but I have never had such a sense of refreshment this time!"

Ghost Master said.

And the strange ghost beside him said: "Master... is it because of the existence of the dragon clan?"

"Yes, it's because of the existence of dragons... Those annoying dragons have hindered many of our plans, and this time, even if there are dragons, they can't stop me. This feeling is really comfortable!" Master Ghost said.

Thinking about it, he has been fighting with the ghosts for so many years, and he has never won the battle against the dragon.

And this time, he won.

"Okay, everyone get ready, we'll start breaking the pillar now..." Master Ghost said.

Breaking the pillar, what is broken is the Divine Pillar of Origin.

The divine pillar of origin is the support point of a universe, and such things exist in every universe.

He sustains the entire universe.

If there is no divine pillar of origin, it will be very difficult for the creatures in the universe to regenerate. There are also various energy ores that may be used once and never again.

And as long as the divine pillar of origin is broken, then the other ghosts can enter and leave this universe at will.

Snatch all the resources in the universe, and then they prepare to conquer the next universe.

No one can stop their way of the ghosts.

"Start!" Ghost Master said back.

Then, a group of strange ghosts fought together, and from their hands, a beam of light shot out, facing the vortex in the air.

Pour it all in.

I saw the originally red vortex, which began to be punched in by force, and rumbling sounds continued to come from it, as if the sky was about to be stepped on.

As long as this divine pillar of origin is destroyed, then this conquest will be successfully concluded!
(End of this chapter)

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