Chapter 1867 Stepping on my dead body!

Tang Zhong roared at the other party.

Immediately, he rushed out with the Broken Dragon Pestle in his hand.

The other party has just fused with Emperor Cang's body, so he may not be able to unleash his strongest power now.

So now this is Tang Zhong's chance. If he waits a little longer, after the bodies of the Ghost Emperor and Emperor Cang are fully fused, then he is really no match for him.

At that time, the Ghost Emperor will attack everywhere, and he will have nothing to do. He can't protect anyone, and he can't protect this universe.

They all have to die!
The moment Tang Zhong rushed out with the Broken Dragon Pestle in his hand.

The Ghost Emperor saw everything in his eyes: "Do you think I can't see what you think in your heart? Do you really think that my strength is not fully integrated now?"

At this moment, the King of Different Ghosts tore it out with one claw.

It happened to block the broken dragon pestle.

With a bang, the explosion sounded in an instant.


Tang Zhong went back after being repulsed again.

He widened his pupils, he couldn't believe what he saw, if it was really like this, then there was really nothing he could do.

The enemies are all coming, but he doesn't even have the strength to fight now. Even if he transforms into a dragon body, he has no chance to fight the King of Ghosts.

He must not be afraid, if he is afraid, he will be really useless!
Holding the Broken Dragon Pestle, he rushed up again.

The King of Different Ghosts saw Tang Zhong rushing towards him, and said with a cold smile: "It seems that you really don't cry when you see the coffin, I will send you to heaven now!"

The other ghost emperor's fists were directly clenched into a ball.

It was bombarded fiercely with the broken dragon pestle.

That moment.

The violent blasting sound directly knocked Tang Zhong back.

"The you now, in front of me, are still far behind!"

Tang Zhong fell to the ground, spitting blood. At this moment, his face was extremely pale. He had never been suppressed so forcefully.

Even if he was about to die before, he had never experienced such a miserable experience.

This time it was completely suppressed by strength.

And he felt that the Ghost King hadn't used his full strength at all.

But Tang Zhong still got up: "I will definitely stop you!"

He tightly grasped the Broken Dragon Pestle, and swept it out.

The King of Different Ghosts was useless at all this time, but the wings behind him fluttered a little.

I saw the strong wind blowing directly out.

Tang Zhong rushed out violently, but his figure was stabilized all of a sudden, and he stopped suddenly under extreme speed. Now he felt that the blood in his whole body was about to break through the blood orifices. That feeling was really abnormal uncomfortable.

"It's useless, ants!" The Ghost Emperor said coldly.

"In normal times, when I see reptiles like you, I might kill you easily, but this time, it's useless to keep an ant like you. I think you really want to protect this This universe, then, I will leave your name and let you see how this universe was destroyed by my strange ghost!"

After the other ghost emperor finished speaking, he raised his head and laughed loudly.

Tang Zhong gritted his teeth angrily. The other party didn't take him seriously at all. He was willing to die to protect the person he wanted to protect.

So he won't admit defeat, even if he knows that the opponent is outrageously strong.

He turned into a giant dragon clone and rushed towards the King of Different Ghosts. The Polong Pestle seemed to feel the power of Tang Zhong, and a phantom on the Polong Pestle bloomed towards the surroundings at this time.

"Come on, it seems that it is necessary for me to teach you some lessons now, go to hell!" The Ghost Emperor sneered.

At this time, a burst of soul power erupted from his body, and then he looked at Tang Zhong and rushed out.

That speed is very fast, especially the speed under the feet, like a phantom.

Tang Zhong looked at the other party and felt the power on the other party's body, and his cultivation base was stronger than that of Emperor Cang.

You must know that Emperor Cang is a character of the Immortal God King Jiuchongtian, but compared to the coercion brought to him by the Ghost Emperor, it is not one or two points stronger. It is obvious that the Emperor of the Ghost is stronger than Emperor Cang.

Could it be that the Alien Ghost Emperor is a cultivation level above Emperor Cang... just like the dragon back then!

This is really tricky!

However, he is not afraid!
If Tang Zhong is afraid now, then this universe is really over. He still has so many people to protect. unwilling to give up.

Therefore, even if it is death, he will fight to the end!
"Get out of this universe!" Tang Zhong roared.

The strength of the whole body exploded crazily.

At that moment, his body was shining with golden light.

He wants to give the King of Different Ghosts the strongest blow, life or death, fearless.

"The breaking dragon shakes the sky..." Tang Zhong roared angrily.

The expression of the King of Different Ghosts began to change at this time, and he became serious: "Are you planning to fight hard with me? But even if you fight hard, you are not qualified..."

The ghost claw tore out at once.

A ghost image flashed out at this moment.

All of a sudden, it was bombarded fiercely with the broken dragon pestle.

At that moment, there was a violent rumbling sound.

The world seemed to be collapsing.

The light exploded at this moment, straight to the sky!
"To destroy this universe, you have to step over my corpse!" Tang Zhong roared.

"Okay!" The Ghost Emperor said coldly.

The powerful coercion is released.

That moment.

With a bang, Tang Zhong was blown away by the coercion, and his whole body fell to the ground fiercely.

And at the same time, the King of Different Ghosts directly suppressed the past, and a ghost claw tore through the void.

Aim at Tang Zhong's abdominal cavity.

"Just because you want to fight with me, then I will step over your corpse now!"

Tang Zhong was dying of pain all over his body. At this time, he couldn't resist at all, and he heard a puff, and the ghost claw penetrated directly from his abdominal cavity.

Entered from the chest and passed out from the back.

There was a clear sound of bone cracking.

Tang Zhong's eyes became dull.

"You are not qualified to fight with me!" The Ghost Emperor said coldly.

Then he smiled, and suddenly pulled his hand out of Tang Zhong's body.

"Ah..." There was a miserable sound of pain, Tang Zhong spat out blood, the whole person flew upside down, and with a bang, he fell hard to the ground.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's skin began to bloom, and blood came out from his skin.

Tang Zhong was just about to get up from the ground.

In an instant.

The Ghost Emperor stepped on Tang Zhong's chest.

Step down.

At that moment, it penetrates directly.

A huge footprint appeared on Tang Zhong's chest, directly piercing through his chest, his ribs and flesh were all trampled into a meat paste.

"You're right, I'm going to step on your corpse, and now, I'm going to step on your corpse, tell me, what can you do?" The Other Ghost Emperor looked down at Tang Zhong who fell on the ground and said with a sneer.

"I...I won't let you go!" Tang Zhong shouted with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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