Chapter 1865 Collapse!

"I'm going to use my ghost origin now to blow up that pillar of origin!"

The light that the ghost master turned into flew directly into the sky.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong shouted, he looked up at the vortex, the gap was getting bigger and bigger, before he came just now, the Divine Pillar of Origin suffered a very powerful attack!
The Divine Pillar of Origin cannot be seen unless it is about to explode.

It's just that it seems that the vortex can no longer open a gap for a bigger one.

Otherwise, it will really explode, and he wants to stop the ghost master.

But the light that Master Ghost turned into was a bit faster.

At this time, the maniacal laughter went up to the sky, and he got into the vortex.

I saw thunder and lightning roaring in the vortex.

"I will destroy this divine pillar of origin right now, Longzu, you will have nothing to do!"

The ghost master's voice came from the air, very ear-piercing.

"Damn it!" Tang Zhong secretly clenched his fists.

And at this moment, in the vortex, after the ghost master's ghost origin got in, a rumbling sound began to be heard, followed by continuous black thunder and lightning, bombarding forward.

Immediately afterwards, an Optimus Prime gradually appeared, and many cracks appeared on the column, as if it might collapse at any time.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong's eyes widened, it was clear that the pillar was about to collapse.

When the pillar of origin collapses, the universe will fall apart, and the dimensional wall will be opened. When the time comes, the aliens will invade the universe, and then this place will directly become a purgatory.

Tang Zhong rushed forward immediately, but who knows, before he could move forward, he saw that the Divine Pillar of Origin in the air was now automatically revealed.

In other words, the Divine Pillar of Origin is about to be destroyed.

The divine pillar of origin was originally red, but at this time, it was shining with black light.

That black breath is clearly the breath of the other ghosts, that is to say, now this pillar has been infested by the other ghosts, which is really bad news.

And the Divine Pillar of Origin is about to shatter.

There are many dense lines on it.

Do not……

Tang Zhong shouted loudly.

But the Divine Pillar of Origin didn't listen to him at all. Instead, there was a rumbling sound, and the whole earth began to collapse.

The water source is also constantly evaporating, as if encountering the end.

Such an abnormal situation only illustrates one point.

"The great work of the White Walkers has been accomplished, haha."

This voice is the voice of the ghost master.

But at this moment, from behind him, several people approached, it was Feng'er and the others. Tang Zhong asked them to fight against the strange ghosts before, and they finally arrived here.

But as soon as they arrived here, they saw such a terrible scene. They couldn't believe it was real. Why are they all strange visions?

At this time, Feng'er and the others saw Tang Zhong and hurried over: "Meet Longzu."

Tang Zhong's face at this time is very ugly. If the Divine Pillar of Origin is destroyed, it will cause the current universe to collapse.

The cosmic people continue to die, and when the time comes, people will be devastated, which is extremely terrifying.

Hearing the sound, Tang Zhong turned around and saw Feng'er and the others. His face was directly ugly. This is the place where the Divine Pillar of Origin is about to collapse. There are countless strange ghosts outside the universe who want to enter this universe.

Once the dimension wall is broken, this place will be the place with the most ghosts.

"Go, leave here, don't come back." Tang Zhong shouted.

The others were slightly taken aback at this moment, wondering what this meant?
They were called to fight the ghosts, how could they just leave?
"Longzu, why do you want us to go?"

"The other ghosts are ahead, we will attack them."

Tang Zhong's expression was particularly ugly: "Go quickly."

At this time, the land collapse became more and more terrifying, the ground broke open directly, and countless magma rolled out from it.

It's like the end of the world.

And then there was the maniacal laughter.

Rumbling, I saw the Divine Pillar of Origin collapsing directly.

It shattered in the sky.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong thought to himself, it's too bad.

The Divine Pillar of Origin broke like glass.

Immediately afterwards, I saw countless strange ghosts kneeling on the ground.

It seems to be welcoming some important person?

At this time, the sky was overcast.

It is dark everywhere, because the divine pillar of origin brought light to the universe. Now that the pillar is broken, the light is gone, and there is only endless darkness.

When Tang Zhong saw this scene, he knew something terrible was about to happen.

At this moment, a thunderbolt broke out from the sky.

There was a bang, as if it was going to burst people's ears.

But after this thunderstorm, there was a short period of calm.

Suddenly a strong beast roar came out.

No... it's a ghost roar.

The sound seemed to swallow people up.

In the huge vortex in the sky, black air began to cover densely.

Immediately afterwards, a strange ghost flew out of it.

Those White Walkers are very different from the White Walkers in the universe now.

With wings behind it, it looks extremely frightened.

And it brought not just one flying alien, but many groups of them.

This time swept down.

Tang Zhong just glanced at it, and his heart had already fallen into the ice cave. Obviously, it was because of the destruction of the Divine Pillar of Origin that so many strange ghosts came.

If nothing else, there are even bigger White Walkers.

"Go, go quickly." Tang Zhong shouted to the people behind him.

A large group of people have been stunned for a long time, and they did not expect such a situation to appear.

Only a few people in the lead can maintain their sanity.

According to what Tang Zhong said, they quickly evacuated the place.

But the number of ghosts is increasing, and now densely spread all over.

Many people want to escape, and it is very difficult now.

Tang Zhong jumped out with the broken dragon pestle in his hand, and swung the pestle towards so many strange ghosts.

A ray of light went out directly, penetrating the bodies of countless strange ghosts.

To others, these strange ghosts are very scary, but to the current Tang Zhong, these strange ghosts are not enough to kill him.

But he alone could not save so many people.

But he will do his best to cover everyone's retreat.

Seeing Tang Zhong protecting them at this time, the others were grateful, and left here without saying anything.

They knew that staying here would only bring trouble to Tang Zhong.

But at this moment, a ferocious voice came from the vortex in the sky.

"I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, I could finally return to this land again."

This voice is bold and bold, giving people a strong pressure.

Tang Zhong killed a strange ghost, looked up, his eyes fell on the vortex, his eyes suddenly narrowed, this the voice of the strange ghost emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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