Chapter 1929 Falling in love with the broken dragon pestle!

"I, Liu Feng, will never forgive you!" said the person named Liu Feng!
The other people around him also reacted, and then stared at Tang Zhong viciously. It turned out that this person was the one who rejected Senior Brother Jian Jiu!

Everyone in the Star Sword Club knew that in the Spring and Autumn Academy, there was a person who rejected the invitation of Senior Brother Jian Jiu and gave up joining their Star Sword Club!
This person made many people hold grudges, and they always wanted to find this person who rejected Senior Brother Jian Jiu!
Did not expect to see each other here.

"It's really great to meet each other here!"

"I can guarantee that he is absolutely dead!"

Liu Feng stretched out his hand and said, "He's mine, don't do anything!"

As soon as Liu Feng said this, the people around stopped talking and could only sigh there. Now that Liu Feng has decided to make a move, they must have no chance!

Then Liu Feng looked at Tang Zhong: "You rejected Brother Jian Jiu's invitation, and missed your chance to reach the sky!"

"However, it's kind of you to refuse. Someone dragged me in to kill you. If you are a member of the Star Sword Society, then I will be cautious when I do it!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he knew that Peng Chaolin was looking for someone to kill him, but he didn't expect it to be this person!
This is just right, I don't have to kill so many people myself!
Then he walked towards Liu Feng, releasing his killing intent.

That Liu Feng didn't notice Tang Zhong's killing intent, and said with a sneer, "What? Are you here looking for death?"

In an instant, Lei Yanlong mode broke out, and Tang Zhong punched out, aiming at the opponent's head!
In just a split second, Liu Feng was sent flying out. He didn't die directly, but he was extremely embarrassed!
He fell to the ground, rubbed his clothes on the ground, and everything was torn.

" is this possible?"

The people around didn't expect Tang Zhong to shoot so fast, even Liu Feng was pushed by him.

They remembered that this person's name was Yi Zhong, and he just entered the Spring and Autumn Academy!
Liu Feng fell to the ground, and immediately got up again, his face was covered with scars, and the meridians all over his body were in excruciating pain!
"You're dead!" Liu Feng yelled at Tang Zhong.

At this time, the crazy killing intent was boiling.

A long knife appeared in his hand.

And Tang Zhong didn't care about the other party's actions at all, but calmly said: "I have seen you!"

Liu Feng heard Tang Zhong's words: "Have you seen me?"

He can guarantee that he has never seen this person before!
Tang Zhong had definitely seen Liu Feng before, because when he was with the poisonous scorpion monster before, Jian Jiu brought people here, and this Liu Feng was among them.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said, and then he slowly took out the Broken Dragon Pestle.

Liu Feng smiled coldly there: "Fart, I haven't seen you at all!"

But when his eyes saw the Broken Dragon Pestle in Tang Zhong's hand, some memories appeared in his mind.

It was a memory from the previous days, the picture he saw among the crowd.

It was Senior Brother Jian Jiu who took him to destroy a man called the poisonous scorpion monster!
At that time, a person came out of the big demon's cave. That person's strength was actually able to fight with Senior Brother Jian Jiu. At that time, they wanted to chase him, but Senior Brother Jian Jiu said that he was no match for him!
But now Liu Feng saw that the weapon in Tang Zhong's hand in front of him was the same as the weapon in that person's hand.

Could it be...

Liu Feng's body trembled, could it be that this person is the same person as the one in front of him!

"Remember?" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

When Liu Feng heard this, he was absolutely sure that this person was that person!

Immediately, Liu Feng's legs went limp. He is not a strong man, at most he is a dog-legged person. Even Senior Brother Jian Jiu is not the opponent of the opponent, how could he be?
And now Liu Feng also understands why the other party rejected their Star Sword Club, even Senior Brother Jian Jiu was defeated by the other party, how could he join their Star Sword Club?

"My lord...have mercy!" Liu Feng changed his tune.

If not changed, then a dead end!
The people around didn't know what was going on with Liu Feng?

Call the other man an adult!

If it were someone else, they would have tolerated it, but this person is someone who rejected their Star Sword Society, so he should be executed!

"Liu Feng, what's the matter with you?"

"Why don't you do it!"

Liu Feng looked back at the group of people, he was really dazed by what the group of people said, can't he do it?

How does this make a person?
It's just a joke to say hands-on.

There is only one dead end.

And at this time, Tang Zhong had already made up his mind to do it, this time no one could survive from his hands!

Tang Zhong smashed the dragon pestle and killed it, only to see a red afterimage flickering past.

It was cut directly from Liu Feng's waist.

Immediately, Liu Feng's body was split into two, and he fell to the ground, dying directly.

The other people next to them were about to speak when they saw this scene, and they all trembled in fright.

"This this!"

They were all scared, now even Liu Feng is not the other party's opponent, how could they be!

How could this man be so strong?

"You... who are you?"

At this moment, the people around finally understood why Liu Feng called the other party a big shot, the other party was definitely a big shot!
Tang Zhong swept out with a sword again!

The sword light raged, directly penetrating the bodies of those people.

They didn't have a chance to react at all, their bodies were cut off by Lanyao, they fell to the ground and died, and soon the place became a pool of blood.

Those members of the Star Sword Society were all dead.

He didn't think anyone would see him kill, because before that, the people from the Star Sword Society had already driven away everyone else in this place, so there was absolutely no one else here.

After killing all the people, Tang Zhong sighed, even if he killed them now, it would be useless.

Because the heart of the wild stone was disturbed, and now it will definitely not convince other people casually.

This time I missed a great fortune.

It's all the people from the Star Sword Society.

Tang Zhong wished he could flog the corpses of those dead a few more times!

But Tang Zhong would not give up the heart of the wild stone, he walked back to the heart of the wild stone, stretched out his hand, and wanted to feel the other party!

Because he didn't want to miss this great fortune!

Re-enter the cave.

He saw that the heart of the wild stone was there

But this time, as soon as he took a step, the heart of the barren stone erupted with light, which was resisting, just like the beginning before, if he was hit by those light, he would be directly repelled and even flew up!
And if there is always that light, he may not be able to absorb the heart of the wild stone!

At this time, the broken dragon pestle suddenly flew out and turned into a little golden dragon.

The heart of the wild stone did not attack the broken dragon pestle.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong stared wide-eyed. He couldn't get the heart of the wild stone, but it seemed that he could get the broken dragon pestle. The heart of the wild stone was after the broken dragon pestle.

(End of this chapter)

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