Chapter 1869 You will become a different ghost too!
Jiang Weiwei wants a lot now, but what she wants most is Tang Zhong alive.

She really didn't want to see Tang Zhong die.

Yan Gang looked at Jiang Weiwei, at this moment, he really didn't know what to say, he could sense something from his blood, for example, what Tang Zhongzhong told them was to go fast, that was because he met a terrible man.

Long Zu is someone who wants to protect the universe from harm, but he has issued retreat orders, which shows how powerful the other party is.

He knew that there was a relationship between Jiang Weiwei and Tang Zhong, and both of them were infatuated.

Tang Zhong must be in a catastrophe of life and death now, he must not tell Jiang Weiwei about this now, if he did, he would violate Tang Zhong.

"He's fine!" Yan Gang said.

Jiang Weiwei hastily said, "Impossible!"

"I don't believe it!" Jiang Weiwei yelled out.

In fact, before this, her heart was very painful, and she knew that something must have happened.

"I'm going to listen to the truth now!"

"Yan Gang, tell me!"

"If you don't tell me, I won't go with you!"

Jiang Weiwei said in one breath.

Yan Gang was at a loss. He lived for a long time, but he had very little communication with women. He didn't know what to do!
"If you don't tell me, I'll find it myself!" Jiang Weiwei said directly.

Jiang Weiwei found it later, she didn't know where Tang Zhong was, so if there was no one to guide her, she could only wander around.

With Jiang Weiwei's strength, he would not be able to fight any other ghosts.

So now Yan Gang absolutely cannot let Jiang Weiwei leave, and the boss shouted: "You must not go!"

But Jiang Weiwei didn't listen to Yan Gang at all, and still walked forward by himself.

And now Yan Gang absolutely cannot let Jiang Weiwei leave by himself, and whispered, "I'm offended!"

Then the whole person swept to the side of the other party, and slammed down on the other party's neck with a palm.

In an instant, Jiang Weiwei was knocked out.

Yan Gang entrusts Jiang Weiwei to Feng'er.

Feng'er saw all this scene in her eyes: "It would be cruel to do this!"

Yan Gang looked at Feng Er and said: "If she dies, it will be even more cruel to Long Zu. He is the Dragon Queen, we must not let him have an accident, let's go!"

Feng'er didn't speak, but looked at Jiang Weiwei who had fainted, and sighed helplessly.

Then they continued to flee with people.

With Douluo around, they fled quickly.

And they also know that it is useless if they only flee one-sidedly now.

Now if you really want to escape, you must leave this universe.

Otherwise there is no other way!

And at the same time.

Others are also on the run.

Xia Yuqing and the others are together.

The crowd has already split into different directions.


The King of Different Ghosts flew all the way, and now he flapped the wings behind him and flew forward.

Along the way, mountains and rocks were smashed.

What was once a good place has completely turned into ruins.

"Without the Divine Pillar of Origin, such a universe is simply vulnerable!"

"Long Zu, what do you think?" The Ghost King turned around and stared at Tang Zhong, who was already miserable.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's face was pale, and his whole body had no strength. The black long stick he was staring at was not an ordinary black long stick at all. This kind of stick could erode Tang Zhong's meridians.

Now Tang Zhong's meridians have all turned black, and his lips are now as if they have been painted with ink.

It's like being poisoned.

Without blood power, all meridians were destroyed, and now he is just a body.

He had seen people kill, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Seeing Tang Zhong's angry appearance, the King of Different Ghosts smiled and said, "I don't know why, seeing you like this really makes me feel very comfortable!"

"Ha ha!"

At this time, they saw a group of fleeing people.

It was a person called Dayan Universe Kingdom, and they scattered and fled.

When the King of Different Ghosts saw those people, he sneered: "I finally saw the natives in this universe, and I will kill them now!"

Immediately, the King of Different Ghosts flew down from the air, and directly tore those people with his claws.

Those people also saw the strange ghost at this time. The king of the Great Yan Universe Kingdom is an immortal god king. When he saw the strange ghost emperor, he was deeply terrified.

And when he saw Tang Zhong, he was even more frightened, he never thought that even Long Zu was no match for him now.

That... that would simply kill them.

They thought that Long Zu could fight against the King of Different Ghosts, but now they lost.

None of their strongest people are the opponents of the Ghost King. Everyone wanted to resist at first, but now, they don't even have the idea of ​​resisting.

"Die!" The King of Different Ghosts slapped his claws, and hundreds of people were directly scratched and turned into a pool of blood.

"Very good, let's see the next group of people!" The Ghost King sneered.

Then continue to fly.

Looking at the dead man, Tang Zhong really couldn't bear it, and now he doesn't know what to do.

Now he is really afraid to see that among the people killed by the ghost king, there are people he knows. At that time, he will feel even more uncomfortable.

"I... will kill you!" Tang Zhong gritted his teeth.

"I've said it all, I really want to see you kill me, do you want me to let you go now, you come and kill me!" The King of Different Ghosts sneered.

Then he waved to the ghost holding Tang Zhong.

Immediately, I saw those strange ghosts backing away.

Tang Zhong lay on the ground.

At this time, he tried hard to get up from the ground, he gritted his teeth, and wanted to get up from the ground.

But he mustered all his strength, and it was difficult to stop his body. In the end, when he exerted his strength, black light flickered in the blood vessels and meridians, as if the blood vessels were no longer golden blood, but black viscous juice.

Pfft, Tang Zhong fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Do you know what the long black stick sticking out of your back is?"

"He's called the White Walker. When all these sticks melt into your body, you will also become a White Walker!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, his eyes widened instantly. He stared at the King of Different Ghosts and struggled vigorously.

And the King of Different Ghosts smiled, as if he was telling a joke: "A dragon becomes a different ghost, I really want to see what that scene looks like... Haha, I can't think of it at all !"

Tang Zhong wanted to clench his fists to beat the Ghost Emperor, but he couldn't do it at all.

Is he going to become a White Walker?

Become the most hated person...

"When you become a different ghost, you are a slave and completely lose your mind. At that time, you will kill your dearest people...such as your parents...everything about you!" smile.

Tang Zhong couldn't believe it, Wei Wei appeared in his mind for a second... Will he kill Wei Wei?
No...he doesn't want to!

(End of this chapter)

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