Chapter 1904
Zhou Ze's complexion changed drastically at this moment, and he was unable to follow Jian Jiu to practice. Doesn't that mean that his long foreshadowing was in vain?
"Why? Senior Brother Jian Jiu? You have to listen to that big monster talking nonsense. The big monster is trying to separate people. These big monsters are extremely insidious. We must not be tricked!"

Jian Jiu looked at the other party and said: "Then why does the big monster know you?"

Zhou Ze didn't dare to look at Jian Jiu, his eyes kept moving, he couldn't think of a good way, and finally said: "I don't know, maybe the person who was with the big monster just told the big monster!"

"Really? Do you know that man?" Jian Jiudao, now he is more interested in who this man is than other things. This time he was forced to retreat in front of so many people. I really want to fight the opponent for a second game!
"I... I don't know each other either!" Zhou Ze said. He knew that the other party was from the Goddess Tribe, but he couldn't tell now.

"But others know you..." Jian Jiu said.

Zhou Ze was very angry, before this Jian Jiu said that as long as he brought the other party here to catch the big monster, he would let him Zhou Ze follow the other party to practice, but now, he ended up like this!
"Jian Jiu, do you remember what you said, you said you asked me to practice with you, how can you go back on what you said?"

next second.

From Jian Jiu's body, a powerful aura burst out, suppressing Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze knelt down on the ground with a thud, and the clothes on his knees were all torn.

The severe pain also made Zhou Ze break out in cold sweat all over his body. He was shocked, as if he had talked too much.

"Is this your attitude towards me?" Jian Jiu asked coldly.

Zhou Ze's soul trembled, and he trembled in fright: "No... no, Senior Brother Jian Jiu, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Jian Jiu looked at Zhou Ze, swept his sleeves, and in an instant, a wave erupted from the sleeves.

Zhou Ze was knocked back all of a sudden, and fell to the ground, spitting blood, extremely embarrassed!

"You want to enter the Spring and Autumn Academy, in your next life!" Jian Jiu said coldly!
Then he said to the others: "Let's go!"

The others were brought by Jian Jiu, and now they follow behind Jian Jiu obediently.

After he left, Zhou Ze clenched his fists tightly. He really hated that mysterious person to the core. He wanted to find that person and kill him. He knew that the person was from the Goddess Tribe!

Now, those who were trapped before have been dispersed.

Xia Xinyu hid in the crowd and didn't say a word. She was worried that Tang Zhong would not be able to win against Zhou Ze, but what she didn't expect was that now Tang Yan would be able to fight against that person from the Spring and Autumn Academy. This is simply unbelievable up.

Now I don't know where Tang Zhong has gone, now she has to leave for Xiaoya!

Go back to the goddess tribe!
At the same time, Tang Zhong had already gone far away.

Those people in the Spring and Autumn Academy, if nothing else happens, are old fritters. Everyone would doubt what the big monster said just now, and those people in the Spring and Autumn Academy want to make their life experience innocent, Therefore, he would never have a relationship with Zhou Ze. In that case, his goal would be achieved.

And now Tang Zhong also got what he wanted.

The person who was killed by the big demon was called Yi Zhong, and his name was only one character different, he seemed to be from the Tianhuo Tribe, now he only needed to use this person's name to go to the Spring and Autumn Academy.

But before that, he had to kill Zhou Ze.

There is also Xia Xinyu, I don't know where it is, but it is easy to find, because Tang Zhong has left a little thing on Xia Xinyu's body before, called a mark, so now Tang Zhong can easily find Xia Xinyu. Sweet words!

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, and after confirming a direction, he approached. This is the place where Xia Xinyu can be found!

He felt that the direction was Goddess Tribe, and Xia Xinyu was going back!

But suddenly, Tang Zhong felt something strange, because now the imprint he left on Xia Xinyu seemed to be in trouble!
This imprint can sense what's happening on the opponent's body. Could it be that Xia Xinyu was attacked!
It must be Zhou Ze!

At this moment, at an unknown distance, Xia Xinyu and Xiaoya were running away, but now her back was pierced by a red arrow feather, and bright red blood flowed out.

Xiaoya kept running and shouting.

Behind them, followed Zhou Ze and others!

Now Zhou Ze no longer had the fearful look he had when he was next to Jian Jiu, but with ferocious eyes, riding on a wild wolf, attacking Xia Xinyu!

He really didn't expect to meet Xia Xinyu here!
After Zhou Ze separated from Jian Jiu, he couldn't follow Jian Jiu to the Spring and Autumn Academy. He could only attract all his hatred to those people from the Goddess Tribe. He was the one who was going to slaughter the Goddess Tribe!
But he didn't expect to meet Xia Xinyu.

Then naturally, Xia Xinyu should be caught first!

"Beauty, don't think about leaving, you can't escape my palm at all!" Zhou Ze said coldly from behind.

Xia Xinyu's face was extremely pale, and the injury was still expanding a little bit, and she was almost unable to hold on.

She didn't respond to Zhou Ze's words!
"Run, even if you run now, it won't help!" Zhou Ze said coldly.

He only saw him stretch out his hand, and the red arrow feathers flew out again, flying directly towards Xiaoya.

"Watch me knock your deer down now, and see where you can go?"

The red arrow feathers pierced Xiaoya's body at once, Xiaoya couldn't support his body, and the whole deer body fell down.

Xia Xinyu also fell off the deer, she didn't care about herself, hugged Xiaoya and shouted: "Xiaoya, you... are you okay!"

But Xiaoya was already on the verge of death, the blow just now was a fatal injury, now Xiaoya yelled a few times, and fell directly to the ground without any reaction.

Xia Xinyu began to cry.

"Little tooth!"

At this time, Zhou Ze and the others had already leaned over!
He approached Xia Xinyu and reached out to grab Xia Xinyu's chin: "Run, you can't run very well, why don't you run now?"

Xia Xinyu stared straight at Zhou Ze: "I will definitely kill you!"

Zhou Ze sneered and said: "It's just a dream because you also kill me. I won't kill you. I will take you to the Goddess Tribe now. When I kill all the people in your Goddess Tribe, let's see how you do it." Tough mouth!"

Then Zhou Ze grabbed Xia Xinyu, pulled him onto the wolf's body, controlled him, and walked forward.

No matter how Xia Xinyu struggled now, it was useless!

Xia Xinyu didn't know what to do now?She misses Tang Zhong.

(End of this chapter)

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