Chapter 1881 Fusion!
In an instant, blue lightning came crashing out, and rushed directly from Jiang Weiwei's palm, and didn't stop at all.

Instead, it directly entered Jiang Weiwei's body.

At that moment, Jiang Weiwei's pupils began to turn blue, and the power of source knowledge entered his body, the feeling was really refreshing.

And, now her hair is standing on end.

However, her consciousness seemed to be fading.

"Now pass all these powers into his body!" At this time, the voice of Yuanzhi came.

Jiang Weiwei nodded when she heard this, and quickly grabbed Tang Zhong's hand.

Tang Zhong's pupils, who had turned into a strange ghost, instantly brightened, filled with blue light.

"My power has entered his body, and then he will support the existence of this universe in the future. Before my power completely dissipates, I hope it can succeed!"

But at this time, under the support of strength, Jiang Weiwei was in a numb state.

Yuan Zhi immediately shouted: "You must not have an accident now... If you have an accident, the three of us will die!"

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she was really sad now, she had to persevere, so that her brother Tang could live.


In the sky, thunder and lightning flickered frantically.

In the end, they all rushed into Tang Zhong's body.

His skin also started to turn blue.

Originally he was a different ghost, but now, he seemed to have degenerated.

Seeing that nothing happened to Tang Zhong, Jiang Weiwei laughed. If this continues, Brother Tang will be fine.

Unexpectedly, before Brother Tang died, such a good thing would happen to him.

"Yes, if this continues, he will completely absorb my power!" Yuan Zhi laughed.

But suddenly.

Strange things happened.

Above Tang Zhong's body, a force like a black hole erupted.

It seems to be resisting, that is the power of the strange ghost in Tang Zhong's body, and now Tang Zhong has entered a state of madness.

"No, the power of the ghost in his body seems to be resisting my power!" Yuan Zhi said.

"Then what should we do?" Jiang Weiwei became anxious.

She is very nervous now, if something happens, Tang Zhong will die.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong had already fallen into a state of madness, he was roaring angrily, and his body was constantly twitching.

Now through the skin, Tang Zhong's body can be seen. In the heart, there are three groups of forces colliding, making a crackling sound.

One is the red power, which is the power of the dragon.

There is also a black power in it, which is the power of the ghosts.

There is also a blue power, which is the power of source knowledge.

The three forces collided fiercely, as if they never melted.

"If these three forces cannot be integrated with each other now, there will be great changes!" Yuan Zhi said.

"Is there any other way?" Jiang Weiwei's expression was also ugly.

"Yes, only the three forces can be fused now, otherwise there is no way!" Yuanzhi said.

"I'm coming!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Is there any way?" Yuan Zhi asked.

"I don't know!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Finally, she saw Tang Zhong's body, and she knew that if she didn't fully integrate these three forces now, Brother Tang would definitely die.

Jiang Weiwei is holding Tang Zhong's hand tightly now, and began to confide to the side: " wake me up!"

In fact, she has nothing to do now, she can only talk on the sidelines, Brother Tang could hear her before, and this time, he will definitely be able to.

"Brother Tang, come on!"

Jiang Weiwei held Tang Zhong's hand tightly, she saw the dragon and phoenix jade pendant on Tang Zhong's neck, and then tore off the jade pendant.

Put it in Tang Zhong's palm.

On the dragon and phoenix jade pendant, there is now a fierce light shining.

Suddenly, a small dragon and a phoenix flew out of the jade pendant and began to fly around the two of them.

Jiang Weiwei was taken aback for a moment, wondering what was going on?

After seeing the dragon and the phoenix, the blue source of knowledge was a little shocked: "Where did this jade pendant come from?"

Jiang Weiwei immediately said upon hearing someone's question: "This jade pendant was originally two, one dragon and one phoenix, one was in my hand, and the other was in the hands of my elder brother Tang. When we were born, they were born with us. , Their two jade pendants were fused together!"

"The natural divine jade, that is the power of the source, it is called the source jade." Yuan Zhi was shocked.

The power of the source!
Jiang Weiwei had never heard of this name before, but it certainly sounded unusual.

"When Chuangshi Shen once created the universe, he released all the source power of his body, and the power was scattered everywhere. Except for our source consciousness, which carries the power to support this universe, there is also the source power. Born with life, those people are born kings, but this kind of thing is extremely rare, there may be only one in the entire universe, I did not expect that in this universe, there are actually two, haha, this is a big deal News!" Yuan Zhi laughed loudly.

"You and that person are lovers, I think you will find some strange changes after intercourse..."

"Intercourse?" Jiang Weiwei's face not only became shy, but Yuan Zhi must have other reasons for saying this. Could it be that they need to have intercourse now?
"Yes, your companion source jade is now fused together. If you intercourse with him, there will be many accidents... The three forces in his body are mutually exclusive now. If you intercourse with him, you will help him share the power !" Yuanzhi said: "Then it may succeed!"

this moment.

Jiang slightly widened his eyes.

"Then come!"

Then she looked at Tang Zhong and laughed.

"Let's get started!" Yuan Zhi said, "I'm going to retreat!"

I saw that the source consciousness disappeared very quickly.

Then Jiang Weiwei looked at Tang Zhong tenderly.

She really didn't expect that she would save her brother Tang like this.

The last time I met Brother Tang was the last time I met.

let's start!

Jiang Weiwei counted with his fingers.

She leaned next to Tang Zhong, and began to stroke his body with her hands.

Immediately afterwards, the little dragon and the little phoenix flew into the air, covering them with a light shield.

It completely enveloped Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei.

Two people under the hood!

I can't see what's going on inside at all, I can only see a dragon and a phoenix above the cover, intertwined together, it looks very lingering, and finally completely merged together.

And the power of origin consciousness on the side gradually dissipated...

Under the starry sky, there is only a shimmering hood, and the men and women inside!
(End of this chapter)

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